Tsunami e zone franche in Sri Lanka - Clean Clothes Campaign
- Subject: Tsunami e zone franche in Sri Lanka - Clean Clothes Campaign
- From: "Ersilia Monti" <ersilia.monti at mclink.it>
- Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 18:03:57 +0100
TSUNAMI E ZONE FRANCHE IN SRI LANKA – Clean Clothes Campaign Il sindacato delle zone franche dello Sri Lanka (Free Trade Zones and General Services Employees Union), partner della Clean Clothes Campaign, lancia un appello per sostenere un progetto per la ricostruzione delle case dei lavoratori delle zone franche colpiti dallo tsunami. I fondi si raccolgono sul conto
corrente bancario n. 0-3912-7, intestato a: “FTZ&GSEU to assist the victims
of the tidal waves”, Bank of Ceylon, Lakehouse Branch, Lakehouse Building,
Colombo 10 (SWIFT code: BCGYLKLX, Bank Code: 636) Dal racconto di Anton Marcus, segretario del sindacato delle zone franche, referente della Clean Clothes Campaign: ... il maremoto ha fatto vittime anche fra i lavoratori delle zone franche. Dalle informazioni che abbiamo potuto raccogliere, nella cartiera di Valachchani, nella provincia orientale, sono morti due nostri sindacalisti, Karunakaran di Kalkuda e Ramanathan di Kaluvanchikudi, altri tre o quattro hanno perso i figli, altri lavoratori ancora risultano dispersi; tutte le famiglie colpite dalla tragedia che hanno perso la casa sono alloggiate in vari campi profughi. Un nostro sindacalista alla Bratex Ltd., nella zona franca di Katunayake, ha perso la sorella. Otto famiglie imparentate con il nostro tesoriere hanno perso tutto quello che avevano. Un’altra nostra iscritta e un collega alla fabbrica Jaqaklanka non hanno piu' la casa. Nella zona franca di Katunayake manca all’appello un gran numero di lavoratori dei quali sono in corso le ricerche. Anche nella zona franca di Koggala, nel sud del paese, in una zona non direttamente colpita dallo tsunami, sono numerosi i lavoratori che non si sono presentati al lavoro tanto che le fabbriche non hanno potuto riprendere le attività. Alla Fashion Trends, per esempio, di 700 addetti solo 200 sono rientrati, di una lavoratrice si sa per certo che sia morta. Chi ha ripreso il lavoro e viveva a pensione deve cercarsi un altro alloggio poiche' i proprietari non sanno come procurarsi il cibo. Secondo stime ufficiali sono morti in Sri Lanka a causa del maremoto più di 39 mila persone, ma si calcola che il numero reale possa superare le 40 mila. Oltre il 40% sono bambini. Le case distrutte sono circa 81 mila e piu' di 1 milione di persone ha trovato rifugio nei campi profughi. E’ con profonda tristezza che vi informiamo della scomparsa di Kanthy Amitt, rimasta vittima del maremoto insieme al marito e alle figlie mentre era in viaggio. Kanthy, capo interprete in parlamento, era nota a qualcuno di voi per aver fatto parte della nostra delegazione alla conferenza SIGTUR nella Corea del Sud e per il suo lavoro di interprete per il venticinquesimo anniversario del Committee for Asian Women che si e' tenuto in Thailandia. In considerazione del numero di lavoratori e delle loro famiglie coinvolti nella tragedia, il nostro sindacato, in collaborazione con il Women’s Centre, ong che assiste le donne impiegate nelle fabbriche di abbigliamento e nelle zone franche, ha deciso di lanciare un programma a sostegno dei lavoratori vittime dello tsunami occupati nelle zone franche e in generale nelle fabbriche di abbigliamento, un settore quest’ultimo su cui pende la minaccia di una disoccupazione di massa dopo la conclusione dell’Accordo Multifibre (accordo che fino alla fine del 2004 aveva regolato, attraverso quote di esportazione, il commercio mondiale di prodotti tessili e dell'abbigliamento, n.d.t.). Il nostro obiettivo non e' quello di fornire soccorsi immediati, per i quali sia il governo che la comunita' internazionale si stanno impegnando, ma assistenza a lungo termine, attraverso la ricostruzione delle case distrutte. In una prima fase prevediamo di costruire 50 unita' abitative a cominciare dalle case dei due lavoratori che sono morti a Valachchani, nella provincia orientale. Secondo gli esperti ai quali ci siamo rivolti, una casa costituita da due stanze, cucina, bagno e veranda dovrebbe costare 140.000 S.L Rs (1.346 dollari). Si veda il preventivo allegato per le prime 50 case [incollato in coda alla mail]. Abbiamo avviato un’indagine fra i lavoratori, ai quali sono stati distribuiti 20 mila volantini, per accertare le loro condizioni attuali e definire le priorita' d’intervento. Ne abbiamo informato la stampa e a giorni visiteremo le zone colpite nella parte orientale e meridionale del paese. Ogni nostro iscritto sara' invitato a contribuire alla ricostruzione devolvendo un giorno di salario del mese di gennaio. Abbiamo aperto un nuovo conto corrente bancario presso la Bank of Ceylon intestato a “FTZ&GSEU to assist the victims of the tidal waves”: - Intestazione del conto corrente: FTZ&GSEU to assist the victims of the tidal waves - Numero di conto corrente: 0-3912-7 - Nome della banca: Bank of Ceylon, Lakehouse branch - Indirizzo della banca: Lakehouse Building, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka - SWIFT CODE: BCGYLKLX, BANK CODE: 636 Ci auguriamo che vorrete sostenere il nostro progetto inviando un contributo in denaro al fondo. Per piccolo che sia, sara' per noi di grande aiuto. Per ogni necessità di chiarimento, contattateci ai recapiti sottostanti. In solidarietà,
Anton Marcus ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Messaggio
Da: Marieke [mailto:marieke at cleanclothes.org] Inviato: mercoledì 5 gennaio 2005 15.06 A: euros at cleanclothes.org Oggetto: [euros] [Fwd: APPEAL: Helping hands to the victims of tidal waves] Dear friends, Please consider this appeal from our partner Anton Marcus (FTZ&GSEU, Sri Lanka), and if possible send it on to other organisations who you trust are able to help them out. Many thanks in advance, Marieke -------- Original Message -------- Subject: APPEAL: Helping hands to the victims of tidal waves Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 14:07:29 +0600 From: ftzunion at diamond.lanka.net To: acluver at tiscali.co.za Dear Friends *_Appeal to support the "Helping hands to the victims of tidal wave" programme _*Thanks for your response to our e-mail dated 29 December 2004. As mentioned in our earlier e-mail, we were able to collect some information how the tsunami tragedy has affected our members specifically workers in the FTZs. Two of our members namely; comrade Karunakaran from Kalkuda and comrade Ramanathan from Kaluvanchikudi who were working at the National Paper Mill in Valachchani, Eastern Province have died. Some workers in this factory have not yet reported for work and 3 or 4 members have lost their children and all those families who have been affected and have lost their houses are still in various refugee camps. One of our members in Bratex Ltd. at the FTZ-Katunayake, has lost her sister. Our branch union treasurer's relations of 8 families have lost their belongings including their houses. One of our members of Jaqaklanka factory has lost her house and another worker who is not a member of our union also has lost his house. At the Katunayake FTZ, a considerable number of workers have not yet reported for work and the Board of Investment (BOI) and the management of the factories are trying to trace them. Even though the factories in the Koggala FTZ, in southern Sri Lanka were not directly affected, quite a number of workers have still not reported for work therefore, the factories are not starting operations. For example in the factory called Fashion Trends out of 700 employees only 200 were reported for work today.One women worker works at Fashion Trend has died. Workers who have come to report for work are facing difficulties at their boarding houses where they stay. The owners have told them they were not in a position to keep them because they can not provide food. Official figures indicate the number of people who have died has reached more than 39,196, but unofficially the figure could reach more than 40,000. Of the people who have died, more than 40% are children.About 81,000 houses have been destroyed and more 1 million people are staying in refugee camps. We are also extremely sad to inform you of the news Mrs. Kanthy Amitt, the Chief Interpreter of the Parliament, died with husband and two daughters while travelling on 26th December 2004. Kanthy is known to some of you because she was a interpreter for our delegation to the SIGTUR conference held in Soul Korea and she was the interpreter for the Committee for Asian Women's 25th anniversary held in Thailand. According to above informations it is clear there will be a considerable number of workers and their families among the victims of this tragedy.Therefore, our union together with Women's Centre which is a labour NGO working with women workers in FTZs and garment factories, decided to launch a programme to provide a helping hand to workers who are victims of the tidal waves who are working at the FTZs factories and garment factories outside the FTZs. As you all know this disaster is a terrible blow for garment workers who are under threat of losing their employment because of the MFA Phase-out from the beginning of this year. As we mentioned above our target groups will be workers of who are working in the factories in FTZs and garment factories situated out side the FTZs.Since immediate relief has been extended by the international community and other organizations including the government, we decided to give a hand to the workers and their families for long term rehabilitation by building houses for them. In the initial stage we plan to build 50 houses starting with two houses for the workers who died at Valachchani, Eastern Province. We consulted with experts on building houses for this particular situation.According to their information one house consisting of two rooms, kitchen, toilet, and veranda will cost S.L Rs140,000/ - (USD$1346). We have attached a budget for the initial 50 houses. We have printed and distributed 20,000 leaflets among workers to collect information about their circumstances since the tidal waves engulfed the coast (translation of the leaflet is attached).Already we released this communication to all newspapers and electronic media. We have already planned to visit to Eastern Province and Southern provinces, which were affected by the disaster, at the end of this week. Our union decided to ask every member to contribute one day's salary for the month of January 2005 and we will have a discussion to find out the possibility of continuing this support. We have opened a new bank account under the name ofFree Trade Zones & General Services Employees UnionAccount to assist victims of the tidal waves, at the Bank of Ceylon. *Name of the account: *FTZ&GSEU to assist the victims of the tidal waves *Account No: 0-3912-7 Name of Bank:* Bank of Ceylon, Lakehouse branch *Address:* Lakehouse Building, Colombo 10 We hope you will support by contributing to the fund set up by us to give helping hands to theworkers who victims of tidal waves. Even if your contributionis small it will be of great assistant to the success our programme.If you need further clarification please contact us. We are awaiting your immediate response. Yours In Solidarity Anton Marcus Joint Secretary Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees Union Tel: +94 (0)11 4 617 711; +94 (0)11 4 610 001 Mobile: +94 (0)777 281 477 Email: _ftzunion at diamond.lanka.net _Sriya Ahangamage Secretary Women's Centre Tel: +94 (0)11 2231152; +94 (0)11 4 831 649 Budget for the Houses One house cost SL. Rs. 140,000/-
50 houses = 50 @ 140,000 =
7,000,000 Travelling & Transport =20,000 per month For 4 months
@ 20,000/- = 80,000/-
Coordinator salary 15,000 per
month For 4 months
4 @ 15,000/- = 60,000/- Administrative cost 7,000/- per month
For 4 months
4 @ 7000/- =
28,000/- Total expenses
= S.L Rs. 7,168,000 /- = US$ 68,924/- = Euro 51,569/-
-- Kindest regards, in solidarity Marieke (Eyskoot) Clean Clothes Campaign P.O. Box 11584 1001 GN Amsterdam The Netherlands t: + 31 20 4122785 f: + 31 20 4122786 www.cleanclothes.org |
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