[Disarmo] Israele si difende, dall'Ukraina a Gaza - Fwd: [HumanRights] Khan Al-Ahmar

Dall'Ukraina (articolo di Yurii Colombo sul Manifesto dell'8 luglio) a Gaza (qui da Mazin Qumsiyeh),
la vergogna sionista.


-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: [HumanRights] Khan Al-Ahmar
Data: Sun, 8 Jul 2018 22:50:49 +0300
Mittente: Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin at qumsiyeh.org>
A: Jure Ellero <glry at ngi.it>
CC: Human Rights Newsletter <humanrights at lists.qumsiyeh.org>

 It breaks my heart to think that Khan Al-Ahmar Palestinian community will
likely be ethnically cleansed in two days. Today we went there and also
demonstrated at Al-Eizariya where Israel wants to warehouse the 2000+
residents of Khan Al-Ahmar area in a crowded area on land that belongs to
other Palestinians. The people are heroic and this may yet turn out to be
another Al-Araqib. The latter is a Palestinian community in the Negev that
rebuilt repeatedly 130 times. Imagine having your home destroyed once and
rebuilding it. Now imagine this happening 130+ times. It was very hard to
know what to say to the people there who are hanging around their homes and
the school and are getting ready for the showdown. The school and other
infrastructure was built beautifully from tires and mud and with solar
power, they are an environmentally conscious community. Three days ago
skirmishes happened as soldiers tried to blockade the entrance to the
community and serve final demolition orders. It is hard to describe our
feelings. Words are too limiting. Perhaps I will just post the pictures
from today and video from Thursday and ask any decent people to go and camp
overnight especially Monday night and Tuesday nights. By Tuesday things
will be clearer….
(with photos)

Stay human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor,  Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
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