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While media distracted by attack on Iraq, Israeli soldiers

The Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghouse

While media distracted by attack on Iraq, Israeli soldiers take hostages in
Nablus; attempt to kill another US activist
20 March 2003

Israel is using the distraction of the international media during the
current attack against Iraq to upscale its activities targeting
Palestinians, civil society organizations based in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip said today.

According to sources, Israeli soldiers today invaded the Old City of Nablus
and are currently holding several men, women and children hostage. The
Israeli army has also destroyed several houses in the area.

In another development, an Israeli soldier shot a US activist and member of
GIPP (Grassroots International Protection for Palestinians) in Nablus ­ the
second Israeli attack against a US citizen this week. Eric Hawanith, 21,
from Chicago, was shot in the chest and leg by three rubber-coated steel
bullets. He was rushed to hospital by Palestinian paramedics, who were 
shot at by Israelis as they attempted to provide Hawanith with first aid.

Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was murdered by an Israeli in a
bulldozer on Sunday as she was demonstrating against the demolition of a
home in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces also invaded al Magazi refugee camp in Gaza today, 
blowing up
one house and shooting at civilians randomly.

For more information contact: The Palestine Monitor +972 (0)2 298 5372
or see http://www.palestinemonitor.org