E' possibile mandare un messaggio ai
partecipanti del prossimo summit UNEP sui POPs per chiederne l'eliminazione. Col
primo link e' necessario copiare il messaggio sottostante e copiarlo; per il
secondo link non e' necessario, ma ci si deve iscrivere al Panda
http://passport.panda.org/active/epetition.cfm?ActionID=1861 Dear Sir/Madam, I write to you now in order to make you aware of my concerns; the same concerns that are shared by millions around the world... With all respect for the efforts that would be required, I sincerely urge you to adopt a stronger position in the global treaty negotiations on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in South Africa, in December. I would appeal to you to: - Make elimination the treaty's central objective. - Require that precautionary action be taken when there is scientific evidence that a chemical threatens the environment or people, even in the absence of full scientific certainty. Any efforts you can make towards the reduction of POPs in our environment would be greatly appreciated, and would be seen as a magnificent gesture for the future of the world that we all share. |