uranio impoverito nella catena alimentare

Cari tutti,
un nuovo studio *scientifico* commissionato dalla BBC ha trovato 
evidenza che vi e' depleted uranium nella catena alimentare in Kossovo.
In uno studio condotto dal Prof. Nick Priest (University of London, 
Royal Holloway College)
L'urina di tutti (16) i soggetti esaminati ha fatto registrare la 
presenza di Uranio impoverito 

Cito un brano del programma sotto,  [potete trovare il resto 

Questi risultati dovrebbero indurre a riesaminare le valutazioni di 
rischio posto dai proiettili al DU, sia per i civili che per i militari 
in servizio nella zona.

Come dice uno degli esperti 'il genio e' fuori dalla bottiglia'.

Alessandro Gimona


Prof. Nick Priest:
So far all the results for every single one of the samples collected in 
Kosovo have shown some depleted uranium in the urine - the amounts of 
urine vary and the fraction of depleted uranium varies as well but in 
every single result we are finding some level of depleted uranium 

Anna MacLeod: How ordinary is that?

Prof Nick Priest: That’s completely abnormal because normally you would 
expect no depleted uranium to be in the skeleton whatsoever or in the 
urine samples 

Anna MacLeod: First we had tested someone who does not live in Kosovo - 
they registered no depleted uranium in their system..
But all the volunteers we tested in the Balkans showed up some level of 
DU in their system. 
They were old and young - one child born a year after the conflict.
Male and female.
Our expert was in no doubt as to where it could have come from.

Professor Priest is in no doubt as to where the depleted uranium came 

Prof. Nick Priest: It seems self evident to me that the depleted 
uranium came from the use of DU weapons within the Balkan wars

Anna MacLeod: Our findings shocked one expert who has studied the 
effect of depleted uranium on the body. 

Prof Malcolm Hooper: I would not have anticipated such a finding. I 
would have been very much more cautious in my own estimates and guess 
work - but this seems to be the case -We’ve let the genie out the 
bottle. This depleted uranium is out, it is in the community and it 
seems to affect everyone.

 Alessandro Gimona
agimona at libero.it