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250 morti

Martedì 11 Luglio 2000, 13:54

Nigeria: Esplode Oleodotto; Centinaia Di Vittime
LAGOS - L'esplosione di un oleodotto ha provocato la morte di almeno 250 persone nella Nigeria meridionale. Lo scoppio è avvenuta nel villaggio di Adeje, nel Delta del Niger, la regione petrolifera che ha per capoluogo Warri. Sembra che le vittime stessero cercando di prendere con dei secchi del petrolio che fuoriusciva dall'oleodotto. Nel '98 nella stessa zona di Warri morirono quasi mille persone. L'ultimo incidente in marzo: 50 persone bruciarono vive.

Tuesday July 11 7:40 AM ET
Witnesses: Pipeline Fire Kills 250 in Nigeria

WARRI, Nigeria (Reuters) - An oil products pipeline exploded in southern Nigeria, killing about 250 villagers scooping up gasoline with buckets, witnesses said Tuesday.
Police sealed off the scene of Monday's explosion at Adeje village, outside the Niger Delta oil city of Warri and close to Jesse town where about 1,000 people died in a similar disaster in 1998.
"I saw no less than 50 burned bodies on the ground,'' said a Reuters journalist who ventured close to the scene before police turned reporters away.
Villagers said the pipeline carrying refined petroleum products from Warri to northern Nigeria, was punctured by petrol thieves Sunday night.
Nigeria's network of more than 3,125 miles of pipelines criss-crossing the oil-producing country has become a favorite target of local communities cashing in on a thriving black market for refined products.

Fabio Qu@ttrocchi fabioq8@libero.it
Let's leave our children a living planet
Man commits evil through ignorance of the good
L'uomo commette il male per ignoranza del bene
by Socrates