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RE: World information at hand

                   a.ceresa2002 at libero.it      
Socially conscientious activists have launched the world?s sole environmental 
portal for debut on network television in the coming months. The project?s 
director, Dr. Gurminder Singh, told reporters that forthcoming developments 
include the creation of a mega resource for all things environmental, social 
and sustainable and act as the premier platform for organizations of all sizes 
around the world. Dr. Singh also stated that ongoing development in the coming 
months will see the creation of a mega resource for all things environmental, 
social and sustainable will be a platform for organizations of all sizes around 
the world. 

(PRWEB) June 15, 2004 -- Earth Networks Television is set to launch via its web 
portal and on television through a new reality magazine show called, "Conscious 
Causes," focusing on an ?issues and solutions? oriented broadcast. The ultimate 
aim of Earth Networks Television is to establish a 24/7 global channel to 
demonstrate the correlation between the education, empowerment, economic 
development, entrepreneurship, environment development and entertainment arena. 

Earth Networks Television is based upon the idea that the entertainment and 
media industries needs to assist with the dissemination of new ideas, concepts, 
information and technologies to improve the lives of people through developing 
content and programming about various issues plaguing the world and the 
transfer of solutions that can resolve these challenges. The world in the 21st 
century faces emerging crises related to population growth, environmental 
challenges, climatic changes, economic pluralism, increasing poverty gaps, 
global terrorism and the increasing possibility of global civilizations 
spiraling into conflict. 

Motivation of major Hollywood celebrities to actively participate in such a 
global forum is illustrated by their enthusiasm for Tinseltown.tv, a broadcast 
program now reaching the South Asian population of America and more than 100 
other countries. Dr. Singh, an authority on finance, enterprise development, 
and the future role of technology and communications and Chairman of the Global 
Council for Social Economic Relations, serves as the strategist for the rollout 
and development of this media venture, which can be seen at www.tinseltown.tv. 
A popular and unique segment is ?The Spiritual Side of Hollywood,? which can be 
carried forward into ?Conscious Causes.? An important example of a celebrity's 
conscious cause is Bono?s Jubilee USA Networks ?Drop the Debt? campaign to 
uplift improvised third world countries where debt is costing lives. 

Social or environmental activism and television journalism will support and 
develop various programs to address the journeys these celebrities are 
supporting and the social changes for the better they bring to various parts of 
the world and to the various communities in the US. Dr. Singh?s extensive 
experience with numerous celebrities, global entrepreneurs, head of state(s), 
royal families and philanthropic organizations will help unite the cause of 
these individuals, who all need a media platform to bring such content and 
programming into the homes of people in the US and worldwide, showcasing the 
progress of such social efforts. Many issues have found various solutions due 
to the development of television and the expansion of the worldwide Internet 
but no single television or global media company have focused on the 
development of a global channel that brings all of this great social and 
environmental entrepreneurship to the forefront. Various large and small 
non-profits a
nd NGOs are toiling away around the world. Some have the liberty of television 
documentaries developed about their causes, while others have movies illustrate 
unique stories of the people behind these social initiatives. Yet, many more 
toil with no global media exposure or any credits for their good work. From 
this, Earth Networks is poised to become the premier platform of global 
communication to explore environmentally themed causes and solutions for an 
increasingly global audience.

Contact: Dr.Gurminder Singh

Email: singh.gurminder at comcast.net

Telephone: 310-628-8870

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