[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 22 Jul 2005 - Part One]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Remembering Srebrenica, Thinking Of Fallujah
Ghali Hassan, Countercurrents.org
...The Srebrenica “massacre” was just a propaganda coup for the US-NATO war
against the Republic of Yugoslavia. Subsequently, the US-NATO used the
“massacre” to intervene on behalf of the Bosnian Muslim leaders in the war
against Serb forces and in pursuit of their own imperialist agenda. The aim
was to break up the Republic of Yugoslavia and colonise Bosnia and Kosovo
(...) However when something worse than the Srebrenica “massacre” h!
appened in Fallujah, it was described by Western leaders and their media
accomplices as a “necessary step to hold elections and bring freedom and
democracy” to Iraq (...) As part of US-British war propaganda, Iraqi dead
are not counted, because they are considered inhumane. And even when Iraqi
dead are counted the number of dead is squeezed to serve a crafted purpose.
The July 13, 2005 report by the England-based Iraqi Body Count (IBC)
estimated that Iraqi civilian casualties to be between 22,838 and 25,869,
an extremely deflated number and contradicts previous credible counts. The
report is deliberately misleading and designed to normalise the atrocity
and blame the violence on Iraqis, ignoring the US Occupation as the main
cause of the violence today...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13981&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13981

How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings
Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com
...That's the tale of the "suicide bombers." The big problem with this
account is that a terror group would never deliberately waste valuable
human resources in suicide attacks, when suicide tactics are not needed. In
answer, mainstream media are now also pushing the line that they may have
been duped --and didn't know the bombs would explode immediately they were
set. In alternative media some are also pushing the idea that they simply
thoug! ht they transporting drugs. Both explanations assume the four did
actually carry the bombs onto London's Underground trains and a bus. Which
of course, they didn't. All this has been misdirection...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13972&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13972

Corporate Agribusiness, the Occupation of Iraq and the Dred Scott Decision
Home Grown Axis of Evil
HEATHER GRAY, CounterPunch
...The symbolism, much less the reality, of making Iraq's fertile crescent
into one of the major areas for GMO production would be altogether too
tantalizing for corporate agribusiness companies like Cargill and Monsanto.
Dan Amstutz obviously had input into the disastrous "transfer of
sovereignty" policies developed by the former Coalition Provisional
Authority (CPA) administrat! or L. Paul Bremer III in Iraq. Of the 100
orders left by Bremer, one is Order 81 on "Patent, Industrial Design,
Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety". Most are
saying that this order, if implemented, is a declaration of war against the
Iraqi farmers...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13970&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13970

Niger Yellowcake and The Man Who Forged Too Much
Pen, Daily Kos
They say all roads lead to Rome. Well, this one certainly does. It's a road
that starts in Paris, at the door of Iranian arms dealer and Mossad double
agent Manucher Ghorbanifar, a man known to the CIA as an "intelligence
fabricator". It's a road that runs through Niger uranium mines, past a
Genoan fascist organization operating as a parallel Italian intelligence
network with ties to Rocco Martino, and down the streets of Milan, where a
CIA operat! ive, now considered a fugitive at large by Italian authorities,
once operated. Ultimately, however, it is a road that does not end in Rome.
It runs past that ancient icon of Imperial corruption and leads us to
Washington D.C., past a Federal Investigation into Israeli espionage and
right up to the steps of the White House and Dick Cheney's Office of
Special Plans. All signs along this road point to the answer to the
question: Who forged the Niger Uranium Documents?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13977&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13977

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 22 July 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,
the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
In a dispatch posted at 4:55pm Mecca time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat
al-Islam reported that a short while before an Iraqi Resistance bomb
exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol near the al-Jaghifi neighborhood
in the north of al-Fallujah. Residents of al-Jaghifi told the al-Fallujah
correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that a bomb! that was planted by the
side of the main road, known as ash-Shurtah Road, blew up as a joint patrol
of Americans and Iraqi puppet troops was passing by...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13989&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13989

America's Downing Syndrome, or Why the Not-So-Secret
Lila Rajiva, www.dissidentvoice.org
It's official now. The leaked Downing Street memos have confirmed that Lt.
General Michael Moseley, who commanded allied air forces during the Iraq
war, admitted in a briefing in 2003 that starting nine months before the
invasion, British and American aircraft waged a secret air war against
Iraq. Britain's Liberal Democrats party has obtained Ministry of Defense
figures showing that Britain and the United States dropped twice! as many
bombs in the second half of 2002 as in the whole of 2001, according to the
Times of London. The escalated attacks began in May 2002, six months before
the United Nations resolution that Prime Minister Tony Blair cited as the
legal basis for war...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13985&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13985

The Bigger Picture
Reggie Rivers
...But what's not so clear is why we're focusing so intensely on this piece
of the puzzle rather than the big picture. The Bush administration launched
a war on false pretenses; caused the deaths of thousands of American
soldiers and Iraqi citizens; has so far spent $192 billion on fighting in
Iraq (the Congressional Budget Office estimates that war expenses will hit
$600 billion by 2010); has created record-setting budget deficits; pushed
the national debt to a new high; and is h! olding prisoners in extra-legal
limbo - all of which damages the U.S. Rove's decision to do what he did is
evidence that the Bush administration was willing to do just about anything
to persuade the American people to support the war...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13982&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13982

Syria accuses US forces of killing two Syrian security guards
Damascus said that its forces on the border with Iraq are often exposed to
fire by the American army and the Iraqi forces, adding that this resulted
in killing two of those guards at the hands of the American soldiers. The
Syrian deputy foreign minister Walid al-Mu'allim said that the security
forces on the border are attacked not only by persons who infiltrated the
border, but also by the American and Iraqi forces. He noted that 100 cla!
shes took place on the border...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13991&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13991

Karl, Karl, Karl
...Bush and Karl are tied together in a Devil's Knot. It is a symbiotic
relationship. Neither exceeds the sum of their total. They rise and fall
together, or not at all. No one else could make Bush look as good, no one
else can make Rove less unsavory. This is a fight for the very existence
they have created together, for, and with, each other...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13978&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13978

GI Special 3B97: The Traitors At Ft. Carson - July 22, 2005
...A Fort Carson soldier has been convicted of intent to avoid hazardous
duty what amounts to desertion and is serving time in a military prison
after trying to declare himself a conscientious objector. Army officials
also have filed a felony charge against his wife, alleging she was
enticing, abetting a deserter, her attorney said. Spc. Dale Bartell,
assigned to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, didnt always oppose war. He
enlist! ed almost three years ago and served a tour in Iraq. But Bartell
and his wife, Amy Bartell, joined a Mennonite church, and their
philosophies changed, she said Wednesday outside a U.S. District courtroom
in Colorado Springs where she was scheduled for a hearing...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13976&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13976

Will a Voice of Conscience Be Heard?
Conscientious Objection on Trial: The Court Martial of Kevin Benderman
Kevin B. Zeese
This Wednesday, May 11, the court martial of Sgt. Kevin Benderman begins.
Sgt. Benderman, who has served in the military for eight years including
one tour of duty in Iraq, filed for conscientious objector status after
seeing the reality of war in Iraq. He has been denied and now faces court
martial on two counts, for desertion with the intent to avoid hazardous
duty and mis! sing movement by design. He could spend five years
incarcerated if found guilty of the first charge and up to two years for
the second. Kevin Benderman's opposition to war – all war – is based on his
experience in Iraq...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13986&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13986

London duds
Two weeks ago: four bombs, four spectacular successes. Yesterday: four
bombs, four duds. But lots of evidence left behind so the London police can
get untracked from their bozo investigation and find some people to frame
(to be fair to the police, I think they started a legitimate criminal
investigation which became corrupted by Blair's political considerations
and the need to find guilty Muslims). Hasib Hussain, the owner of magic
pants, also had a magic passport, and didn't in fact go to Pa! kistan (yet
another case of a convenient mistake)...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13969&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13969

Iraqi forces nowhere near being able to fight insurgency on their own,
Senate told
Julian Borger, The Guardian
The Iraqi government's forces are nowhere near battle ready and only a
small number are capable of fighting the insurgency on their own, according
to a newly declassified Pentagon document. The assessment, provided to the
Senate by General Peter Pace, the newly appointed chairman of the joint
chiefs of staff, paints a stark picture of Iraqi military readiness that
contrasts with the Pentagon's upbeat off! icial tone...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13987&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13987

Master Plan
Chris Floyd
The United States long ago ceased to be anything like a living, thriving
republic. But it retained the legal form of a republic, and that counted
for something: As long as the legal form still existed, even as a gutted
shell, there was hope it might be filled again one day with substance. But
now the very legal structures of the Republic are being dismantled. The
principle of arbitrary rule by an autocratic leader is being openly
established, through a series of unchallenged executive orde! rs, perverse
Justice Department rulings and court decisions by sycophantic judges who
defer to power -- not law -- in their determinations. What we are
witnessing is the creation of a "commander-in-chief state," where the form
and pressure of law no longer apply to the president and his designated
agents. The rights of individuals are no longer inalienable, nor are their
persons inviolable; all depends on the good will of the Commander, the
military autocrat...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13988&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13988

Bush and Blair: On the wrong course
Jack MacAndrew
There is mounting evidence that the lies perpetrated by the Bush
administration are beginning to be perceived for what they were — and are:
political and ideological fabrications cut from whole cloth to mask the
real reasons President Bush led his nation into the swamp of Iraq, where it
now thrashes about mindlessly like an old Holstein cow trying to extricate
itself from the sticky slime of a mudhole. According to a recent survey,
half of the Americans polled — ! 50 per cent — now believe their President,
their Commander-in-Chief, to be a liar.

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13967&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13967

They Are Not “Conspiracy Theories”
They Are, in Fact, “Discoveries”
Jesse, Editor, TVNewsLies.org
It is currently standard practice in America to simply dismiss any piece of
information that punches a hole in any widely accepted explanation of a
disturbing event. In many cases, especially when a serious crime is in
question, the "conspiracy theory" tag is immediately attached to any new
discovery about the event. Information related to such important topics
such as 9/11, election fraud, the new world order, se! cret societies, or
globalization is too often ignored as part of a baseless conspiracy theory
even before any of it is ever presented, discussed, or evaluated. There
seems to be no set criteria for dismissing information as a foolish
conspiracy theory. The only prerequisite for information to be so
categorize seems to be the desire to reject it...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13966&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13966

Peter Fredson, Bellaciao
One wonders if President Bush told his soldiers about his (or Karl Rove’s)
plans for world conquest before he sent them to make war on Iraqis. For
Instance did he inform his troops that: He and his neocon friends had
planned to go to war with Iraq before he even was selected to become
President? The Downing Street Memos revealed his intentions to make war
long before he sought any kind of UN authorization to go to war?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13980&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13980

300 Events to Call for Bush's Impeachment over 'Downing Street' Allegations
Activists seeking to impeach President George W. Bush have planned 300-plus
events nationwide Saturday to mark the third anniversary of a top-level
meeting of British officials that they say proves the White House
manipulated intelligence and lied to Congress to justify its war against
Iraq. Members of Congress were to headline at least eight of the town hall
meetings and rallies organized by the AfterDowningStreet.org coalition ! in
Detroit, Seattle, New York, Inglewood and Oakland, California, and other

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13964&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13964

Republican Opposition to Iraq War Growing
Now There Are Nine
Kevin Zeese, Democracy Rising
First it was Walter Jones (R-NC) who began to speak out in favor of an exit
strategy for Iraq. Now there are nine. This is still a trickle – but it is
a growing one. And as the support for the war decreases, evidence of the
failure of the occupation and the increased risk the occupation poses to
security at home becomes more apparent, this trickle could develop into a
pounding river. Rep. Jones has called for an exit s! trategy for two
reasons. First, he recognizes that he was misled into supporting the war by
misinformation about weapons of mass destruction. Second, he cares deeply
for U.S. troops and after writing hundreds of letters to the families of
soldiers who died in Iraq he thought it was time for them to begin to come

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13962&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13962

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 21 July 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,
the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
...The various organizations taking part in the Iraqi Resistance issued a
statement that was distributed around mosques in Baghdad on Thursday,
declaring that they have nothing to do with attacks that target Iraqi
civilians and accusing the occupation forces of mounting mortar attacks on
homes and using car bombs to attack Iraqi ci! vilians...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13961&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13961

Residents fleeing Tal Afar
Fear of military attack on insurgents spurs exodus
Jane Arraf, CNN
As U.S. soldiers construct a wall around the troubled city of Tal Afar to
keep out fighters and weapons, residents are fleeing in fear of an imminent
military attack by American and Iraqi forces against insurgents still in
the city, according to a senior military commander. "It's not a mass exodus
right now, but people have moved out of the city along kinship lines," Col.
H.R. McMaster, commander of th! e Army's 3rd Armored Cavalry, which is
responsible for security in Tal Afar, told CNN...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13979&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13979

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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