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A black day in Israel - Human trategy
- Subject: A black day in Israel - Human trategy
- From: thor at peace.is
- Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 10:41:02 +0200
israel1 A black day in Israel Peace 2000 witnesses a human tragety - We need a solution now! By Thor Magnusson - Jerusalem 15th May 2001 - www.peace2000.org15th. May 2001. It¥s aday remembered by Palestinians as the 'Black Day' - the day that theylost their country to Israel. It¥s a human tragety. Violence is escalating. This photograph is from a Jerusalem suburb, on the wayto Ramala.Just before Ramala, there isRam. Israeli soldiers on every courner. Suddenly a shot. The car in front has been hit. A father comes out with a crying daughter in his arms.In a Ramalademonstration. It looks peaceful. Hundreds of people in the street - Israeli soldiers inthe far distance. Some 100 meters apart. Suddenly shoots are fired. The people startrunning away.Shot in the head. Hisbrain is out. They fight for his life. The doctor does not expect him to live the night!The ambulance needs cleaning. Blood being paid for what?The family patiently awaits inthe hospital. Will he survive?An Israeli hero - fighting toend the violnece: Abrave young man of Israel is fighting for peace. Peace 2000 hasrecognized his contribution to end the violence. Here is anextract of the speach delivered by Thor Magnusson for Peace 2000 whenthe Leifr Eiriksson Peace Award was presented to Gabriel Wolff who hasrefused to serve in the Israeli military: Theperson who many of us regard as the modern time Godfather of peace,Mahatma Gandhi, said that an eye for an eye retaliation would soon makethe whole world blind. These words are as true today, as they were in India in thelast century. Fortunatelymy nation, the Icelanders, learned this lesson a thousand years ago. The award we arepresenting here today is named after Leifr Eiriksson, son of Iceland,discoverer of Vinland - the American continent in the year 1000. On thesame year, when Icelandwas facedwith a civil war and an invasion by a foreign power, the Vikingsgathered at the Althing in an attempt to resolve their differences onreligion and land disputes. Forthe last thousand years, Icelanders have solved their disputes anddifferences in peaceful discussions at the Althing, which was originallyfounded in the year 930 and is now the oldestcontinuous legislative body on the planet. At the beginning of its meeting in the year 1000, a gravesituation faced the Althing. Acivil war was eminent. Christiansand the traditional Viking Godic worshippers had become divided andbroken their association formed 70 years earlier when the Althing wasoriginally founded. Godicmembers were in great majority, but the Christians had the support ofthe powerful Norwegian King. Christianity was spreading throughoutEurope - often through massive bloodshed. Itwas at this historic meeting at the Althing in the year 1000 thatThorgeir LjÛsvetningago•i, a renowned wise man and peacemaker wasappointed as the Law Speaker. Afterdays of heated debate, the Althing delegates came to a compromise whichwould make Christianity the religion of Iceland, but at the same timeallowing private worship of the old Gods. Afterhaving retired for some two days to his tent to carefully consider thealternatives, Thorgeir presented his proposal. Despite being a Godic worshipper himself he came forward with acontroversial proposal centered upon great tolerance towards bothreligions. The situationwas heated and he had to carefully choose his words but through hisspeach he appealed to all men to permanently lay down their arms andresort to solving their differences through peaceful dialogues at theAlthing. This became thecornerstone of a culture of peace that has lasted ever since, apart froma brief period in the thirteenth century. While violent wars plagued the world, the Icelanders became theonly nation in the world to never carry weapons. The LeifrEiriksson Peace Awardis presented to those people around the worldwho today carry on this culture of peace. Othercountries have followed in the footsteps of the Vikings with greatsuccess. Costa Ricaabolished their military establishment some 50 years ago. Former President, Nobel Price Laurette Oscar Arias Sanches hascorrectly pointed out that almost in every instance a national armyposes the greatest security threat to their own civilian population. Thereis a growing population of war resisters in the world that in the searchfor a lasting peace, we must abolish the national military concept. That the long term security of our planet and peoples, theprosperity and happiness of our societies will be greatly enhanced withour lands free of armed forces. Severalproposals have been made how this could be implemented, which I will notgo into the details of now, but will mention one outstanding report onthis issue, that is the United Nations report on Common Security by theOlav Palme Commission which was done with the participation ofrepresentatives from 16 nations around the world. Ihave come here to present the Leifr Eiriksson Peace Award to anextraordinary young man who has shown both courrage and extremededication in restistance to the use of military forces against acivilian population. He hasrefused to serve in the army, and has spent almost two months in prisonfor it. He was releasedfrom prison only yesterday, but is expecting to be arrested again thiscoming Sunday as he will again refuse to enlist into the military. This yount man is a bold representative of war resisters, adedicated person of high morals that is ready to stand up for hisbeliefs that a military solution cannot work for Israel and Palestine. That the Israeli and Palestine people must learn to becomefriends and together build this land into a great nation of prosperityand happiness as one family ñ as one part of our human family whoultimately all share the same destiny. Itis with deep honor, I present this award to Gabriel Wolff, a ninteenyear old talented Israeli Mucisian and a man of great foresight who iswholehearterly devoted to peace. May I please ask Gabriel to come here to accept this awardfor himself and as a representative for the several other youngconscientious objectors in Israel that with great courrage have opposedthe armed forces and refused to hold a gun against their fellowcitizents. For more visit www.peace2000.org Is this the future law speaker of a new Althing in Jerusalem? 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