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IAC on no-IMF in Washington 29/9 (Fwd) Activists cancel IMF protests in Washington

Global Justice cancella la mobilitazione anti-FMI, l'International Action Center la rimodula come "marcia contro la guerra e il razzismo"

Giorgio Ellero

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From: "F A B I O C C H I::"
Date sent: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 19:15:10 +0200
Subject: Activists cancel IMF protests in Washington

Activists cancel IMF protests in Washington
Monday, September 17, 2001
By Reuters

WASHINGTON — U.S. anti-globalization groups canceled protests scheduled for the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, in light of the meetings' expected cancellation and last Tuesday's terror attacks, organizers said.
The Mobilization for Global Justice, a coalition of various groups
organizing the protests, said in an e-mail message to demonstrators that it was canceling the demonstrations.
"Mobilization for Global Justice decided to cancel its call for street
actions in September in Washington, D.C., in light of the events of Sept. 11 and their aftermath and the expected cancellation of the IMF/World Bank meetings," Robert Naiman, of the organization, said in the letter.
The World Bank and IMF had been expected to postpone their meetings, originally scheduled for Sept. 29-30, in light of the attacks on New York and Washington. The U.S. government last week called on both institutions to postpone the event.
An official announcement from the two lending institutions was expected Monday.
Another organizing group, the International Action Center, said it would hold instead a "march against war and racism" in Washington on Sept. 29.
"We have reorganized and refocused our demonstrations," said spokesman Brian Becker. "Our focus is the danger of a war in the Middle East, globalized racism and racist attacks against Arab Americans and Muslims in this country."
Hijacked airliners smashed into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outside Washington on Tuesday. Saudi exile Osama bin Laden has been identified by U.S. officials as the chief suspect for planning the coordinated attacks.

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Annullate le riunioni annuali del Fondo Monetario
e della Banca Mondiale

17 settembre 2001
Articolo messo in Rete alle 19:02 ora italiana (17:02 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale e la Banca Mondiale hanno annullato le loro riunioni annuali in programma a Washington a fine settembre. A comunicarlo sono stati i rappresentanti delle stesse organizzazioni finanziarie internazionali.

L'annullamento delle riunioni, che dovevano svolgersi il 29 e 30 settembre, era largamente atteso dopo gli attacchi terroristici della scorsa settimana contro New York e Washington.

"Le normali attività della Banca e del Fondo non saranno interrotte - ha spiegato in una nota il presidente della Banca Mondiale James Wolfensohn - si cercheranno soluzioni alternative per le questioni che dovevano essere affrontate nel corso delle riunioni annuali".

Non si sa, per il momento, se la riunione dei ministri delle Finanze del G7, che di solito precede gli incontri del Fmi e della Banca, si terrà ugualmente e se sarà eventualmente convocata altrove. L'Italia ha attualmente la presidenza del G7.

Le organizzazioni 'no global', che avevano indetto proteste in occasione delle riunioni di fine settembre, avevano già annullato i loro programmi.


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