Without the Peace Movement, There Will Never Be Peace

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The political tide is turning against the war in Iraq -- but without a
strong peace movement, there will never be peace.

You can help sustain United for Peace and Justice by making a much-needed
donation of $20, $35, $50 or more today.
here to donate online or call 212-868-5545.

United for Peace and Justice is in a difficult moment, and we hope you'll
be able to help us out. Summertime is traditionally a slow time for
fundraising, and UFPJ often experiences a financial crunch following a
major mobilization like the successful April 29th March for Peace, Justice
and Democracy. On top of that, many of our supporters are making
contributions to congressional campaigns in an effort to change the face of
our elected leaders.

But as you know, without a broad grassroots movement of activists to put
pressure on them to act, simply putting new people into office will not be
enough. Without the peace movement, there will never be peace. You can help
ensure that the peace movement remains strong, focused and effective by
a donation to United for Peace and Justice

UFPJ has brought together over 1,400 local and national peace groups to
create the robust national movement that has helped convince the majority
of the people of this country that this war needs to end. UFPJ accomplishes
the extraordinary on a shoestring budget. Eight staff people work out of an
unfinished office using donated computers and hand-me-down furniture. Your
contribution to UFPJ doesn't pay for high salaries or fancy equipment; it
pays for concrete services to member groups and organizers around the
country: developing and producing organizing materials, maintaining our
website and its many resources, putting together organizing conferences,
facilitating coordinated days of action, and organizing major national

The peace movement is gaining momentum. Public sentiment against the war on
Iraq is at an all-time high. In every corner of the country people are
speaking out, holding weekly vigils, protesting whenever Bush
administration officials make public appearances, and much more. The
Legislative Action Network of United for Peace and Justice and other
grassroots activists have pressured Congress to reject permanent military
bases in Iraq, and slowly but surely more of our elected officials are
speaking out against the war.

But if the peace movement were to falter now, all of this success could all
too easily just melt away. You can make the difference, right now, by
a contribution to support United for Peace and Justice today.

Any amount, whether it is $5, $50 or $500, will help us continue our work
to bring an end to the war on Iraq, and prevent future wars. You can help
build long-term strength and stability for the peace and justice movement
by joining our UFPJ Sustainer program, and making gifts automatically each
month or quarter. Whatever you can give will be immediately put to good use
-- and each donation is greatly appreciated!

This is a crucial moment to increase our pressure on the Bush
administration and Congress. Your donation will keep these vital campaigns

for Peace Pledge Drives: We're making sure that war and peace are the
central issues in the November 2006 election. We're putting every
Congressional candidate -- incumbents and newcomers alike -- on notice that
if they want our votes, they must take a clear, public stand on ending the
Iraq war and preventing any other unjust, illegal war.

Grassroots Advocacy and Nonviolent Direct Action: We're escalating the
pressure on elected officials, through grassroots advocacy, public protest,
bird-dogging at public appearances and supporting nonviolent direct action
in our call for
actions against war profiteers on the August 6th and 9th anniversaries of
the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and our involvement with the
of Peace campaign.

Building a Stronger Peace Movement: We're organizing local and regional
meetings around the country to strengthen the peace movement in key

Keeping Peace in the Public Eye: We're working to elevate the public
profile of the peace movement through coordinated national and local media
work, including call-ins to talk shows, op-eds and letters to the editor,
as well as encouraging member groups to put up billboards, yard signs and
other public statements against the war.
full UFPJ plan for work for the rest of this year can be found on our

You can help sustain and strengthen all this work for peace by taking a
moment right now to
your donation to United for Peace and Justice.

How to donate:

1.	Online by credit card at
2.	If you prefer to donate by credit card over the phone, please call
our office at 212-868-5545. (Please note: Online donations and credit card
donations made by phone are *not* tax deductible.)
3.	You can also mail a check or money order to:
United for Peace and Justice
P.O. Box 607
Times Square Station
New York, NY 10108

Donations of *$100 or more* are tax-deductible if your check is made
payable to our 501 (c) 3 fiscal sponsor, the A.J. Muste Memorial Institute.
Be sure to specify "UFPJ" on the memo line.

Mail it to UFPJ at P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108.

Please note: Online donations, credit card donations and donations by check
that are less than $100 are not tax-deductible and must be made payable
directly to United for Peace and Justice.

Help us continue to do this critical work:
a donation to UFPJ today.

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