Nike e Decathlon: insistiamo - Clean Clothes Campaign

NIKE E DECATHLON IN THAILANDIA fanno orecchi da mercante, parte una campagna internazionale - Clean Clothes Campaign
(aggiornamento del caso girato in lista l'11 gennaio 2005 - azione urgente richiesta dall'ong thailandese CLIST clist at
CLIST ci fa sapere che sono più di 200 le lettere di protesta inviate dall'Italia, secondo paese dopo gli Stati Uniti per numero di mail inviate. Grazie a tutti!!
Abbiamo dato un ottimo contributo, ora insistiamo.
Ottobre 2004, il giovane sindacato di fabbrica della MSP Sportswear, fornitore di abbigliamento sportivo per Nike e Decathlon in Thailandia, ottiene il riconoscimento ufficiale. Tre rappresentanti sindacali, impegnate a raccogliere adesioni fra i colleghi, sono immediatamente licenziate e l'attività sindacale in vario modo repressa. A giudizio di un funzionario del ministero del lavoro, invitato a un incontro fra i rappresentanti locali di Nike e le lavoratrici licenziate, è stato violato il diritto di organizzazione sindacale e i licenziamenti devono essere revocati. Ma il titolare della MSP non vuole sentire ragioni e offre una buonuscita in denaro mentre le ritorsioni continuano. Nike, che dovrebbe pretendere il rispetto del suo codice di condotta, assicura che si atterrà al giudizio della legge alla quale le lavoratrici dovranno in ultima istanza fare ricorso, ben sapendo che molto raramente l'esito di una causa legale è favorevole ai lavoratori. A che serve il suo codice di condotta? Nike e Decathlon non hanno mai reso pubblici i risultati delle indagini che avrebbero condotto sul caso. Decathlon ha promesso di occuparsene ma, dopo un incontro con Clist in Thailandia, non ha dato più segni di vita.
Nel frattempo una lavoratrice in gravi difficoltà economiche ha accettato il licenziamento contro un risarcimento in denaro pari a 11 mesi di lavoro. Il 17 gennaio la Fair Labor Association ha accolto ufficialmente la richiesta di indagine avanzata dalle lavoratrici. Iniziative di solidarietà sono in corso in diversi paesi, la stampa thailandese ha dato grande risalto al caso.
Compilate i due moduli (uno per Nike e uno per Decathlon) con nome e cognome, città e paese, oggetto (subject: MSP Sportswear in Thailand), e il vostro indirizzo di posta elettronica, cliccate su "Mail your protestletter now!".
Riceverete una risposta da Nike, la replica della Clean Clothes Campaign è visibile cliccando su: "Please find here the full text of Nike's letter..."
Per essere esclusi dalla lista o ricevere informazioni sulla Clean Clothes Campaign, inviate un messaggio a:
ersilia.monti at
Ersilia Monti (Coordinamento Lombardo Nord/Sud del mondo - Rete di Lilliput Nodo di Milano
P.le Governo Provvisorio 6 - 20127 Milano al link Abiti Puliti
----- Original Message -----
From: Somyot Pruksakasemsuk
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:58 PM
Subject: press release from clist

Press Release No 8
NIKE Faces Protests from Consumers’ Movement Worldwide
The MSP Sportwear in Nakornrachasima province, a producer of the world’s sportwear famous brand, NIKE and DECATHLON, had unfairly fired three core union leaders. The fired unionists later filed grievances to the NIKE and DECATHLON firms expecting their investigation on the MSP sportwear action which violated the NIKE Code of Conduct. However, the NIKE and Decathlon firms did not officially clarify the case to the public as expected but left  the case to the Thai administration of justice. This situation has led the Clean Cloth Campaign in Netherland, one of the consumers’ association campaigning for garment workers’ rights, to take action. 
According to the NIKE Code of Conduct, any companies producing for NIKE must strictly respect the workers’ rights of association and collective bargaining. That the MSP sportwear company laid off three core unionists during the time they were campaigning for  membership after setting up a trade union, was a clear violation of workers’ legal rights uphold by the NIKE Code of Conduct . Not only the three core unionists of the trade union were dismissed, other remaining unionists were also subjected to all kinds of intimidation and harrassment. The employment contract of the vice-president of the union and the mother of one of the unionists who were working under a probation period were discontinued without good reasons.
Severence payment was offered  to the three fired unionists and after the conciliation meeting, the payment was increased from originally three to eleven months. The increase in severence payment was accepted by one of the dismissed unionists, while the other two insisted to continue fighting for reinstatement.
The continuous reports on the case by CLIST  and Clean Cloth Campaign have led to worldwide protests against  the NIKE and DECATHLON. More than 700 students from The United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) have sent letters of protest to NIKE and called for its protection of workers’ rights by pressing for immediate reinstatement of the fired unionists. More than 200 protesting letters were sent from Italy. The Clean Cloth Campaign in France has organised demonstration against the DECATHLON firm and arranged for press releases mobilsing calls for DECATHLON to protect the workers’ rights. The Fair World Link in Newzealand has also hold a demonstration in front of the NIKE office and asked its members to send letters of protest to the two firms. Oxfam Community Aid Abroad in Australia  already  have  launched  out  campaign  to support the  fired unionists in MSP Sport Wears.

In Asia and the Pacific, some regional organisations like ATNC, CAW and TIE-ASIA have called on their members to send letters of protest to the concerned companies as well.  In Thailand, the Democratic Unions’ Alliance will run a campaign on the NIKE Code of Conduct among consumers in Bangkok and Korat. The campaign is sporadically spreading and will not be stopped until the NIKE and DECATHLON come to a decision to protect the workers’ rights  of  association and collective bargaining , and see to it that their code of conducts are properly observed.

We are very please to invite all of  you and your networks to continued to campaign to upgrade NIKE Code of Conduct .
More information please see :   
Press release by CLIST
For further information, please call 01-8229477