The Cat's Dream NewsLetter

Dear friends,

You must have already heard of the WORLD TRIBUNAL on IRAQ. This is one of
the most important initiatives which has been going on around the world for
the past two years. Please take the time to visit

In Rome, from February 10th to February 13th there will be the next session
of the World Tribunal on Iraq: Media Wrongs Against Truth and Humanity -
Exposing the Politics of Disinformation

How many times have we heard or thought "It's the media, stupid!". Now it's
time to do something about it. Please, endorse, publicize and support this
event! Thank you.

Contact: Jayan Nayar - Walter Musco
Peoples' Law Programme
Lelio Basso International Foundation
Via della Dogana Vecchia, 5 - 00186 Rome Italy
Tel. 0039. - Fax 0039.
wti-italia at

If you would like to make a financial contribution to WTI-Italia, below is
provided the account details (please state purpose as WTI-Italia, and
inform us of your contribution)

Account Name:		Flavia Gasperetti (state as purpose - WTI-Italia)
Bank:			Banca Etica
Account:		114581
ABI:			05018
CAB:			03200
IBAM:			IT05 X050 1803 2000 0000 0114 581

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