LA DEMOCRAZIA....................

Mio figlio mi ha chiesto Papà che cosa è la Democrazia?

Figliolo, la DEMOCRAZIA é una macchina composta da milioni di pezzi uniti a formare un motore che funziona secondo la qualità dell’aria e del carburante.  Il carburante di questo grande motore è la Giustizia, la quale se è di buona qualità il motore gira a perfezione, mentre se è di qualità scadente il motore si blocca e viene sostituito da un altro tipo di motore molto comune in Italia, denominato la Mafia che funziona a lacrime e sangue.

In Italia non abbiamo né Democrazia e neanche un motore ma un cane che si morde la coda azionato dalla Mafia Istituzionalizzata.

La Giustizia dovrebbe arrestare la Giustizia perché non arresta i grandi delinquenti. L’Ilva pagava Politici e Sindacati per tacere, mentre la gente moriva. La Giustizia sapeva ma non interveniva.

Il Governo paga i Partiti Politici per tacere e si mantengono a vicenda rubando i cittadini. La Giustizia lo sa, ma non interviene perché è tutto un minestrone.

A me hanno rubato la casa e la pensione per regalarla al PD e Compagni. Bersani ha intascato novanta mila Euro per nascondere il marciume e dire bella è l’Italia, si mangia e si beve alla faccia degli stupidi.

Gente: correte a votare per non cambiare il marciume che affossa sempre più il Paese.       

Renzi il Fiorentino, Grillo il Ligure e l’autore del Bunga Bunga il Milanes, saranno in grado di chiudere le frontiere ed andare alla ricerca di tutta questa masnada di incoscienti che hanno indotto migliaia di famiglie alla disperazione, con crimini, suicidi, furti e speculazioni ai danni dell’intero Paese?

I Cattolici stanno abbandonando la Chiesa e se incontrano un prete sul marciapiede cambiano strada.  Hanno detto basta, le filosofie del sistema ha fatto acqua per duemila anni ed è arrivata l’ora del giudizio.




 The tentacles of the Italian Christian Mafia reached the European Court of Human Rights.


The following appeal submitted to the European Court of Human Rights is not relevant to a football match, where referees make a little as they wish according to the instruction and interests of their masters, but the present appeal concerns the “Justice of men with Human Rights”, and must be considered free interests and free Lobby under all human, social and religious aspect for a pure real Justice.


In the year 2007 I appealed to the European Court of Human Rights with concern to one of the major world Robbery ever perpetrated by a Western State in symbiosis with the Christian Democrats, which speak of God and Jesus, and then fuck entire families including the innocent children.


What happen in the USA, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany and the whole Christian world with the explosion of Paedophilia, Pederasty and various hidden abuse against the needy, the weakest and the innocent, mainly from the Clergy and contempt Politicians, is only a short view of injustices performed by the Spiritual Power and the multitude of men pathologically spoiled sitting on keys positions offending humanity on daily bases.


These facts make of Islam a bastion of sincerity and brotherhood in the global context and never is heard that a Muslim Imam ever stole, cheated or took advantage of his brother wife or children in name of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad.


My sad story began in the year 1972, when the Italian President a Christian Democrat, following the lack of homes in the Country of Italy, comes out with an excellent speculative idea to withdraw from the monthly payroll of almost twenty million workers a percentage to build houses for the workers, to be redeem from Bank Mortgages after a set time.

The cleverly program enforced  by the Christian Presidential Decree, was extended for twenty years from 1972 until 1992 and allowed him to collect a lot of money of which only a small part was used for the construction of houses and the large substantial part of the raised money was ambushed by political parties.


After the houses were finished and granted to eligible families, we all suffered from the lack of services that were regularly over billed and sustained by the promises that soon the Administration would prepare the documents to obtain through Bank Mortgages the title of ownership of the houses.


Well, to make it short, after 37 years we are still paying and waiting for the title deeds, although we paid more than twelve times the original value of the house, in addition to the huge withdrawal from our monthly payroll from 1972 to 1992.


Where is gone all that money paid?  Where is gone my money paid for 37 years?

We have appealed to various local Authorities but we never had any reply.


The story viewed from the exterior certainly does not imply suffering, but to live it daily in contact with these people of inhuman culture, supported by the Power of the Christian Philosophy, taking advantage of every opportunity to abuse on weak peoples respectful of God through the Christian Creed.


An overwhelming demonstration of their damned capabilities in all fields, with their powerful mafia Lobby’s that reach all corners of the world, penetrating as well the Court of Human Rights to delay or cancel to their own profits: infects Legal Processes, subdue Judges and conditioning the entire Court for Human Rights for personal interests.


To my surprise, on date 25 of November 2012, after five long years of waiting to obtain justice, I received from the Bar of the Court of Justice, a Photostat copy of a letter written in Italian language (enclosed to the present) and signed by a gay that I have reason to believe to be a joke of the Court bartender by the name Paolo Cangemi, where it notify that my appeal to the Court has not been admitted for judgment, and further, not to bother the Court with additional requests because any eventual future communication in connection with the above application case will be discarded.


That is great if it were true, a man appeals for Justice and the Court enforced by external Lobby’s refuse the case because they fear the excommunication from the Vatican that use a terrible  weapon adopted for two thousand years, frightening weak minds to support the creation of the Christian Universal Speculative Empire.


Just the other day I had a solemn appearance accompanied by an intense celestial light, followed by a voice, was the Lord who said: he would take care of my case and punish the responsible, he also told me the world has taken a bad turn which does not reflect his wishes, starting with the Christian philosophy adorning Churches with rich knick-knacks aiming to create a profitable Bank of donations and not temples of worship.

The voice of the Lord continue: That's why I sent the Prophet Muhammad to leads the Planet Earth, spreading universally my teaching of Peace, Respect, Brotherhood and Justice amongst all Human Beings, and all sinners who leave the Islam Creed attracted by the distorted promises offered by the Christian proselytism, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


These facts reported are only an example on how works the Christian Philosophy in many Countries with unrestrainable cases of robberies, corruption and sexual actions that become a tradition of keys irresponsible people handling the usual tools of the trade which invoke God, Jesus and all Saints to be more successful in their obscure damned businesses.


My concern on the present application for justice reflects important questions: if the above Court was not competent in resolving the Human Rights offences performed by criminal of a member State, why they made me wait five years, and at last by sending me a simple photo-static copy written by the Bartender instead of a formal notification issued by the Judge of the Court?

Why the case has been close without any previous formal advice from the Court?


This case is full of mystery but the sad part of it, concerns the fanny behaviour of the European Court that seams pre-programmed to defend Member States injustices for the sake to maintain the European Union integrity.


As a conclusive proof of two thousand years of Christian rules that have brought to the decline of the Western World civilization, where Europe civilization is at risk, Courts of justice are at risk, the happiness of people are at risk.


In Italy almost every day the Law handcuffs a Democratic Politician or a Christian Priest, meanwhile the European Court of human rights have relied on unqualified staff dominated by prejudices that offend justice for the glory of personal interests.


Now is clear why The Lord after six hundred years from Jesus event, illuminated the Prophet Muhammad with the creation of the Quran, to save the world from the criminals who use the name of God for personal interests.


I am of the opinion to achieve the much desired peace in the world, we should start from Justice which is the major cause of discord among peoples, and to prevent injustices all Judicial processes shall be followed by a number of qualified jury or jurors, limiting the presence of judges as representative figure of the Court, to eliminate any and all cause of preconceptions of Political interest enforced by the Lobbies’ to subdue the Judging bodies.


The present letter has been mailed the world round to honours the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights for the injustices performed by weak minds to maintain the traditional system guiding to continuous revenges and wars.


Remaining at your disposal for any additional information, meantime Dear Sir please accept my respectful regards.


Sincerely Yours,

Anthony Ceresa.