Gilad Atzmon - Jihad Abu Az Zamman double bill (informative and enjoyable reads)

It might not be such a terrible thing for Gilad Atzmon to have his computer be tapped by the various bodies of Intelligence around the world. As we all know, they are far from what their name implies at times, and there are on occasion some Top Secret documents and projects that filter out. This is the latest in a series of super-reserved documents that Gilad has been able to obtain from Israel and share with the general public. This appears to be a version of a press release or a journalistic dispatch, which is more or less the same thing at the end of the day, and not only does it show the creativity of Israel, it gives us a glimpse into the dynamism of a typical brainstorming meeting of the top cabinet. To be informed is to be armed, as they say, so brothers and sisters, arm yourselves and take a look at the latest idea Israel has to guarantee the Security of the Jewish State.

Operation Security Roof
Developing Story
by Gilad Atzmon
And, read what Jihad Abu Az Zamman, the Palestinian reed player and writer has to say about Tony Blair:
"In his speech Blair insists upon changing the ‘Muslim value system’. It is “not just about changing regimes but changing the values systems governing the nations concerned... The banner was not actually ‘regime change’, it was ‘values change’.” A moralist may ask, what exactly grants one the ethical right to impose one’s values on others? My answer is simple: to assume that one’s value system is superior to others is called supremacy. However to use military might and violence in order to impose one’s value system is nothing but bigotry. Seemingly, the British PM, who happens to be a war criminal, a liar, a toddler and an expert on Islam happens to be a bigot as well. And the policy he advocates is nothing but state bigotry. To drag Britain into that form of crude bigotry is to turn the entire British society into bigots. The implications of such a policy are devastating indeed."