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[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 22 Nov 2004]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

La Nazione Araba ha una Missione Eterna: Unità, Libertà, Socialismo
Il Partito Baath Arabo Socialista
...Il Baath aveva detto agli Iracheni ed alla Nazione Araba, in un
ulteriore comunicato del 5 di questo mese, che la distruzione delle
infrastrutture dell'autorità fantoccio rappresenta il cuore della Strategia
della Resistenza Armata Irachena e, infatti, i militanti del Baath ed i
Mujahideen della Resistenza Irachena hanno tenuto fede alle proprie

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7470&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7470

U.S. assault on Falluja incites new uprisings
John Catalinotto
...Perhaps the closest historical example for Falluja is Hue. After all, it
was Viet namese resistance organizer and communist leader Ho Chi Minh who
said the Vietnamese were ready to fight for decades, even generations, if
necessary. The New York Times gave a hint of this when its reporter in
Mosul wrote about the children at one playground there. "Amin Muhammad, 10,
and his friends raced around with plastic guns. 'We divide ourse! lves into
two teams,' he said. 'The mujahedeen versus the U.S. forces.' And in their
battles, he said, the mujahedeen always win"...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7485&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7485

Why People Won't See
How your government gets away with murder
John Kaminski
...But in the conversation between you and me, Craig, we both know that WE
are partly responsible — not matter how small or unwilling a part — for the
American mass murder in Iraq, because we know we are American citizens and
as such have a responsibility for controlling what our government does, at
least if we are to believe and endorse the fact that America is a
participatory democracy in which the people are ultimately responsible! for
what their government does. Of course on another level, we have absolutely
no control over what our government does. The Congress and most elected
officials throughout America are bought off by the financial
powers-that-be, and they do what they want, ordinary people like you and me
be damned...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7486&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7486

Anti-war group slams the BBC
Jonathan Marciano
A MUSWELL Hill anti-war group has launched a campaign against the BBC's
Iraq coverage. The Muswell Hill Stop The War Group, which counts Victoria
Wood and Juliet Stevenson among its backers, has accused the corporation of
unfair reporting. Robin Beste, 60, from Muswell Road, complained about
Newsnight's coverage on the assault on the Iraqi city of Falluja. Mr Beste
said: "The broadcasts are simply a one dimensional justification of the

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7484&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7484

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 21 November 2004
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The
Free Arab Voice.
In a dispatch posted at 10:40pm Mecca time Sunday night, the Mafkarat
al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that until 9pm local time
Sunday night calm had prevailed in the city during the day after the
fighting that raged during the night quieted down around dawn. No US
aircraft were observed flying over the city, nor did the American forces
bombard ! any neighborhoods of the city, not from the air, nor by mortar or
tank fire as has been a regular occurrence since the offensive on the city

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7477&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7477

Mosul Offensive Looms Large
Saleh Amer, IOL Correspondent
Iraq's ethnically diverse northern city of Mosul is bracing for a
full-scale offensive as the US-led occupation troops seem poised to
replicate the onslaught on war-battered Fallujah. Despite the relatively
tranquil atmosphere prevailing in the city following days of fierce clashes
culminating in the killing of nine Iraqi troops, many Mosul residents
believe that it is only a lull before another storm...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7482&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7482

AMS criticises Iraq conference
...Shaikh Harith al-Dhari, secretary-general of the AMS, told Aljazeera
that ending the occupation was the main solution for the conflict in Iraq.
"We have no hope in the Sharm al-Shaikh conference, with its current
composition and officially announced targets," al-Dhari said. "We believe
that the conference will mainly focus on helping the occupation against the
difficulties it faces in Iraq, with the help of the Iraqi government,
appointed by the occupation"...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7481&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7481

IRAQ: Political blowback from Fallujah begins
Rohan Pearce, Green Left Weekly
...As in Vietnam, the resistance offensive in Mosul, Iraq's third largest
city with at least 1.8 million residents, has proved that the US is unable
to crush a guerrilla force that enjoys the support of most of the
population. At Matthews' prompting, Ware drew a comparison between the
Iraqi insurgency and the US experience of trying to crush Vietnam's
national liberation movement. "It was once said that [in Vietnam] the only
ground the ! US soldier could control is that beneath his feet", Ware said.
"Well, in many regards, so it is in Iraq. We do not control this country.
We may have territory, but we do not have the substance of the people, nor
of the land...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7480&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7480

Iraq: The Uncounted
Approximately 300,000 American men and women have served at one time or
another in Iraq. Most will return to the United States more or less intact.
But some come home the hard way - on a stretcher, bloody and broken. And,
as Correspondent Bob Simon says, there are few bloodier or more broken than
Chris Schneider. (...) Today, Schneider walks with a limp, on his
artificial leg. But even though he was injured while on a mission in a war
zone - and even though he'll receive the same benefits! as a soldier who'd
been shot - he is not included in the Pentagon's casualty count (...) How
many injured and ill soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines - like Chris
Schneider - are left off the Pentagon's casualty count? ...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7483&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7483

Fierce clashes renew in Iraq's Fallujah
Fierce clashes between US-led forces and defenders of Fallujah renewed
Monday Morning as relief teams were struggling to enter the battle-torn
central Iraqi city. "Fierce clashes are underway in Jolan, Askari and
Shuhadaa neighborhoods," witnesses told Xinhua. They said several relief
teams were conducting hard negotiationswith the US troops to have access to
the city and provide assistance to the wounded and bury the dead...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7478&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7478

FLASHBACK: Defending Saddam, Not President Bush
Jude Wanniski
...In the last several years I have written myriad commentaries about
Saddam, including several explicit memos "In Defense of Saddam Hussein" on
this website. Go into the site search and you will find them. The only
reason I can write in this vein is only that I believe he has been unjustly
accused of a specific charge. I cannot defend him or his regime against
charges that are beyond my ken and I have never done so. But where I have
had access to info! rmation and expertise on other serious charges leveled
against Saddam and have concluded he was innocent of those charges, I could
in good conscience step forward in his defense.This is not something I
undertook in the last year and a half, but an enterprise I began in 1990,
at the time of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. In the years since, I have
concluded that he could be defended for his decisions in the war with Iran,
defended for his decisions in Iraq's conflict with Kuwait, defended against
the charge that he committed genocide against the Kurds, defended against
the charge that he tried to assassinate former President Bush in 1993...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=4249&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=4249

Iraqi elections announced amid mass repression
James Cogan, WSWS
In the wake of the American military slaughter in Fallujah, the
US-installed interim government announced over the weekend that elections
will be held on January 30, 2005. The elections, if they take place at all,
will have no legitimacy. They will be controlled to ensure they result in
the formation of a loyal US puppet regime that signs away Iraq's oil
resources to US corporations and agrees to an indefinite American military
presence in the count! ry. No candidate will be permitted to put forward
the view of the majority of the Iraqi people, who want all US and foreign
troops to leave...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7479&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7479

Saddam's Cronies May Sue U.S. for War Crimes
Members of Saddam Hussein's ousted regime are considering suing the Bush
administration in the World Court for alleged war crimes in Iraq, the chief
of the fallen dictator's legal team said today. Ziad said the legal team
could not initiate legal action on its own against the US government in the
International Court of Justice because the tribunal refuses to hear any
individual cases. "Since the World Court doesn't accept cases from
individuals, the lawsuit could ! be filed on behalf of members of President
Saddam's government," al-Khasawneh said...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7475&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7475

Senior Sunni cleric killed in Mosul
A senior Sunni Muslim cleric has been killed in a drive-by shooting in the
northern city of Mosul, medical sources say. Assailants in a vehicle shot
Shaikh Faidh Muhammad Amin al-Faidhi as he was leaving a place of worship
in Mosul's al-Rifaq district at about 9am (0600 GMT) on Monday...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7474&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7474

Just unfair, unfair, unfair.
Abu Assur, Al-Moharer

Mr. Bush why are you killing all these simple, innocent people in Iraq? Why
are you destroying their homes, their holy shrines, their churches and
mosques? Why are your troops raping their women and children and why is the
mob you sent abusing them sexually? Just tell us what have the Iraqi people
done to you or to the US? Why did you send your troops to kill an elderly
man praying in a mosque, a place of refuge and serenity? Haven't you been
told even a wild boar when entering a church, is safe from hunters? Mr.
Bush do you really realize what the US is doing in Iraq?...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7472&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7472

Up to 50,000 more US troops needed in Iraq: Senator McCain
Tens of thousands more US troops will be needed in Iraq, if Washington is
to subdue the stubborn rebel insurgency there, a top US lawmaker said.
Arizona senator John McCain told NBC television that as many as 50,000 more
US soldiers will have to be sent to Iraq. "We still need more troops. We
still need more people there," US Senator John McCain told NBC television

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7473&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7473

The Sharm ash-Shaykh Conference to support the US occupation of Iraq
The Egyptian Committee against Colonialism and Zionism - FAV
The date for the convening of the "International Conference on Iraq" in
Sharm ash-Shaykh - 22 November - is approaching (...) What is absolutely
clear from this declared agenda is that this conference is being convened
to support the American occupation and US colonialist aims in Iraq. Its
objective is the massing the greatest possible international, regional, and
Arab political an! d military support for the US in its war against the
heroic Iraqi Resistance, in a reckless attempt by US colonialism and its
allies and lackeys to assert control over Iraq and prevent its liberation,
taking it, moreover, as a focal point for the reorganization of the whole
region, redrawing its political boundaries - as was declared before and
after the occupation - in accordance with the colonial plan for the region
known as the Greater Middle East Initiative with all that it entails...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7471&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7471

Iraqi civilians gunned down at checkpoint
US marines have killed several Iraqi civilians after opening fire at at bus
which drove through a checkpoint in the city of Ramadi, the US military and
Iraqi police said. Police said seven died on Saturday, the military said
three (...) Also in Ramadi armed men ambushed a convoy of Iraqi National
Guards on Sunday, killing nine soldiers and wounding 17, local hospital
officials said...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7468&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7468

Ten days in Fallujah battlefield
Li Jizhi, Jiang Xiaofeng, Xinhuanet
Twelve days after losing contact with a correspondent based in Fallujah,
Xinhua reporters were relieved to see him report back for work in
deplorable shape on Saturday. Abdul Rahman, a 30-year-old Fallujah resident
working for Xinhua, made a phone call to the Xinhua office in Baghdad with
his Iraqna mobile on Nov. 9, which became the last message Xinhua received
from him (...) Rahman could not confirm if the US forces used any chemical
weapons a! s some newspapers claimed. But he told Xinhua that some doctors
in Fallujah were shocked tosee that many bodies were charred without
apparent injuries. With fierce clashes on the ground and bombardment by
USaircraft, many houses were leveled or people were killed...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7467&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7467

The Iconoclast, Dissociated Press
...Spokespeople for the US military in Iraq described those fighting the US
as "anti-Iraqi" forces. How can Iraqis fighting against US occupation of
their own country possibly be described as "anti-Iraqi?" Then, it was said
that there were foreign fighters in Fallujah, as if the Americans, British,
Bulgarians, Poles, Italians, Danes, Ukrainians and others were native to

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7466&s2=22>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7466

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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