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Fwd: Newsletter settimanale di PeaceLink - 25.8.2003
- Subject: Fwd: Newsletter settimanale di PeaceLink - 25.8.2003
- From: francesco iannuzzelli <francesco at peacelink.org>
- Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:11:47 +0200
- Organization: peacelink
---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter settimanale di PeaceLink - 25.8.2003 Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 04:15:17 +0200 ############################### # Newsletter PeaceLink # ############################### Elenco articoli pubblicati dal 18 agosto 2003 -- EMERGENZA -- http://italy.peacelink.org/emergenza Chiedimi scusa, che ti ho appena rifilato un ceffone ! Un conoscente di Corrado Maria Daclon si esprime sulla causa civile Daclon/PeaceLink dalle pagine di un blog. "Se PeaceLink chiude, tanto di guadagnato per la verita'". http://italy.peacelink.org/emergenza/articles/art_1209.html Dieci domande a Corrado Daclon In seguito ad un nuovo attacco verbale contro l'associazione PeaceLink dalle pagine di un "blog", contenuto in un articolo anonimo redatto da una persona che si definisce un "conoscente" del signor Daclon, PeaceLink ha inoltrato una lettera di risposta ai responsabili del sito. http://italy.peacelink.org/emergenza/articles/art_1242.html -- PALESTINA -- http://italy.peacelink.org/palestina Lettera dalla direttrice del mensile palestinese Al Sabar e coordinatrice dellufficio legale del Workers Advice Center a Gerusalemme Est e Nazareth Napoli: il Forum Sociale Europeo e la Questione Palestinese http://italy.peacelink.org/palestina/articles/art_1303.html "Revolution" http://italy.peacelink.org/palestina/articles/art_1247.html Ariel a Jenin Lettera di Ariel, ebrea francese nipote di vittime dell'Olocausto, dal campo di Jenin. http://italy.peacelink.org/palestina/articles/art_1248.html -- CYBERCULTURA -- http://italy.peacelink.org/cybercultura La Cina blocca il software non-cinese dal governo http://italy.peacelink.org/cybercultura/articles/art_1249.html Newsletter n. 33 http://italy.peacelink.org/cybercultura/articles/art_1258.html ############################### # Dagli ospiti di PeaceLink # ############################### -- AFRICANEWS -- http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2 Editorial http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1250.html Kenya Ruling coalition on verge of collapse Barely eight months in office, the honeymoon seems to be over for the 15 political parties that form the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC). The parties, which came together ostensibly to dislodge KANU from power, have since failed to agree on a number of issues. http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1251.html Botswana Mining giant fights workplace HIV/AIDS Debswana, the country's largest employer has come up with programmes to better the lives of its HIV-infected employees and their spouses. http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1252.html Malawi Companies lead the war against HIV/AIDS Malawian companies are fighting the scourge at the workplace by providing antiretroviral drugs to HIV-positive employees and their dependants, while pursuing non-discriminatory policies. http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1253.html Swaziland Corporate responsibility on the rise Swaziland - An impoverished kingdom that seeks foreign investors to raise the economy out of its doldrums also looks to corporations to play a significant role in meeting social issues. http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1254.html Clippings http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1255.html War and Peace http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1256.html Action and contacts Kenyan movie going places A new original Kenyan movie, which made its debut at the Zanzibar Film Festival in July has been warmly received and is set to go places http://italy.peacelink.org/africanews2/articles/art_1257.html -------------------------------------------------------
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