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sondaggio dell'UNEP

****Rispondere all'indirizzo  infotinf@unep.org ****

Articles 6 and 7 of the Aarhus Convention
(see www.participate.org/convention/convention.htm)
deal with public participation in environmental decision-making.

Recently, the UK Government sponsored a workshop on Public Participation
at the Local Level to discuss what constitutes good practice in public
participation. A
handbook is being prepared which will include case studies where the
public participated in environmental decision-making processes at the
local level.

If you are aware of documented case studies that might be suitable for
inclusion in this handbook then please e-mail a 1-2 page synopsis of
each case study to
infotinf@unep.org. Examples from the pan-European region are of
particular interest to the compilers of the Handbook.