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nuova iniziativa per Karl
- Subject: nuova iniziativa per Karl
- From: "Olivier Turquet" <turquet at dada.it>
- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 02:15:13 +0100
- Priority: normal
Cari amici di Karl, abbiamo ricevuto da lui una bozza di una lettera da spedire al Direttore del carcere e al Governatore dell'Arizona. L'abbiamo rimessa un po' in ordine, stampata e spedita, alleghiamo il testo originale. Sostanzialmente si chiede che Karl venga trasferito in un carcere "normale" visto che dopo il processo e la condanna non deve piu' stare in massima sicurezza. Purtroppo per farcelo restare le guardie della prigione si sono inventati che egli appartiene a una "gang"; chi ha letto il libro sa quanto questo e' lontano dal vero. Speriamo che le lettere servano a qualcosa. Approfittiamo dell'occasione per salutare tutti ed esortarvi a non mollare con la vendita del libro. Karl ne ha gia' pronto un'altro, sulle sue esperienze in carcere, non vediamo l'ora di leggerlo. To Terry L. Stewart Director Arizona Department of Correction 1601 West Jefferson Phoenix Arizona 85007 To Jane Dee Hull Governor State Capital Building 1700 West Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007 The Committee for the Defence of Karl Louis Guillen, ADC # 77614, B 3400, Unit SMUII in the prison complex of Florence Arizona, published in Italy, last year, a book written by Mr. Guillen, 'Il Tritacarne" and constituted many sections of the committee in various parts of Italy with the aim to help Mr. Guillen to prove his innocence, involving several human right associations around the world: Amnesty International, Sforza, Coalit, Humanist Movement, Hand off Cain, etc., After the adjudication of December 6th 1999, of 1993 case at Pinal County, case number CR930- 18631, in which he pleaded non contest and received no more time than he's already doing, we supposed him to be moved in a normal prison, but he is still il maximum custody unit. In February, ten days after he's reclassified out of segregation, your officers decided to make him a gang member to justify further isolation. The timing of this latter move is conspicuous, coming as it did soon after your officers deemed he was finally, after 7 years in a box, going to a normal prison. Karl Guillen is not a member of a gang (White Supremacist), he risked his life publishing a book that not only denounce such activities, but that boldly claims his dual heritage of Native American (Cherokee). Karl Guillen is intelligent enough to know the only way out is through his good behaviour. He has not caused your officer trouble. He's a published author, he's been accepted to complete his degree course at Pennsylvania State University, and has done more productive programming on his own than 99% of yours wards. Ultimately, you have forced him to use the only means necessary: the courts. But in doing so he has bought retaliation from you and your officers, though he's only seeking the same human and civil rights he should all ready have. Karl's case is still being looked at. Most probably he is an innocent man, and this will soon come out. Karl Guillen has been in administrative segregation for so long that he is allergic to the water and must take medication to drink, wash and bath. This indicates some physiological dysfunction caused by long term isolation, and lack of sunlight. Karl's eyesight is impaired, he cannot see past thirty feet. Please, have Karl Guillen released to a medium custody unit where he can re-adapt to human contact and (hopefully) regain his vision and not have to take medication just to use or consume water. Respectfully Comitato per la Difesa di Karl Louis Guillen
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