[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 18 Jul 2005]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

The “Bloody Footprints” at 10 Downing Street
Mike Whitney
...So, we will never completely know the level of government involvement in
the London bombings, nor do we need to. We know that terror serves the
greater interests of the state, props up the flagging careers of inept
politicians, savages civil liberties, incites violence against minorities,
divides society into hostile political encampments and vindicates the war
agenda. We also know that Blair’s fear mongering on the attacks has
enhanced his standing wit! h the British people and increased his ability
to manipulate public opinion. This is consistent with our original thesis
that that the imperial tool-chest contains only two implements; fear and
deception. Blair is a master of both. We also know that the government
version of events is unadulterated fakery; a hopeless tangle of loose-ends,
spurious allegations and blatant propaganda...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13845&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13845

Why does America need foreign support ?
Jean Bricmont, BRussells Tribunal
An international one-day conference on rebuilding Iraq sponsored by the
United States and the European Union, which has to drawn foreign ministers
from the 25-nation European Union, the United States, Iraq and many others
took place in Brussels on June 22. This raises several questions : why does
the US want an international conference with the participation of European
countries two years after its « victory » in Iraq ? What can be expecte! d
from this conference ? And how should the antiwar movement in Europe react
? (...) First of all, the mere fact that it takes place shows that the
United States is in big trouble.When it invaded Iraq, it didn't expect to
come begging for support two years later from « Old Europe » ; like the «
freedom fries » congressman, the US government has received from the Iraqi
resistance a serious lesson of humility. But all the Brussels Conference is
likely to offer is moral support. Whether this will have any effect in
Iraq, where people face facts, not symbols, remains to be seen. The real
target of support is the US population- opposition to the war is mounting,
the army has increasing recruitment problems (despite extra bonuses offered
to soldiers), and the morale of the troops is low. Therefore, the US
government wants to be able to show to its population that the «
international community » supports its efforts in Iraq...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13841&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13841

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 18 July 2005.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,
the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
...Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US occupation headquarters located
to the east of ar-Ramadi, 110km west of Baghdad at midnight Sunday-Monday
(...) Sources in the Iraqi puppet military told Mafkarat al-Islam that the
Resistance bombardment was extremely violent as eight mortar rounds and
seven Katyusha rockets blasted into t! he American-occupied installation,
killing and wounding a large number of US troops. Residents of ar-Ramadi
reported that the American occupation forces responded by firing 19
artillery shells into neighborhoods in the center of ar-Ramadi, heavily
damaging several houses and killing nine civilian residents of the city,
among them five women and children...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13868&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13868

Who are the British authorities trying to protect?
Since even British officials are now backing off from the theory that the
London bombs were the work of men who intended to be suicide bombers, we
are left with trying to determine what the four of them thought they were
doing. The authorities would like us to believe that their Islamic
terrorist handler misled them into believing that the timers in the bags
was set so that they could get away before the bombs went off. That still
doesn't explain why th! ey seemed so cavalier about being seen together in
video cameras...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13858&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13858

London plot thickens, as does propaganda
Larry Chin, Online Journal Associate Editor
As was the case following 9/11 and all post-9/11 "terror" events, an
official new propaganda legend is being constructed to justify whatever
Anglo-American-Israeli aggression that is sure to follow. Meanwhile, the
list of unanswered questions, irregularities, and inconsistencies continues
to grow, along with dramatically zigzagging cover stories and anti-Muslim
agitation. Another large-scale government and media deception is well!

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13862&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13862

‘He’s In the Highest Spirits’
Saddam’s lawyer discusses the charges against the former dictator and how
he spends his time as a prisoner
Joshua E.S. Phillips, Newsweek
...Based on the charges you've heard about, how are you preparing your
defense? We are really in the dark, expecting some charges, believing that
some of the accusations might be charges. We're doing our best to prepare
an argument about the illegality of the invasion, the lies of the U.S.
government and its officials for the pre! text of the war, and the [U.S.]
crimes against humanity with the killing [by some estimates] of 100,000
[Iraqi] civilians, demolishing cities, killing people indiscriminately.
(...) Is Saddam feeling optimistic about the trial? Not [about] the trial.
He doesn't think about it--really. But he's very optimistic that the people
of Iraq will kick the Americans out...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13864&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13864

The Iraqis Did Not Kill Our Ambassador
Mohammed Waked
The death of our ambassador ended an important and short lived drama in
Egypt: Sending him, confusion about why he was sent, appeals made to not
send him, kidnapping him, appeals made to release him, and finally killing
him. With the termination of this episode another more sensational one
seems to be about to be released. Like our movies, it is not difficult to
anticipate where the scenario is taking us. The regime will try to provoke
an angry popular respons! e to this brutal and miserable death and to use
it to its favor...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13851&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13851

Did Washington try to manipulate Iraq’s election?
...A Pentagon consultant who deals with the senior military leadership
acknowledged that the American authorities in Iraq “did an operation” to
try to influence the results of the election. “They had to,” he said. “They
were trying to make a case that Allawi was popular, and he had no juice.” A
government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon’s civilian leaders
said, “We didn’t want to take a chance.” I was ! informed by several former
military and intelligence officials that the activities were kept, in part,
“off the books”—they were conducted by retired C.I.A. officers and other
non-government personnel, and used funds that were not necessarily
appropriated by Congress...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13850&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13850

GI Special 3B93: "This Is Just Ridiculous" - July 17, 2005
...The military uses the term "stop loss'' to describe the process that
forces troops to stay in active service even though they are scheduled to
get out. "I never heard about stop loss until I got to my first duty
station,'' Ryan said. He was sent to Iraq in April 2003, where he drove an
ambulance. He doesn't like Iraq. The heat is difficult. He discovered he
doesn't much like the military. "You're always thinking about home,'' Ryan
said. "It seems like! the days go by fast and the day you're supposed to go
home keeps getting farther and farther away.'' This isn't the first time
the Army has snatched away one of those all-important dates. On his 21st
birthday, a week before leaving for Kuwait after serving 10 months in Iraq,
Ryan's unit was extended another four months. The troops had been packed
and ready to go, a chore in the heat...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13852&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13852

Economic Injustice: America's New Leading Export
Jason Miller, OrbStandard
In a startling turn of events, a new commodity has surpassed jobs as the
number one US export. Starting with Iraq, President Bush has dedicated
himself to exporting economic injustice, which Americans possess in such
abundance that it has become our top export. Here in America, we are living
one of the biggest lies perpetrated in human history, and if our ruling
plutocracy has its way, the rest of the world will one day enjoy the
pleasant ! fiction that they live in a nation of justice and economic

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13843&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13843

Bush Fire Rove? Why? Bush Loves Felons; Just Look All Around Him!
Jesse, Editor, TvNewsLIES.org
...Here is a hint for you scandal seekers, try looking into fixed
elections, 9/11 complicity, lying a nation into invading and destroying
another nation or just pick a topic and look hard enough. Anywhere you look
you’ll find a jackpot of scandals. Stop pretending that this leak thing is
a big story. It’s standard operating procedure for the PNAC members who
have taken over our government by coup d’etat, and have stre! ngthened
their grasp on illegitimate power thanks to their new Pearl Harbor on
9/11/2001. Rove is just a distraction. The leak is being treated as if it
were an exception to the rule when in fact it is simply just another brick
in the wall...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13854&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13854

The Sounds of Hope
Cindy Sheehan
...However, I would like the withdrawal to begin tomorrow, because I don't
even want to try and imagine the sounds Casey heard before he died. I don't
want to imagine the sound of the bullet strong enough to pierce the Kevlar
coating on his helmet to rip through his skull. I don’t want to know the
sounds of a mother in Iraq wailing for her entire family. These sounds need
to stop immediately. It is time to bring our troops home...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13861&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13861

Raw acquires copy of letter penned by UK ambassador in lead-up to war:
'Need to wrongfoot Saddam'
Larisa Alexandrovna and John Byrne, RAW STORY
RAW STORY has acquired a copy of the Mar. 18, 2002 letter dispatched from
then-British ambassador to the United States Sir Christopher Meyer to Tony
Blair's chief foreign policy advisor, David Manning. The release comes on
the heels of the third anniversary of the Downing Street minutes. The
minutes documented a high-level meeting between the Blair and Bush
governments, a! t which the director of British intelligence declared 'the
facts were being fixed around the policy' before either nation sought
approval for war. The copy, obtained through British channels, provides
further indication of the veracity of the documents and offers striking
visual evidence that the communications were made at the highest levels of
the Blair government. Meyer drafted the letter on British Embassy

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13856&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13856

U.S. forces behind deadly children bomb: Iraqi experts
Iraqi experts are saying that the recent car bomb that killed some 18
children was not the work of the anti-occupation fighters but of the U.S.
occupation troops. A traffic lieutenant who asked not to be identified said
to a media source that U.S. solders crazily raced out of the street less
than a minute before the explosion and that after the blast they did not
return to the bomb scene but continued to hurry out of the area...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13853&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13853

Why Plame Matters
Ray McGovern, Tompaine.com
The significance of the Plame affair is not about former U.S. ambassador
Joseph Wilson; or his wife, Valerie Plame; or Vice President Dick Cheney's
chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby; or even President George W.
Bush's alter ego, Karl Rove. White House v. Wilsons is about Iraq, where
our sons and daughters—and many others—are daily meeting violent death. And
it's about manipulation. It's about how our elected representatives were
deceived into voting for an unpr! ovoked war and what happened when one man
stood up and called the administration's bluff. ...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13865&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13865

Oil-Control Formula
Robert Dreyfuss
George W. Bush’s war in Iraq may not be going as planned. But for those
who’ve stopped believing the myth that prewar Iraq represented any sort of
threat to the United States, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence
mounting that the real reason for the American invasion of Iraq was the
most obvious one: Oil. In this case, “oil” doesn’t mean that we went to war
for the commercial benefit of U.S. oil companies—and in fact, as I reported
in Mother Jones magazine in early 2003,! before the war, most U.S. oil
firms and their executives were against the war. But in Iraq, “oil” means
the strategic commodity that is the single most important world resource.
Even a novice geostrategist knows that who controls oil controls the world.
And in this case, America’s rival for control of oil is, first and
foremost, China...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13866&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13866

What the Hell is Congress doing? It's time to Sweep the House.
Ben Frank
What the Hell is Congress doing? Government lying and corruption has been
exposed like never before and Congress is still naming Post Offices! After
the ground-breaking Downing Street Memo Hearing last month- Bush and Cheney
should be under full investigation if not behind bars by now. Most DC
Democrats won't even talk about the memo... ... and those that do only go
so far as to ask for an inquiry. The evidence is already public knowledge-
w! e don't need no stinkin' inquiry, we need impeachment hearings- Now!
Instead we have a bunch of Democrats following the media and talking about

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13839&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13839

Families returning to Karabila in need
Nearly all residents from the town of Karabila, in Iraq’s western Anbar
governorate have returned, but are now in need of humanitarian assistance.
They fled a heavy US-led attack four weeks ago against insurgents, aid
agencies said. Some 65 percent of buildings in the town have been damaged
following battles between US forces and insurgents, according to the Iraqi
Red Crescent Society (IRCS)...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13857&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13857

What Does "Fair and Balanced" Journalism Mean?
Stan Moore, MMN
...Fair and balanced? Fair to who? Fair to liars who do not want to be
exposed? Fair to the proponents of the Weapons of Mass Destruction
argument? Fair to the fabricators of the deceptions used by Colin Powell in
his speech to the United Nations? What form of journalism would be fair and
balanced for the cause of peace? What form of journalism would be fair and
balanced for the sake of Iraqi freedom? What form of journalism would be
fair and balanced! for the sake of justice for the Palestinians? What form
of journalism would be fair and balanced for the benefit of the American
taxpayer and his future under a heavy burden of wealth transfer to the
wealthy elite?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13859&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13859

Why Few Graphic Images from Iraq Make it to U.S. Papers
Barbara Bedway, E & P
In May, the Los Angeles Times released a survey revealing how few
photographs of wounded or dead American service members in Iraq were
appearing in U.S. publications. Newspaper editors seemed to agree that one
primary obstacle was logistical: Given the sporadic nature of the violence
occurring in a country the size of California, getting to the news is a
dangerous challenge in itself. But when photographers are indeed able to
capture su! ch scenes, what happens to those images?...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13863&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13863

Do It in September
A Weekend to Stop the War
RON JACOBS, CounterPunch
In a little more than two months, a weekend of protest against the war in
Iraq is scheduled to take place in Washington, DC, San Francisco, London,
and several other cities around the globe. Like other protests against the
US war on the world, this weekend is being organized by a wide number of
organizations and individuals who are often not in agreement about many
related subjects. As a participant in the protests, however, these di!
sagreements should be secondary to our actual presence. With the US
military death toll rapidly nearing 2000 and the Iraqi and Afghani cost in
lives unknown to the general public, this is no time to debate subtleties
of theory and politics...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13860&s2=19>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=13860

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information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
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