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Spero interessi
Alessandro Gimona

Dear Colleagues,

  We are sending in attach the First Announcement of CEEE Italy 2000,
  "Networking Environmental Education Networks: the role, trends,
  communication and integration of networks involved in education for
  environment and sustainability within local, national and European 
  which we are organising in collaboration with the CEEE - Co-operation
  for Environmental Education in Europe and which is going to take place
  from the 26th to the 29th of September 2000 in Villa Manin di Passariano,
  Codroipo - Udine, Italy.

  You will find all information hereunder.

  Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  (Autonomous Region Friuli- Venezia Giulia)
  A.R.P.A. - Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente
  (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection)
  LaREA - Laboratorio Regionale di Educazione Ambientale del Friuli-Venezia
  (Friuli - Venezia Giulia Environmental Education Regional Centre)
  CEEE Co-operation for Environmental Education in Europe

  Networking Environmental Education Networks:
  the role, trends, communication and integration of networks
  involved in education for environment and sustainability
  within local, national and European policies

  26th - 30th September 2000
  Villa Manin di Passariano
  Codroipo - Udine (ITALY)

  1st Announcement

  in collaboration with
  University of Trieste
  University of Udine

  the Conference is acknowledged by
  Italian Ministry of the Environment
  European Commission - Representation in Milano (Italy)
  IUCN - The World Conservation Union - Commission on Education and

  Preliminary Registration Secretariat
  LaREA Laboratorio Regionale di Educazione Ambientale
  P.zza del Castello 7 - 33010 Colloredo di M.A. (UD) - Italy
  Tel.: ++39 0432 889014 / ++39 0432 889698       Fax: ++39 0432 889798
  e-mail: larea@cifra.uniud.it    Web site: http://www.larea.uniud.it
  Preliminary Registration Secretariat is open from Monday to Friday,

  CEEE - Co-operation for Environmental Education in Europe
  CEEE is an international network specifically committed to Environmental
  Education and connecting people of every country in Europe (EU and other
  European Countries), who are involved in the development of education for
  environment and sustainability in their own countries. CEEE main 
  are: to implement Environmental Education, to have it adopted on all 
  in the community and to enhance its quality. One of the most important
  features of the group is the co-operation between researchers, teachers,
  educators and other practitioners, members of NGOs and Governmental 
  Thus CEEE links formal and informal education and crosses all existing
  boundaries in Europe

  CEEE organises a Conference every two years, which is called CEEE -
  Conference of Environmental Education in Europe and which is joined by a
  wider and varying group of people. This gives a good opportunity both to
  disseminate the expertise of CEEE group to the hosting country and to help
  participants share and upgrade their knowledge and experience, in order to
  achieve practical outcomes.

  The previous six Conferences took place in Roma - Italia (1988), Glasgow -
  Scotland (1990), Rotterdam / Leeuwarden - Netherlands (1992), Riga - 
  (1994), Harnosand - Sweden (1996) and Lisboa / Sangalhos - Portugal 
  After Portugal 1998, CEEE entrusted LaREA to organise the VIIth Conference
  of Environmental Education in Europe.

  LaREA - The Environmental Education Regional Centre of the Autonomous 
  Friuli - Venezia Giulia  LaREA is an example of the special
  environmental education (EE) structures
  (Environmental Education Local Centres) that have been set up in Italy in
  the 90s. It is situated in the middle of Friuli - Venezia Giulia region
  (north-eastern Italy), in Colloredo di Monte Albano Castle (near Udine) 
  it is a centre for EE services for the whole region.

  It was set up in 1997 as a three-year project undertaken by the Regional
  Administration of Friuli -Venezia Giulia - Environment Department, which
  entrusted the Universities of Udine and Trieste to manage it. It was
  initially funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and thus it is
  part of the Italian National System for Environmental Education. In 2000
  LaREA has become a permanent Centre of the Regional Administration, within
  the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection.

  LaREA networks EE activities on a regional scale. It works as a mediator 
  the local environment, promoting communication and interaction between
  people and organisations, in order to set up a Regional System for
  Environmental Education. Thus LaREA carries out various functions:
  stimulating action, improving public awareness, training teachers and
  practitioners, fostering exchanges of ideas and experiences within the 
  of environmental education and sustainable development.
  (for further information see LaREA's Web site: www.larea.uniud.it)

  Programme Committee
  Sergio Sichenze, LaREA (EE Regional Centre of Friuli - Venezia Giulia),
  Colloredo di M.A.- Udine, Italy;
  Federica Flapp, LaREA (EE Regional Centre of Friuli - Venezia Giulia),
  Colloredo di M.A.- Udine, Italy;
  Sergey I. Baranovsky, Green Cross Russia, Moscow, Russia;
  Renata Briano, Liguria EE Regional Centre, Genova, Italy;
  Marinus Brijker, NHL - Faculty of Teacher Education, Leeuwarden,
  Michela Mayer, European Centre for Education, Frascati, Italy;
  Vittorio Midoro, National Research Council - Institute for Educational
  Technology, Genova, Italy;
  Fausta Setti, EE Local Centre "L. Conti" of Milano, Milano, Italy;
  Michal Skapa, Environmental Education Centre - Charles University, Prague,
  Czech Rep.;
  John Smyth, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication - European
  Committee, Johnstone, Scotland - UK;
  Athena Veneti, Mediterranean Information Office-MIO-ECSDE, Athens, Greece
  and Univerity of Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris, France;
  Rune Wikström, Department of Applied Science Mid Sweden University,
  Härnösand, Sweden.
  Organising Committee
  Regione Autonoma Friuli - Venezia Giulia: Direzione Regionale 
  LaREA (EE Regional Centre of Friuli - Venezia Giulia);
  Pro Loco of Villa Manin

  People and organisations of European Countries (UE and other European
  Countries) interested in Education for Environment and Sustainability: EE
  practitioners (NGOs, Societies, EE Centres etc.), school and university
  teachers, researchers, educators, trainers, civil servants and
  administrators of national and local governments.Participation in the
  Conference is free of charge, there is no registration fee. Participants
  will have to pay for their trip, hotel accommodation and meals.

  The official language of the Conference is English. Simultaneous 
  (English/Italian and Italian/English) will be provided in Plenary Sessions
  and in the Seminar.

  The Conference Theme
  Networks are a world wide topical subject in the age of globalisation. If 
  focus on our geographical area - Europe - and on our activity field
  -education for environment and sustainability - we can see an increasing
  number and variety of networks: some are specifically devoted to EE, while
  others connect people and organisations working in related fields (e.g.
  environmental management, sustainable development, nature conservation,
  formal and informal education, training etc.).

  Such networks have different origins and aims, they connect different 
  of organisations and can work on a local, national or international scale.
  It's a "system of systems" where boundaries can not be clearly defined,
  while links, communication, interaction, overlapping and synergies are 
  being tackled on the basis of systemic thinking, focusing on relations
  within each network and between different networks.
  Emergent questions are:

  *       how does working in a network help environmental education to
  achieve its aim and to become integrated into environmental policies?

  *       what does being part of a network mean in our everyday way of
  thinking and working in the environmental education field?

  *       and how can different existing networks be efficiently and
  effectively integrated?

  The aim of the Conference is to tackle such topics in order to work out 
  of enhancing positive strategies and overcoming difficulties related to 
  activity and inter-linking of networks involved in EE.

  Furthermore, the Conference should provide good opportunities to analyse
  relations between EE networks and other networks involved in environmental
  issues (e.g. Environmental and Nature Conservation networks, Local Agenda 
  networks, Protected Areas networks, ...).

  Preliminary Programme
  The Conference will include: Plenary Sessions; four Working Groups and a
  Seminar; Posters Session; Hypermedia and Books Corners.

  Plenary Sessions
  Plenary Sessions should provide a common cultural basis and a theoretical
  background on networks, should tackle related cross-sectoral issues such 
  the use of new technologies and other instruments for a further 
  and integration of EE Networks and should introduce different kinds of
  networks (related to the Working Groups topics).

  Working Groups
  Working Groups (WGs) will work in parallel. They will include, at the
  beginning, some introductory presentations related to the WG issue. Such
  presentations should follow the "Contribution scheme" suggested by the
  Programme Committee (see next pages). WGs will focus on their specific
  topics in order to achieve practical outcomes. The results of WGs work 
  be synthesised in a final report, which the WG moderator will present in 
  final Plenary Session.

  Working Groups will be focused on different "categories" of EE networks
  (which are basically characterised by their main aims, although 
  between such categories is likely to occur):

  1.      networks consisting mostly of schools (even in collaboration with
  local bodies or other organisations) and aiming to develop their own EE
  projects (and, in case, educational research)

  2.      networks (often governmental or officially recognised) aiming to
  co-ordinate and enhance mutual communication, sharing and interaction
  between EE centres and other bodies/organisations

  3.      networks (often constituted by NGOs) aiming to promote and 
  their own EE programmes and campaigns, which are then joined by schools or
  other organisations

  4.      networks aimed at training in environmental education

  "Integration of EE networks and networks involved in sustainable
  development: the Italian situation as a case study within the European

  The seminar will deal with the general theme going deeper into the Italian
  situation as a case study: the integration between networks like the
  National System for EE, the new system of the National and Regional 
  for the Protection of Environment, the environmental associations 
  Sustainable Cities networks, Agenda 21 networks etc. Participants from 
  countries are invited to join the seminar and to contribute to the
  discussion. (simultaneous translation will be provided)

  Posters Session
  Posters Session will provide an opportunity to introduce other networks, 
  order to integrate the WGs contents. Poster Session will include five
  sections, corresponding to the Working Groups titles and to the Seminar.
  Authors will have the opportunity of explaining their Posters to
  participants during the scheduled hours. Posters also should be drawn up
  according to the "Contribution scheme".

  Hypermedia and Books Corners
  Hypermedia and Books Corners will provide an opportunity to present
  instruments and materials related to the Conference issue. Exhibition 
  is free of charge, but it should be booked before 15th May.
  (see the Preliminary Registration form)

  Preliminary Schedule

  1°day, Tuesday 26th Sept.
  *       Participants' arrival and reception
  *       Setting up of Posters, Hypermedia and Books Corners

  2° day, Wednesday 27th Sept.
  *       Plenary Sessions: introduction; the epistemological basis of
  networks and their development in the age of globalisation, communication
  and new technologies; diversity and similarity of EE Networks: examples of
  different kinds of EE Networks

  3° day, Thursday 28th Sept.
  *       Working Groups and Seminar in parallel Sessions: presentations,
  joint work, discussion
  *       Visit to Posters Session and Hypermedia and Books Corners

  4° day, Friday 29th Sept.
  *       Working Groups in parallel Sessions: drawing up of reports
  *       Plenary Sessions: Working Groups reports, Conclusions
  *       Planning of CEEE 2002 Conference

  5° day, Saturday 30th Sept.
  *       Participants' Departure
  The Final Programme will be issued in June-July 2000.

  Call for Papers
  Participants who would like to submit presentations to be included in the
  Working Groups sessions and/or Posters can submit an abstract of their
  contributions before 15th May 2000 to the Programme Committee, that will
  examine and select them. Only contributions focused on the Conference 
  and on the specific topic of the selected Working Group or Poster Section
  will be accepted. Authors of selected abstracts will then be invited to
  submit the final text of their contribution within the Conference 
  Both abstracts and final text of W.G.s presentations and Posters should be
  drawn up according to the guide lines suggested in the "Contributions
  scheme", in order to co-operate in enhancing mutual communication, keeping
  the Conference work focused on its topics and achieving practical 
  According to such scheme every contribution should not just provide a
  general description of each network and its activities. Instead, each
  contribution - both Working Groups presentations and Posters - should 
  specific topics and problems related to networks through examples drawn 
  practical experience. In other words, everybody is requested to filter
  her/his experience through a common grid, so that the same "key points"
  cross all contributions in which examples of networks are being presented.
  Should contributions submitted as WGs presentations exceed the practicable
  number, the Programme Committee might invite authors to turn their
  presentations into Posters.

  for abstracts and final texts of Working Groups presentations and Posters
  the following guide lines are suggested by the Programme Committee
  First part of the Contribution: description of the network
  both WGs presentations and posters should include the following 
  so that descriptions of different networks can be comparable and easier to
  understand for all participants
  1) what are the main objectives/aims of your network? What is its origin?
  2) what is the structure/architecture of your network?
  *       what is the scheme of it? how would you illustrate it graphically?
  *       who/what are the members/parts of your network? what is their
  hierarchical position in the network, if it is hierarchically organised?
  *       who are these members/parts? what kind of organisations are they?
  *       does your network include smaller networks and/or is your network
  included in wider networks?
  3) what is the organisation (roles, functions, activities) of your 
  *       what is the role/task of the different members/parts of your
  *       what are the functions that the different members/parts of your
  network carry out?
  *       which environmental issues are the activities of your network
  related to?
  *       how and from whom does your network get financial support?
  Second part of the presentation: analysis of some key points of working in 
  Contributions should analyse at least one of the following topics, in 
  to contribute to WGs discussion
  1) dependence and autonomy within the network (the balance between being
  dependent on the network and being autonomous within it), advantages and
  disadvantages of working in the network:
  *       what are the ties/bonds that a "piece" of your network must 
  in what way does it depend on the network and what does its autonomy 
  *       what do the members/parts gain from being part of your network and
  what are they expected to give in order to be part of the network?
  *       how does the network influence its members/parts and how do the
  members/parts affect the network? how does being part of a network 
  your way of thinking and working in the EE field?
  2) how the use of new technologies affects the structure and the functions
  of EE networks:
  *       what are the new technologies involved in the work of your 
  *       what are the advantages, the problems, the new needs related to 
  use of new technologies in your EE network?
  *       how does the use of new technologies affect the way your EE 
  3) efficiency and effectiveness of EE networks
  *       what tools/instruments (e.g. data bases, surveys, news letters) do
  your network use to implement its efficiency and effectiveness?
  *       what tools/instruments (e.g. indicators of progress, inquiries 
  the participants) does your network use assess and evaluate its efficiency
  and effectiveness?
  Third part of the presentation: networking networks
  Finally, contributions should tackle the following topics, which are
  substantial to develop the Conference theme
  1)      how does your network relate to other networks on a local, 
  or international scale?
  2)      what relations with other networks would be necessary or useful to
  your network in order to implement its efficiency and effectiveness?
  3)      what are, in your opinion, the needs, problems and possible
  solutions related to networking existing EE networks on an European scale?
  Abstracts layout and submission
  The abstract of each WG presentation or Poster should include:
  *       the kind of contribution: Poster or Working Group presentation;
  *       the Poster session section (1/2/3/4) or the WG (1/2/3/4) in which
  their contribution should be included;
  *       the title of the contribution (WG presentation or Poster);
  *       the author(s) names(s) (if there are several ones, the suggested
  speaker should be placed first);
  *       the full name of the organization;
  *       city, country;
  *       the abstract text;
  *       a short curriculum vitae of the authors.
  Abstracts must be submitted in English and fit the following format:
  *       Times New Roman, 12 points,
  *       single spaced / 1 interval,
  *       paper format 210 x 297mm,
  *       upper margin - 20mm, lower margin- 20mm, left margin - 20mm, right
  margin - 20mm.
  The abstract text must not exceed 8000 characters/types, blank spaces
  Authors should also introduce themselves through a short curriculum vitae
  (not more than 1500 characters/types, blank spaces excluded), which should
  be attached at the end of the abstract text. The curriculum should 
  the full name of the author (name(s), surname), degree, title, name of
  organization, occupation/position, fields of interest or activity.
  Abstracts must be sent to LaREA as files, preferably MS WORD (or, in case,
  files .rtf, .txt, .htm, .html, pdf), by:
  *       mail (a diskette 3,5" with the attached file);
  *       e-mail with an attachment file
  Abstracts must be sent to LaREA before 15th May 2000.

  Authors should fill in the Preliminary Registration form and send it 
  or at the same time of their abstract, to the following address:
  CEEE2000 Preliminary Registration Secretariat
  LaREA Laboratorio Regionale di Educazione Ambientale
  P.zza del Castello 7 - 33010 Colloredo di M.A. (UD) - Italy
  Tel.: ++39 0432 889014 / ++39 0432 889698       Fax: ++39 0432 889798
  e-mail: larea@cifra.uniud.it    Web site: http://www.larea.uniud.it
  Abstracts that do not fit the formats or that are not sent as computer 
  will not be accepted.

  Preliminary Registration form
  Please send back the filled in form to LaREA, by mail, fax or e-mail, 
  15th May 2000,
  Surname         Name
  Address (e.g. street, number)
  Town and Postcode       Country
  telephone number        fax number
  e-mail address  Web site

  * I would like to register preliminarily now and
  I would like to join Working Group n. * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 or the Seminar * 
  ore more options)
  Contributions submission
  * I would like to submit a presentation to Working Group n. * 1 * 2 * 3 * 
  Other authors:
  * I would like to submit a Poster to be included in the section
  corresponding to WG n. * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
  Other authors:

  Hypermedia and Books corners booking
  I would like to book an exhibition space in the:
  * Hypermedia corner, in order to present the following materials:
  kind (e.g. CDRom, Web site, ...)        title

  * Books corner, in order to present the following materials:
  kind (e.g. book, magazine, leaflet, ...)        title

  kind (e.g. book, magazine, leaflet, ...)        title

  PLEASE NOTICE: The e-mail address (larea@cifra.uniud.it) we are using
  now is a new one, which is specifically devoted to CEEE2000 Conference
  correspondence. Please use it for any communication related to CEEE2000.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com