[Diritti] NewDeal4Europe Info - Issue 5 - 8 October 2014

Car* tutt*,

il nuovo bollettino settimanale della campagna NewDeal4Europe, che sfrutta il diritto di iniziativa dei cittadini europei (art. 11 Trattato di Lisbona), è online:

Nicola Vallinoto

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NEWDEAL4EUROPE INFO - Issue 5 - 8 October 2014

To subscribe this bulletin please go to www.newdeal4europe.eu (right column: Newsletter & Info)



Days left: 150

Campaign deadline: 7 March 2015

Signatures: 1.000.000

To be collected in at least 7 EU countries


European action week, 16-24 October 2014.  

European action week 16-24
October 2014

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Previous issues

After the good results of the first European week of action (see the gallery of pictures and the events) we are ready to launch a Second week of action from 16 to 24 October. Send us details about the event you are organizing at info at newdeal4europe.eu in order to be published in our website and to be promoted through our social networks.

One reason to support the ECI New Deal 4 Europe: Reduce CO2 emissions at European level. Lower the planet's fever.

[...] In spite of the energy transition, CO2 emissions in Germany are rising. This is a result of a surplus of emission certificates within the Emissions Trading System (ETS), which is mainly caused by the falling production after the economic crisis in 2009. Thus the CO2 price has declined, and electricity generation from black and brown coal has been rising, while climate-friendly gas power plants throughout Germany have generated less and less electricity or have even been completely decommissioned. CO2 emissions in Germany will only be lowered by a European approach, through a modification of the ETS.[...]

[ Source: Notre Europe. Policy paper "Taking stock of German energy policy in a European context" by Philipp Offenberg  25 September 2014 ]

Our initiative demands a European approach to CO2 emissions asking that the European own resources should be financed by a carbon tax at European level. 


Current news: Ken Loach supports the campaign for a "New Deal" in Europe


Ken Loach> The British film-maker Ken LOACH, strongly committed on social and working-class  issues, has endorsed the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) asking for an extraordinary plan for sustainable development and employment “New Deal for Europe”. Read the press release EN|FR|ES|IT (Bruxelles, 6 October 2014).

Letter of MEP Barbara SPINELLI to her colleagues to create an intergroup supporting New Deal 4 Europe ECI (Bruxelles, 2 October 2014)

[...] the New Deal 4 Europe informal network should take on the task of framing and coordinating a concrete action to support the campaign to collect signatures, undertaking awareness-raising initiatives capable of imposing coverage of the ND4E European Citizens’ Initiative upon the European media’s agenda  [...] 

Read the full letter (EN|IT).

> EP Hearings. Answers to the European Parliament [EP]. Questionnaire to the Commissioner-designate Jyrki KATAINEN [JK], Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness (Bruxelles, 30 September 2014).

Question concerning the investment plan proposed by Jean Claude Juncker
[EP] How in the coming 3 months will you deliver the investment package announced in the Political guidelines  presented by the elected president of the Commission? What concrete steps are you going to take? Which  instruments will you use and/or create in that perspective? How will you involve the European  Parliament? 
[JK] [...] At EU level, we need to make sure that the available funds are used more effectively in supporting investment – this can include the use of innovative financial instruments. The Commission is completing the programming and I would work with colleagues and Member States to encourage concentration on job-creating growth. [...]
Read the integral answer.
Our citizens' initiative proposes new public investments for 400 billions € in three years including research and innovations. How? Increasing the own resources of the European budget through a financial transactions tax and a carbon tax.
Our campaign in the media
Ansa Europa : Ken Loach aderisce alla campagna per un 'New Deal' in Europa
EuNews: Ken Loach aderisce all’iniziativa popolare “New Deal 4 Europe”
Noticanarias: El director Ken Loach se adhiere al New Deal for Europe
Euractiv.it : Ice: New Deal 4 Europe, sostegno da Ken Loach
SinistraEcologiaLiberta: Il regista britannico Ken Loach aderisce alla campagna per un “New Deal” in Europa
Uef Madrid : El director Ken Loach se adhiere al New Deal 4 Europe
Green European Journal : The New Deal for Europe ECI: A plan for sustainable development and employment by Hanna Clariere
Rai3 : TGR RAI 3, Genova 2 October 2014 (video) CGIL, CISL, UIL, MFE
Uno e tre: Un New Deal per l'Europa di Gianmarco Capogna
Micromega :  Da Ventotene a Lampedusa: un New deal e una cittadinanza comune del Mediterraneo di Nicola Vallinoto
Repubblica.it : Un governo federale: ecco ciò che server all'UE. Risposta di Roberto Castaldi a Luciano Gallino
Rassegna.it : New Deal for Europe, raccolta firme a Genova
Il Secolo XIX : Anche a Genova i sindacati raccolgono le firme per un New Deal anti crisi
Comune di Torino:  New Deal per l'Europa: un passo verso la Federazione europea
Ezio Casati : Europa, un new deal per l'occupazione giovanile
Fédéchoses : Fédéchoses n°165 - octobre 2014
Fundacion 1 de Mayo : Revista de Estudios y Cultura 64. Domènec Ruiz Devesa | Por un New Deal para Europa


News from partners and committees
European Committee: letter to the Members of the European Parliament supporting New Deal for Europe Citizens’ Initiative (Bruxelles, 20 September 2014).
Manifesto for sustainable development and employment gained new subscribers:  Martine Aubry (Maire de Lille), Eric Bussiere (Catedra Jean Monnet Université de Paris Sorbonne), Gérard Collomb (Sénateur Maire de Lyon), Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld (Ancien Commissaire au Plan – Porte parole du Pacte civique), Guillaume Duval (rédacteur en chef de Alternatives économiques), Alain Lipietz (ancien Vice-président du Parlement européen), Ewa Safin-Jacquemart (Directrice de la Greenzone Foundation Poland), Anna Diamantopoulou (former Greek Minister and EU commissioner), Ken Loach (British film maker) and Baltasar Garzón (Spanish jurist).

Press Release: Ken Loach supports the campaign for a New Deal in Europe

Belgian Commitee: "Getting the eurozone out of the doldrums" presentation by Michel Aglietta for #NewDeal4Europe held on 30 September in Brussels 
Italian Committee: Torino: New Deal per l'Europa, un passo verso la federazione europea
Uil Liguria:  Una firma contro la crisi, New Deal for Europe

Supporters of the ECI NewDeal4Europe

Renata Briano  Bruno Latour
Video: Renata Briano, Member of the European Parliament, Genova 8 September 2014. News: Bruno Latour, French philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist of science, New York, 21 September 2014.
Barbara Spinelli Aglietta Grosjean
Video: Barbara Spinelli, Promoter, Rome 7 February 2014, Teatro Valle. News: Conference of Michel Aglietta in Brussels 30 September. From left to right : Michel Aglietta, Philippe D. Grojean and Georges Vlandas (from the Belgian Committee).


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