Lettera di un Serbo del Kosovo (versioni naski e inglese :)

Visto che siamo in vena di riflessioni, vi inolto questa lettera. Prima c'è la versione in BCS e poi in inglese. Purtroppo, sulla questione del Kosovo si sentono poche voci "fuori dal coro" come questa del mio amico Dejan. Nel perseguire le noste convinzioni e le nostre ideologie, spesso ci dimentichiamo del lato umano delle cose e dei problemi veri della gente. Ivan


Na svu (moju) sreću, kao jedna od poslednjih porodica iz centra Gnjilana, moja porodica je prešla u Srbiju 2005. godine. Od nekoliko hiljada Srba u Gnjilanu, ostalo je svega 20-ak koji svaki dan sede pored crkve... I piju pivo, jer život u geto-u baš i nije lak, čak je malo depresivan i napet... No, mi braća Srbi to razumemo i osećamo, zar ne?!

Meni je na kuću bačeno 5 „eksplozivnih naprava” od 1999. do 2005., moja porodica je doživela svakakve pretnje, uzurpaciju imovine, provale, otimačinu, naredbe za iseljenjem, ucene i provokacije... A opet, ja ne osećam potrebu da rušim, palim i ubijam... Koliko sam stresa doživeo, samo ja to znam... No, valjda nisam dovoljno veliki Srbin.

Želeo bih samo da se zahvalim svim Srbendama (onima sa dvolitarkama piva u rukama i kapuljačama na glavama, što pevaju navijačke, nacionalističke i turbo-folk pesme, i glume mi velike Srbe tako što pale kontejnere, nose kokarde i psuju Kandićku), koji su me sve vreme „branili” i jos uvek me „brane”, koji su sve vreme smatrali da je OK da jedna porodica sa Kosova preživi sa 4.000 dinara mesečno i bajatim paketom humanitarne pomoći, koji nisu hteli 1999. da me prime u srednju školu jer mi je otac sa Kosova (a „stoji naredba da ne primamo decu sa Kosova dok se situacija ne sredi”), sve ove godine mene i moju porodicu naizvali šiptarskom, otežavali nam uslove za obrazovanje i rad, zavideli na „enormnoj imovini jer smo rasprodali sve što smo imali na Kosovu“, koji su me X puta „vraćali na Kosovo da ga branim, jer tamo mi je mesto“, odbijali mi zaposle oca sve ove godine iako je ispunjavao sve uslove i visokoškolski je obrazovan (valjda je nama „Šiptarima, jebeš im majku, dovoljno onih 4.000 dinara“), koji su me češće nego ostale moje drugove pozivali u Vojni odsek i danima procenjivali moje potvrde sa fakulteta da sam student...

Živela naša teritorija, naše srce, a vi dole, mučenici – ko vas jebe... :(

Hvala vam, braćo Srbi!


Hi everybody! In these last days you have heard many comments on how the Serbs think this ("Kosovo is the heart of Serbia, so it's ours") and the Albanians think that ("Independence, independence"). As always, things are much more complicated and, unfortunately, the voices of the people really involved - who don't fit in the patterns mentioned above - are not heard. I was lucky to meet this guy and become his friend. He wrote this kind of letter in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian on facebook and I've asked another friend of mine to translate it to English, so that I could share it with you. Ivan

With luck, as one of the last families from the centre of Gnjilana, we moved to Serbia in 2005.  From a few thousand of Serbs in Gnjilan, there only remained around twenty, which daily sit in front of the church and drink beer since life in the ghetto is never easy, it's even depressive and taut. We Serb brothers feel and understand that, do we not?
Five 'explosive devices' were thrown at my house from 1999 to 2005, and my family endured threats, usurpation of our property, break-ins,  robberies, forced moving, blackmail and provocations. Even then, I did not get the urge to ravage, burn and kill.  Only I am aware of the amount of the stress which I endured... I suppose I'm not a proper Serb.
I would like to thank all the big Serbs (those with two-litre beer bottles, hoodies,  those singing hooligan, nationalistic and turbo-folk songs, those that act as big Serbs by burning containers, wearing cockades and swearing the Kandic), which have "protected"  me, and still are "protecting" me. Furthermore, I'd like to thank these men which thought that it was OK for one family from Kosovo survives on 4000 Dinars monthly and measery humanitarian aid and would not accept me into high school in 1999 because my father is from Kosovo (there was an order not to accept kids from Kosovo until the situation isn't "resolved"). All these years they have referred to my family as "Shiptar" (this is how Albanians are called), made our employment and education difficult, envied our "enormous assets which we gained because we sold everything we had in Kosovo". Numerous times, they have "sent me back to defend Kosovo because that is my place", refused my father employment all these years even though he fulfilled all the requirements and is highly educated. (I suppose, for us "motherfucking Shiptars", 4000 Dinars monthly was enough). Compared to my friends, I received more frequent "invitations" for the military, and they evaluated my university documents for days just to prove that I am a student...

Long live our territory, our heart...and those of you "suffering" down there, fuck you...

Thank you, my Serb brothers!


Ivan Butina
MA Candidate in International Relations
Johns Hopkins University
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

e-mail: ibutina08 at johnshopkins.it
mobile phone: +39 349 35 28 011

Mlada Dijaspora BiH - Young Diaspora BiH

YA BIH - Youth Association Bosna Italia Hercegovina

Ivan Butina
MA Candidate in International Relations
Johns Hopkins University
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

e-mail: ibutina08 at johnshopkins.it
mobile phone: +39 349 35 28 011

Mlada Dijaspora BiH - Young Diaspora BiH

YA BIH - Youth Association Bosna Italia Hercegovina

Ivan Butina
MA Candidate in International Relations
Johns Hopkins University
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

e-mail: ibutina08 at johnshopkins.it
mobile phone: +39 349 35 28 011

Mlada Dijaspora BiH - Young Diaspora BiH

YA BIH - Youth Association Bosna Italia Hercegovina

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