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RE: Earth Network Web Portal-


While I agree with many of the points that Dr. Anthony Ceresa has put before
us, I would like to caution the community on a few points. First, very
little science and/or discovery is truly revolutionary. Most is built upon
prior knowledge that has been made available through mechanisms such as peer
reviewed publication and public discourse. 
Many discoveries that are considered to be revolutionary took several tens
of years to be accepted and incorporated into the process described above.
Some were not provided the luxury of the test of time and have indeed
resulted in dire consequences.
The first person that suggested that the earth was not the center of the
universe was essentially martyred for doing so. Newton was a very religious
man and spent a great deal of his life trying to disprove his own theories
as they went against his beliefs. Schrödinger and Einstein are still
understood by about 0.1% of the world's population. They also carried on a
lengthy series of metaphysical debates about what exactly their theories
meant and would ultimately be used for. The idea that by observing a system
you interact with and define that system again puts the observer in the
position of the creator. Both men died very unhappy with the use of what
they had created.
Yet the system of discovery, development and implementation roles on.
Discovery is a key element as it is what all the rest of the process is
built upon. It is the use of the discovery that needs to be examined for
its environmental and sociopolitical ramifications.
Nobel did not originate his prize based upon anything "Atomic". He invented
TNT. The invention was intended to be used to aid in the extraction of
natural resources such as minerals from mines. Prior to his invention one
would start a fire in a mine (confined space) heat the rock and then poor
cold water onto it to fracture the face. This was dangerous, slow, labor
intensive and kept the standard of living for those that could not afford
the resources at a very low level. Unfortunately for Nobel someone got the
bright idea that you could use this in war. Nobel founded his prize out of
guilt and to encourage the responsible use of technologies to benefit rather
than harm humanity.
Now to my point... Many very beneficial technologies are indeed developed
for what one may consider to be the wrong reason. Many scientists and
engineers tend to be rather myopic in their specific subject of interest.
That is why they chose to specialize in it. This web-portal should be
viewed as a mechanism to get information out to people who may be able to
further utilize it. Hopefully for the good of the world and its peoples.

One last, and very contentious point. The discovery of nuclear energy is
not, in itself a bad thing. Nuclear energy powers the universe. It is not
a man-made source. Once again, someone decided that it could be used as a
weapon. So might your gravity engine...
Anyway, the proliferation of nuclear weapons post WWII got out of control.
The waste created during this time is and will continue to be a problem.
However Pandoras box has been opened. Nuclear weapons are here to stay.
The question again is how do they get "used". As a deterrent to major world
wide conflict and loss of life due to war they have proven their worth over
the last 50 some odd years. At what cost?.... to be continued... A
majority of the people working on the weapons are in actuality improving the
situation. How so you ask?

At first, the race was to make the weapons more powerful, more desrtructive,
bigger range more collateral damage. Lets face it if the missile you are
flying these things on is only accurate to within one mile, you have to have
a two mile blast radius to make sure you take out the target. Answer;
Improve accuracy and decrease yield and limit collateral damage.

The second point is reliability. Getting a thermonuclear device to actually
work is non trivial. It would surprise most of you to k now that many do
not work. This means that again, to assure the destruction of a given
target you would have to fire multiple missiles to assure that one would
actually function properly. The answer; improve reliability and stockpile
numbers go down.

The last point is the whole Idea of a stockpile. TO maintain an effective
deterrent you need to have the weapons ready to go. The Russians used the
approach that they would manufacture weapons at a very rapid rate and
replace older models sitting in the stockpile. This is one of the reasons
that Nuclear waste is such an issue in the former Soviet Union. We did much
the same for a while until Reaganomics kicked in and the president decided
he wanted to put the USSR out of business. Stockpile Stewardship is bassed
upon assuring that the weapons are still functional while maintaining a very
very long shelf life. How many companies do you know of that try to create
a product that they hope will simply sit on a shelf for 25-40 years and
NEVER EVER EVER get used. This is a difficult process but it has allowed
the US to decrease production to near zero and virtually eliminate the
requisite production of waste from these types of operations. 

This shifted the emphasis in the US to the "cleanup" of old production
sites. Now, while I agree that this is a problem that will extend well into
the future, at least we have started.

Now, Here is the problem with all this "good stuff". In the "knights and
shining armor" period of history, the knights themselves were virtually
invincible. They rode on huge mean horses covered in impenetrable armor and
killed the other guys peasants. War was easy for the kings barons princes
and dukes because they themselves only rarely got hurt. Then they would all
make piece and drink beer and tell each other "war stories".
Finally some clever chap invented the winding crossbow. A weapon anyone
could make, use, and effectively kill the armored knights. The knights
protested to the Pope and he banned the weapons use. Yeah like that’s gonna
work.... Again Pandoras box was opened and WAR became the bloody, ugly
expensive thing it is meant to be.

To deter War we need to keep it ugly. If we get too good at it... it will
become easier to wage. 

Dr. Craig M.V. Taylor.


----Original Message-----
From: a.ceresa2002 [mailto:a.ceresa2002 at libero.it 
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:27 PM
To: prof
Cc: prof
Subject: RE: [professionals] Earth Networks Web Portal & Television Launched

Most respectful Colleague Dr. Craig M.V. Taylor,

I am glad to hear that someone is involved in environmental research with
merits for new technologies benefiting Humanity.

I hope does not concerns solutions sustaining the "Mineral Oil, Gas or
Concoction" that have polluted the world to very critical consequences and
so many wars;
Or the "Athom", Nobel Prize for killing and destruction; 
or the "Radioactive Waste", responsible for so many losted lives and still
humanity for very long periods of time, better defined in many "centuries"
of the 
future, with large quantity of Waste Disposal at International levels,
without a 
defined secure location.
Or any chemical or bacteriological discovery guiding to lead the world.

Any such solution shall be useless for the fact world story can ascertain
very important Empires and powerful Dynasties following a short common
period of 
glory, they all ended on the dust.

Emperor Nerone burned Rome and present world Governments all united, are
the world with wrong political solutions polluting the world socially,
economically and 

As researcher, I am also capable to create new sofisticated ammunitions for
attac and 
defence, but that is not the correct solution to improve the social
development and 
understanding between nations.

I am a wise private researcher with limited merits, for dedicating my time
to safe long 
lasting technological discoveries to improve the quality of life of the
planet and its 
social savage inhabitants, notwithstanding the number of creeds that sustain
we are 
all brothers and sisters generated by the same God..

My delusion, on these days, peoples and Governments looking with preference
discoveries able to kill and destroy adverse economical teories and
The general request is directed with preference for mass destruction
armaments to 
balance with deep serious lack of justice at international levels, meanwhile
of International Organizations observ negatively the events and benefit of
situation supported by world tax payers.

We can say that is really a fanny world !!

My thoughts are directed with particular attention to the abominable
mistakes operated 
daily in first instace by the UNO (United Nation Organization) and UE
(United Europe) 
of wich many are of the opinion to be useless entities programmed to choke
further its 
citizens with a program of globalization without mentioning any interest to
improve justice.

I also wish to confirm my clear disapointment for being unable to receive
the merited
supports for an important international discovery that Exploit the Free
Gravity Energy 
to Generate Cheap Electric Power to the benefit of the entire planet.

Gravity Energy is a natural gift, is illimited and continuous, further, it
is pure, free pollution
and free cost.

The trend of the discovery relays on the fact that it saves the cost of
combustibles and
relative damages caused by pollution to the environment and to human beings.

The project consists of a Power Plant made up of an industrial motor of
different sizes up

to over one thousand KW. and connected to an appropriated generator to
produce Cheap 
Electric Power.
More unit coupled together to obtain higher Power request.

The Cheap Generation of Electric Power could be also favourable to develop
Plants for all countries with low availability of sweet water facilities.

Valuable economical results can be also obtained with the application of
above units to local 
transports, such as: electrification of city tramcar, city buses and long
distance trains.

But ! It seams that use of combustibles are programmed for long time by
Governments and any reference by Scientists and Media to the very critical
situation of 
world pollution and enviromental natural consequences are not taken into

I take the opportunity to submit my best wishes of success to Dr. Gurminder
Singh and all
Supporters and Cooperators for the wonderful idea to develop the Earth
Network Web Portal 
& Earth Networks Television to approach world various existing civilizations
and resolv 
debated questions in a comon turn table of social understanding, without
information presented by unrespected medias aiming to protect partial

I am available for further discussion if needed.

Kind regards and thanks you all.

Anthony Ceresa


> My name is Dr. Craig M.V. Taylor. I work at Los Alamos National
> Laboratories in New Mexico (USA). I have been heavily involved in
> environmental research for well over 15 years. I have received two R&D
> Awards, A tech Museum Award for technologies benefiting Humanity, a
> Department of Energy technology transfer award for socially responsible
> research and a Presidential Green Chemistry Award just to name a few.

> of the organizations that I participate on would benefit greatly from the
> publicity that may result from the idea that you have proposed. I would
> like to recommend that you contact 
> 1) The Tech Museum in San Jose California www.thetech.org or
> http://techawards.thetech.org or contact Christine Le at 408-795-6201
> This organization has been awarding technologies that benefit Humanity for
> about 4 years now and can provide you a great deal of very high quality
> information and video. They are not connected with the Mainstream press
> thus their message has not been brought to the forefront it deserves.
> 2) The Green Chemistry Institute at
> http://chemistry.org/greenchemistryinstitute
> The Green Chemistry Institute Mission
> The Green Chemistry Institute (GCI) is a non-profit organization within
> American Chemical Society (ACS) founded to promote green chemistry through
> Research 
> Education 
> Information dissemination 
> Conferences and symposia 
> International collaboration 
> GCI works across disciplines and academic, government, and industry
> to promote the development and implementation of chemical products and
> processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous
> substances. Worldwide interest in green chemistry is reflected in over 20
> international chapters currently affiliated with the Green Chemistry
> Institute.
> For more information, contact the Green Chemistry Institute at:
> Dr. Dennis L. Hjeresen
> Director
> Phone: (202) 872-4078
> d_hjeresen at acs.org
> Dr. Mary Kirchhoff
> Assistant Director
> Phone: (202) 872-4562
> m_kirchhoff at acs.org 
> 1155 16th St. NW
> Othmer Suite 330
> Washington, DC 20036
> Fax: (202) 872-6206
> 3) The International SeaKeepers Society
> www.seakeepers.org 
> The International SeaKeepers Society is a nonprofit organization that
> actively protects the oceans by equipping luxury yachts, other vessels,
> platforms around the world with sophisticated ocean and atmospheric
> monitoring sensors. These compact, high-tech monitors gather and transmit
> via satellite to the international scientific community critically-needed
> data on the health of the oceans, changing weather and climate patterns,
> sources of pollution and other threats to human life and marine resources.

> 4) http://www.inbio.ac.cr/en/inbio/inb_queinbio.htm
> The National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica is a private
> research and biodiversity management center, established in 1989 to
> efforts to gather knowledge on the country's biological diversity and
> promote its sustainable use. The institute works under the premise that
> best way to conserve biodiversity is to utilize the opportunities it
> to improve the quality of life of human beings.
> INBio is a non-governmental, non-profit, public interest organization of
> civil society that works in close collaboration with different government
> institutions, universities, the private sector and other public and
> organizations, both within and outside Costa Rica.
> These are just a few of the organizations I know that could both
> to and benefit from the project you propose. I would very much like to be
> involved in any way that I can help. Please use me as a resource whenever
> you feel the need. I can be reached at eggus_taylor at lanl.gov or
> eggus at direcway.com or 505-665-3545 during working hours or 505-829-3069 at
> home. I can not tell you how excited I am to have such an outlet to make
> people aware of the environmental and socioeconomic issues that the worls
> contending with at this time. I am also fairly well plugged in with a
> many foundations and other venture philanthropy organizations that may be
> able to help you get this message out.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gurminder at studentspace.intranets.com
> [mailto:gurminder at studentspace.intranets.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:13 AM

> To: prof at kbank.internationalwhoswho.com
> Subject: [professionals] Earth Networks Web Portal & Television Launched 
> Socially conscientious activists have launched the worlds sole
> environmental portal for debut on network television in the coming months.
> The projects director, Dr. Gurminder Singh, told reporters that
> developments include the creation of a mega resource for all things
> environmental, social and sustainable and act as the premier platform for
> organizations of all sizes around the world. Dr. Singh also stated that
> ongoing development in the coming months will see the creation of a mega

> resource for all things environmental, social and sustainable will be a
> platform for organizations of all sizes around the world. 
> (PRWEB) June 15, 2004 -- Earth Networks Television is set to launch via

> web portal and on television through a new reality magazine show called,
> "Conscious Causes," focusing on an issues and solutions oriented
> broadcast. The ultimate aim of Earth Networks Television is to establish a
> 24/7 global channel to demonstrate the correlation between the education,
> empowerment, economic development, entrepreneurship, environment
> and entertainment arena. 
> Earth Networks Television is based upon the idea that the entertainment
> media industries needs to assist with the dissemination of new ideas,
> concepts, information and technologies to improve the lives of people
> through developing content and programming about various issues plaguing
> world and the transfer of solutions that can resolve these challenges. The
> world in the 21st century faces emerging crises related to population
> growth, environmental challenges, climatic changes, economic pluralism,

> increasing poverty gaps, global terrorism and the increasing possibility
> global civilizations spiraling into conflict. 
> Motivation of major Hollywood celebrities to actively participate in such
> global forum is illustrated by their enthusiasm for Tinseltown.tv, a
> broadcast program now reaching the South Asian population of America and
> more than 100 other countries. Dr. Singh, an authority on finance,
> enterprise development, and the future role of technology and

> and Chairman of the Global Council for Social Economic Relations, serves
> the strategist for the rollout and development of this media venture,
> can be seen at www.tinseltown.tv. A popular and unique segment is The
> Spiritual Side of Hollywood, which can be carried forward into Conscious
> Causes. An important example of a celebrity's conscious cause is Bonos
> Jubilee USA Networks Drop the Debt campaign to uplift improvised third
> world countries where debt is costing lives. 
> Social or environmental activism and television journalism will support
> develop various programs to address the journeys these celebrities are
> supporting and the social changes for the better they bring to various
> of the world and to the various communities in the US. Dr. Singhs
> experience with numerous celebrities, global entrepreneurs, head of
> state(s), royal families and philanthropic organizations will help unite
> cause of these individuals, who all need a media platform to bring such
> content and programming into the homes of people in the US and worldwide,
> showcasing the progress of such social efforts. Many issues have found
> various solutions due to the development of television and the expansion
> the worldwide Internet but no single television or global media company
> focused on the development of a global channel that brings all of this

> social and environmental entrepreneurship to the forefront. Various large
> and small non-profits a
> nd NGOs are toiling away around the world. Some have the liberty of
> television documentaries developed about their causes, while others have
> movies illustrate unique stories of the people behind these social
> initiatives. Yet, many more toil with no global media exposure or any
> credits for their good work. From this, Earth Networks is poised to become
> the premier platform of global communication to explore environmentally
> themed causes and solutions for an increasingly global audience.
> Contact: Dr.Gurminder Singh
> Email: singh.gurminder at comcast.net
> Telephone: 310-628-8870
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