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ancora Malta: le rimostranze di A.D.
Ancora: le rimostranze di AD durante il periodo di permanenza dell'HMS
-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: Mark Causon
A: alternattiva Demokratika
Data invio: mercoledì 28 novembre 2001 19.00
Oggetto: [Alternattiva] PR "NO TO NUCLEAR WARSHIP IN MALTA" AD
Aletrnattiva Demokratika-The Green Party
Nifs Gdid-Nifs Nadif
149,Archbishop street, Valletta.
tel no: 255330
As Malta prepares to host its first nuclear powered warship,
Alternattiva Demokratika The Green Party International Secretary, Ralph
Cassar described the visit as a "failure of the government to respect
its own nuclear free zone policy"
"The government was free to refuse to host the British nuclear powered
submarine Superb but failed to do so exposing the country to unnecessary
risks. Despite all safeguards nuclear accidents are a possibility "
Cassar said.
In recent months nuclear accidents had occurred at the safest nuclear
facilities notably in Japan. Only a few weeks ago a Russian nuclear
submarine was recovered from the Baltic at enormous risk and expense and
lately British nuclear submarines have been taken out of service after
developing internal leaks.
"Hosting warships and providing rest and recreation to crews from all
nations was a way to maintain friendly relations with other countries
None of them can substitute their judgment for ours on the nuclear
safety issue and apparently some are unable to appreciate that Malta
cannot afford to risk even a one in a million chance of radioactive
pollution of its territory. In recent reports on possible terrorist use
of fissionable material, experts explain that any contaminated site
would have to be abandoned permanently since the lethal plutonium dose
is one millionth of a gram and such material remains active for
thousands of years. If the United States could not consider the option
of a cleanup operation on a part of its territory, Malta would have no
choice but to cease to exist. "
The Green Party International Secretary continued "A fire on board a
nuclear armed or powered vessel could lead to widespread radioactive
contamination. The consequences to Malta and the Maltese would be the
total loss of their homeland, their culture and their continued
existence as a nation."
"Alternattiva Demokratika demands that the Maltese government exercise
it sovereign right to refuse to host nuclear armed or nuclear powered
vessels. Such a refusal would not affect our relations with friendly
countries which might think more highly of our government if it was not
such an eternal pushover. Malta should be a nuclear free zone."
concluded Ralph Cassar.
Jurgen Balzan
Deputy Secretary General
Stqarrija Media
Hekk kif Malta qed tipprepara biex tilqa l-ewwel bastiment militari li
jahdem b’energija nuklejari is-Segretarju Internazzjonali ta’
l-Alternattiva Demokratika Ralph Cassar iddeskriva din iz-zjara bhala
"falliment min naha tal-gvern li naqas milli jirrispetta il-politika ta'
Zona Hielsa minn-Nuklejari"
"Il- gvern seta`jirrifjuta is-submarine Rapid tal-Qawwa Navali Ingliza
izda naqas milli jaghmel dan u qed jpoggi lill-Malta f’riskju
zejjed.Incidenti nuklejari huma possiblli."
F’dawn l-ahhar xhur sehhew bosta incidenti fl-aktar postijiet mghammra b
’mezzi ta’ sigurta bhal Gappun. Ftit gimghat ilu submarine Russu kellu
xi problemi fil-Baltiku u kellu jigi irkuprat b’riskji u spejjez enormi
u dan l-ahhar submarines nuklejari Inglizi kellhom jigu irtirati wara li
zvillupaw hsarat interni.
"Zjarat ta’ vapuri militari min dejjem tqiesu bhala mod kif jinzammu
realzzjonijiet tajba ma pajjizi ohra izda milli jidher xi pajjizi ma
jistghux jifmhu li Malta ma tistax tiehu riskji bhal dawn ghax jekk
it-tereritorju Malti jitnigges b’energiji radjuattivi jkun dizastru
inspjegabbli. F’rapport ricenti fuq il-possibilita ta’ attakki nuklejari
mit-terroristi jghid li kull post li hu kontaminat bil-plutonju jrid
jigi abbandunat ghal-dejjem ghax it-tniggis jibqa ghal-eluf ta’snin.Jekk
f’Malta jsehh incident nuklejari pajjizna ma jibqax jezisti."
Ralph Cassar Segretarju Internazzjonali ta’ l-AD kompla jghid "Hruq fuq
bastiment li jaghmel uzu min energija nuklejari jew li hu armat b’armi
nuklejari jwassal ghall-kontaminazzjoni radjuattiva.Il-konsegwenzi ta’
dan fuq Malta u l-poplu Malti jkunu jfissru t-tmiem ta’ arthom,
tal-kultura taghhom u ta' l-esistenza bhala nazzjon."
"L-Alternattiva Demokratika titlob li l-gvern Malti jezercita id-dritt
sovran tieghu li jirrifjuta li jilqgha bastimenti b’armi jew b’energija
nuklejari. Dan m’ghandux jaffettwa ir-relazzjoni taghna ma’ pajjizi
ohra.Malta ghanda tkun Zona Hielsa minn-Nuklejari." temm jghid Ralph
Jurgen Balzan
Deputat Segretarju Generali
"Nifs Gdid, Nifs Nadif"
-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: Michael Briguglio
A: AD yahoogroup
Data invio: giovedì 29 novembre 2001 9.24
Oggetto: [Alternattiva] AD NO NUKES PRESS CONFERENCE
149 Archbishop Street Valletta
Tel 255330 Fax 571530
Nifs Gdid, Nifs Nadif
Dr. Harry Vassallo, Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green
Party shall address a press conference to explain AD's position against
the visit of nuclear-powered submarine HMS Superb.
Date: Friday 30th November
Time: 3pm
Place: Laboratory Wharf, Corradino
Meeting place: Laboratory Wharf, 2.30pm
Michael Briguglio
Public Relations Officer