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- From: andrea <andreamartocchia at libero.it>
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:58:13 -0400
- Sender: andreamartocchia at libero.it
Grazie Davide, perche' ci dai l'occasione di gettare luce sul pessimo lavoro svolto dalle agenzie di stampa! Davide Bertok wrote: > > Invio per chiarimenti: è veritiera quest'ANSA?? Io seguo per quanto possibile le notizie dalla Jugoslavia, ma questa l'ho trovata solamente sul sito dell'ANSA. Non dubito comunque che sia vera, benche' come notizia sia certo molto piu' "importante" per gli italiani che non per gli jugoslavi, visto che sulle liste jugoslave che seguo io non ne e' apparsa alcuna eco... Cosi' come, d'altronde, la stessa Otpor era e resta molto piu' "famosa" e vezzeggiata in Italia e negli USA che non in Serbia. > Otpor, da più parti vista, più che un movimento democratico, come invece > uno strumento dell'imperialismo occidentale per penetrare in Jugoslavia. > Il fatto che vadano a candidare un simbolo della Jugoslavia del periodo > socialista dimostrerebbe invece il contrario. L'unica "bandiera rossa" portata da Otpor e affini alle loro manifestazioni era quella della Ferrari (ricordate?), a simboleggiare il Benessere ed i Valori Occidentali oltreche' a prendere in giro le sinistre. La candidatura di Tito non dimostra il contrario: dimostra invece semplicemente che Otpor ha imparato come funzionano le opinioni pubbliche e come si orchestrano le campagne di pressione. E' la stessa logica e la stessa prassi usata in Italia dal Partito Radicale di Marco Pannella, che usa talvolta simboli "non suoi" in funzione puramente strumentale e provocatoria (ricordate ad esempio le candidature di Negri e Cicciolina). Per inciso, io vedo da tempo grandi somiglianze tra la ideologia dei radicali italiani e quella di Otpor: estremismo liberista e filo-anglosassone, campagne altamente provocatorie e comportamenti "dannunziani" e populisti. In questo caso, come parzialmente spiega la stessa ANSA, uno scopo e' quello di prendere in giro la DOS che non e' riuscita ad esprimere un candidato comune, il che deve avere innervosito molto le consorterie occidentali; un altro scopo potrebbe essere quello di coprire la questione della candidatura di Milosevic, che e' stata impedita, cosa della quale l'ANSA in questo dispaccio non ha voluto parlare. Naturalmente, la candidatura di Tito e' impossibile, poiche' Tito e' morto; non so nemmeno se sia lecita una raccolta di firme. Ovviamente, se facessero una raccolta di firme per presentare la candidatura, questa avrebbe un notevole successo poiche' in Serbia come in tutta la ex-RFS di Jugoslavia Tito rimane, a ragione, il personaggio piu' popolare e rimpianto della loro Storia, cosi' come viene rimpianta la Jugoslavia unitaria e pacifica. Il fatto dunque che Otpor abbia presentato la candidatura non significa che Tito sia un mito per i reazionari di Otpor, ma solamente che vogliono mettere alla berlina queste elezioni, seguendo la solita logica antidemocratica che li contraddistingue e che li porto' a dare fuoco all'ufficio elettorale. > Secondo, Milosevic dall'Aia invita a votare per un fascista senza mezze > misure peggio di Fini, lo stesso che 7 anni fa minacciava di mandare missili > all'Italia. Perche' e' peggio di Fini? (per inciso, Seselj minacciava di lanciare i missili se l'Italia avesse attaccato i serbi; ma alla fine e' stata l'Italia a lanciare i missili, cioe' le bombe, senza subire alcuna reazione. Che pure a mio avviso sarebbe stata assolutamente legittima) Ti allego in fondo i messaggi di Milosevic e del suo partito, nei quali si spiega - che la candidatura dello stesso Milosevic, proposta dall'SPS ben prima della candidatura di Seselj, e' stata impedita dall'attuale regime filo-occidentale ed antidemocratico di Belgrado; - che a causa di questo impedimento Milosevic ha dichiarato di appoggiare la candidatura di Seselj, come espressione unitaria di tutta la ex coalizione di governo; - che ciononostante l'SPS stigmatizza "la passata retorica di destra e talvolta nazionalista" del Partito di Seselj; e tuttavia "durante il governo di unita' nazionale e dopo il golpe del 5 ottobre 2000, nelle parole come nei fatti, [il partito di Seselj] ha fortemente sostenuto le politiche comuni orientate al sociale" ed "agisce ora come il piu' radicale critico del retroterra criminale e delle pratiche dell'attuale regime-fantoccio" ("Dr. Seselj's Serbian Radical Party had previously expressed rightist and sometimes nationalist rhetoric. Nevertheless, in the Government of People's Unity and after the coup of October 5, 2000, in word and deed it strongly advocated common socially oriented policies. It recognized that these were a necessity for our country, under colonial siege. It is now acting as the most radical critic of the criminal background and practices of the present puppet regime.") > Il Partito Radicale Serbo faceva già parte del governo Milosevic, però > questo mi sembra eccessivo da parte dell'ex presidente. E meno male che > c'era chi in Italia l'ha difeso e ha gridato al complotto. > Però attendo comunque conferme da chi ne sa più di me. > Ciao, > Davide > > ------- Forwarded message follows ------- > > JUGOSLAVIA: ELEZIONI SERBIA, 'OTPOR' CANDIDA TITO > PRESIDENTE > > (ANSA) - BELGRADO, 20 AGO - Otpor, il movimento di opposizione che > lotto' in prima fila contro il regime del presidente jugoslavo > Slobodan Milosevic, ricorre alla provocazione politica di fronte alle > divisioni e incertezze della coalizione Dos al potere a Belgrado. > Cosi' ha deciso di presentare come suo candidato alle prossime > elezioni presidenziali in Serbia un morto illustre: nientemeno che > Josip Broz Tito, il 'padre' della Jugoslavia comunista. Lo ha riferito > oggi l'agenzia jugoslava Tanjug. Otpor, in un comunicato, propone alle > forze che nell'ottobre 2000 rovesciarono Milosevic di sostenere il suo > candidato ''poiche' la coalizione al potere Dos non riesce a mettersi > d'accordo su un candidato unico, e (il presidente jugoslavo) Vojislav > Kostunica non ha ancora deciso (se candidarsi)''. Otpor ha detto di > aver raccolto numerose firme a sostegno della candidatura di Tito alle > presidenziali serbe del 29 settembre. Finora ci sono solo tre > candidature alla presidenza. Milosevic, dal carcere dell'Aja dove e' > detenuto per ordine del Tribunale penale internazionale per i crimini > di guerra in ex Jugoslavia, ha esortato il suo Partito socialista > serbo (Sps) a votare per l'esponente ultranazionalista Vojislav > Seselj, candidato del Partito radicale serbo (Srs). Ma questa volta i > suoi fedelissimi dell'Sps non l'hanno ascoltato e hanno presentato un > proprio candidato di partito. (ANSA). COR-LG 20/08/2002 17:29 > > <>___<>___><===><====><====><====><====><====><====><====> > <___<>___<> > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Musica: notizie, recensioni, classifiche, speciali multimediali > ------- End of forwarded message ------- Subject: [JUGOINFO] Impedita la candidatura di Milosevic alle presidenziali serbe del 29/9/02 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 13:21:08 -0000 From: "itajug" <jugocoord at libero.it> To: crj-mailinglist at yahoogroups.com, jugoinfo at domeus.it Subject: SLOBO FOR PRESIDENT! FREEDOM FOR SERBIA! Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 00:50:30 +0200 From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" The Socialist Party of Serbia calls all its members, supporters and all freedom- and justice-loving citizens of the Republic of Serbia to express their political support to Slobodan Milosevic, president of SPS by giving signatures for his candidacy for the presidential elections scheduled for September 29. By his courageous and steady statesmen's appearance before the so-called Hague 'tribunal' Slobodan Milosevic have shown and proven to home and world public the way to defend people and state and to protect national dignity. The collection of signatures will start in Belgrade on Saturday, August 10, at the premises of the Head Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Students' Square No.15, from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. You can give your signatures also in all city and municipal committees of the Socialist Party of Serbia. HEAD COMMITTEE OF SPS Belgrade, August 9, 2002 ===*=== Subject: FREEDOM FIGHT AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN SERBIA part one Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 03:56:53 +0200 From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" The Head Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia issued on August 10, 2002 the following statement: RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE TO THE DOS RULERS Thousands of citizens, SPS members and not, today gave their signatures to support the candidacy of Slobodan Milosevic. Flocking to the offices of the Head Committee of the SPS, as well as City and Municipal Committees around Serbia, they demonstrated that the candidacy of Slobodan Milosevic represents the will of the people. The puppet regime in Serbia is terrified by the possibility that this will could be fulfilled. Their panic is best illustrated by the so-called "opinion" handed down by the Republican Election Commission. This Commission is one of numerous state organs which have been instrumentalized to protect, at any cost, the position of the current power-holders. The Republican Election Commission was misused even before the collection of signatures for the candidacy of Slobodan Milosevic began. Although it is not authorized to interpret the Constitution, the Commission allowed itself to declare in writing that Slobodan Milosevic "couldn't be a candidate". This despite the fact that the right to vote and to be elected is guaranteed to any citizen by the Constitution of Serbia. This is as a fundamental right. That this was a panic-gesture by DOS has been exposed in a statement issued by the CESID. This organization is paid by Western circles supposedly to monitor the election process. In fact it has a different assignment. This is to make sure the outcome of elections is in accordance with the will of foreign capital. An economic lesson was revealed during the 2000 elections and coup d'état in our country. It was demonstrated that with Serbia and some other recently colonized countries, it is far cheaper and more profitable to buy some individuals than to buy factories. Thus the CESID representative dutifully stated that the candidacy of Slobodan Milosevic would "be a misuse of the right of candidacy, although that right is in itself indisputable." So, DOS attempts, in contradiction to the Constitution, and mis-using the authority of the Republican Election Commission, a state organ, to deny the right of candidacy. Since everybody can see that this is an undisputable right, they bring out the CESID "experts" to explain - what? That the indusputable expression of the people's will constitutes the "misuse of a right"! In the Republic of Serbia, as in any other state, the holders of sovereignty are the citizens, i.e. the people. One who ignores that truth must appear, sooner or later, before the judgement of the people, from which there is no appeal! We call on citizens to continue to express their support for Slobodan Milosevic, the candidate of the Socialist Party of Serbia and of the entire people of Serbia! Their attempt to frustrate the will of the people shows that DOS must depart. The only solution for the future and freedom of Serbia is early elections and on all levels - immediatelly! The Socialist Party of Serbia was and has remained big because it is together with the people. We call on all truly democratic and patriotic forces to support the candidacy of Slobodan Milosevic and to start joint and decisive political action for early general elections, so that the puppet regime can be replaced by a government based on the people's will! Slobodan for President! Freedom for Serbia! NOTE REGARDING THE ABOVE: In late July, elections for the post of the President of Republic of Serbia were called to be held September 29, 2002. Slobodan Milosevic was twice elected to that post. The first time was in 1990. In 1992 he decided to call early elections, thus undercutting political disturbances in Serbia fomented by the pro-Western opposition. He was elected again. In 1997 Slobodan Milosevic ran successfully for President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was overthrown by the coup d'état in October 2000. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia guarantees every citizen the right to vote and be elected. It also states that an individual can be elected only twice as President of the Republic; but since the constitution makes the right to be elected unlimited, the two-term restriction is considered to mean "two terms in a row," as is the case in other countries. Moreover Slobodan Milosevic used less than half his first mandate. There is no doubt that in Serbia today no politician has public support comparable to Slobodan Milosevic. His candidacy is a restrained response by the people to DOS, which rules Serbia for foreign interests. The Republican Election Commission is only authorized to judge whether candidates' applications are formally complete - i.e., to check whether the required 10,000 signatures are valid, and other formalities. But the puppet regime has coerced the Commission to issue a written Opinion that Slobodan Milosevic "couldn't be a candidate". Demonstrating who is in control, an August 9 press conference dealing in general with the presidential election was addressed by a group called CESID. This DOS organization has been openly - and in violation of Serbian law - funded by the National Democratic Institute, a sub-group of the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The US government set up NED and NDI explicitly to foster Fifth Column organizations in nations targeted for destruction by the US and its allies. Addressing the press conference, CESID representative Marijana Pajvancic said that a candidacy by Slobodan Milosevic would " be a misuse of the right of candidacy, although that right is in itself indisputable." In fact her position is disputed not only by constitutional experts, but by the ultimate judges, the people of the Republic of Serbia. On August 10 another session of the Republican Election Commission was held in Belgrade. The only representative of the Socialist Party of Serbia in the Commission, lawyer Dragan Tomasevic strongly appealed against the apparent political misuse of the Commission, which is not even authorized to interpret the Constitution. The previous session of the Commission in which it adopted and issued the "Opinion" against Milosevic's candidacy was called against the Commission Rules, on short notice (just a couple of hours). This prevented Mr. Tomasevic from taking part. He asked: "Is there any right of which President Milosevic is not deprived?" The Commission rejected Tomasevic's appeal and voted once again to confirm its previous Opinion. In protest, Dragan Tomasevic left the session. ===*=== Subject: FREEDOM FIGHT AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN SERBIA part two Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 04:05:55 +0200 From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" After the brutal refusal by the Belgrade regime to allow the mass political action in support of the presidential candidacy of Yugoslav and Serbian national leader Slobodan Milosevic, illegally kept in the NATO dungeon at The Hague, all Yugoslav media reported the message President Milosevic sent to all patriotic forces in Serbia. Here is the full text of the message: Message regarding the Elections Regarding the forthcoming elections in Serbia, I believe that the whole opposition bloc should appear united in the elections - with a common candidate. The core of that bloc should be the three parties that constituted the Government of People's Unity until the year 2000. During the war, those three parties defended the country, through the government and by all other means. During the bombing, the leaders of those parties remained in Serbia and put themselves at the disposal of the people and citizens. Those parties and their representatives should bring together all other opposition parties, in fact all parties and individuals who are patriotically oriented and who have the same attitude towards the policies of the regime in Serbia. In that sense, in these elections I consider the candidate Vojislav Seselj to be a common candidate of the patriotically oriented opposition parties and individuals. His candidacy should be supported. To come out with more than one candidate at this moment, especially on behalf of the strongest opposition parties, would lead to the dilution of votes, which would only allow the puppet regime to manipulate the election results. Today, the main interest of the people and state is to dismantle the puppet regime. That interest has to be more important than the particular interest of any party. And particularly it must be more important than anyone's vanity (collective or individual - no matter). Until victory. The Hague, August 10th, 2002 Slobodan Milosevic Two-and-half years ago, in February 2000, President Milosevic warned at the Fourth Congress of the SPS: "At the moment when the country defends itself from the evil looming over it, the left and right should stand together, the religious ones and atheists, those educated and those who are not, the old and the young, those who have not gotten along well or loved each other, those who have stopped talking to each other, those who think that they have forever and definitely parted ways. Those who have one thing in common - the love of their country. And that they feel obliged to defend it from the colonial status where foreign armies will march in, whose economy will be a function of the development of other countries, whose culture will be ruined, whose past will be wiped out and who will be ruled by those bribed or blackmailed hoodlums whom every nation has even at the best times, but at bad times in particular." President Milosevic has several times sent similar messages from the Hague dungeon to his party comrades in our already-occupied country. Here are quotes from the one he sent in May 2002 to organs and members of the SPS: "The SPS has to be a political tool in the hands of the people - in the struggle for national interests, and in the first place for freedom, independence and national dignity. The Party is obliged to be firmly led by the principle of unity of left and patriotic forces in the common struggle against the treason and enslavement of Serbia - for overthrowing the puppet regime of foreign mercenaries organized as DOS. Unity of left and patriotic forces is the clear and, historically, the only possible and justified response to the policy of dismantling the country and taking over its material resources by foreign capital, the pauperization of the citizens and the turning of educated and qualified workers and peasants into slaves of this 'new world order'. That is why after October 5 our enemies have as their main goal dismantling the people's unity, breaking the unity of the left and breaking the SPS itself. (...) The Party at present has one and only one duty - to protect the country and people from slavery. Only after the freedom and independence of the country has been reestablished can one speak of other goals. Now Freedom is the only goal." The Government of People's Unity, during its existence from 1994 to 2000, successfully dealt with numerous difficulties produced by foreign pressures, including the embargo and the NATO aggression in 1999. It protected political and economic independence, social justice and equality and secured the miraculous reconstruction of the bombed country and one of the largest rates of economic growth in Europe. Three parties took part in the government in its last and most successful years: the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Serbian Radical Party and Yugoslav Left. The Prime minister was Mirko Marjanovic (now acting president of SPS). Dr Vojislav Seselj, leader of the Serbian Radical Party was one of the deputy Prime ministers. Dr. Seselj's Serbian Radical Party had previously expressed rightist and sometimes nationalist rhetoric. Nevertheless, in the Government of People's Unity and after the coup of October 5, 2000, in word and deed it strongly advocated common socially oriented policies. It recognized that these were a necessity for our country, under colonial siege. It is now acting as the most radical critic of the criminal background and practices of the present puppet regime. Its leader, Dr Vojislav Seselj (47) is considered one of the most talented Serbian politicians and undefeatable in direct political duels. ===*=== To join or help this struggle, visit: http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website) http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals) http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic) http://www.jutarnje.co.yu/ ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating liberation) -------------------------------------------------------- FOR FAIR USE ONLY --> La lista JUGOINFO e' curata da componenti del Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ). 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- References:
- From: "Davide Bertok" <davide at bertok.it>
- Indice: