[ACEA #235] Revoca del brevetto di un funghicida con gene dell'"albero libero"

Agenziastampa per i Consumi Etici e Alternativi

Comunicato n. 235 del 18-5-2000

Giunge dall'Aiab un comunicato dell'Ifoam (la federazione internazionale
dei movimenti di agricoltura biologica) sulla revoca del brevetto di  un
funghicida con gene dell'"albero libero". E' una battaglia che ha visto
affiancati l'Ifoam ed il Mondo del Commercio Equo che sono riusciti ad
impedire alla WW GRACE di "scippare" un preparato tradizionale del mondo
contadino indiano di cui (!?) poi i contadini indiani avrebbero dovuto
pagare i diritti alla multinazionale americana.
Un ruolo importante in questa battaglia l'ha avuto l'economista Vandana
Shiva che sarà a Genova il 20 maggio al convegno che si terrà in
opposizione a Tebio (la mostra delle biotecnologie)

Ecco il comunicato originale:

 Munich, May 10, 2000. At the conclusion of a two-day Oral Proceeding, the
Opposition Division of the European Patent Office (EPO) this afternoon
revoked a controversial patent which had been granted to the United States
of America and the multinational corporation W.R. Grace for a fungicide
derived from seeds of the Neem tree. The Legal Opposition to the patent had
been lodged five years ago by the Research Foundation for Science,
Technology and Natural Resource Policy directed by the renowned Indian
scientist Vandana Shiva, IFOAM (International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements), and Magda Alvoet, former Green Member of the
European Parliament and current Environment Minister of Belgium.  The three
Opponents in the case were extremely pleased with the outcome, but they had
felt confident all along in the merits of their case. Dr. Vandana Shiva
commented on the victory: "We were certain from the beginning that the
US/Grace patent did not satisfy the basic requirements for a patent. How
could anyone call novel an invention that has been in public use for
centuries?"  "This is a great day not only for us but for all people
throughout the world, especially from the Third World, who have been
fighting to take back control of their resources and knowledge systems from
the patent regimes of the North," said IFOAM President Linda Bullard. "We
are gratified about the decision's recognition of the intellectual
achievements of the South and urge the patent office to reject the 11 Neem
patent applications which are still under examination. We hope that our
victory will mark a turning point in the struggle against biopiracy."  At
midday on the first day of the hearing demonstrators gathered in front of
the EPO building holding banners reading "No Patents for Theft" and
carrying signs representing all the European patents which have been
granted or are pending on the Neem. A 2-metre tall Neem tree-whose
scientific name means the "Free Tree"-was symbolically "freed" from patents
for public use by a delegation of scientists and farmers from India and Sri
Lanka. They then presented to a representative of the EPO packages of
signatures of 500,000 Indian citizens demanding that all patents on the
Neem be revoked.

(Fonte AceA)

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informazioni contattare l'organizzazione promotrice dell'iniziativa e, in
caso di mancanza di indicazioni specifiche, la nostra redazione.

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