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Progetto Balkan Link - Richiesta di informazioni
- Subject: Progetto Balkan Link - Richiesta di informazioni
- From: Ambrogio Monetti <Ambrogio.Monetti at unimondo.org>
- Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 17:07:46 +0100
Spett.le Organizzazione, in precedenza siete stati contattati per la proposta di costituzione di un Osservatorio Permanente sui Balcani dedicato alla ricostruzione e al supporto delle organizzazioni che operano nell'area. Questo progetto è in fase avanzata elaborazione ed è probabile che l'Osservatorio inizi ad essere operativo in breve tempo. In questi giorni, abbiamo ricevuto da OneWorld (la "casa madre" di UniMondo") la richiesta di far circolare un brevissimo questionario per un programma - Balkan Link - volto a sostenere le organizzazioni della società civile e i media indipendenti nell'uso di Internet per la diffusione delle informazioni. Il programma si articola su tre aree: (1) Radio News Service (2) Conflict Channel (3) Civil Society Database. Vi saremmo grati se poteste esaminare la presentazione del programma e rispondere al questionario per conto delle Vostre organizzazioni inviando allo scrivente, Ambrogio.Monetti at unimondo.org, le Vostre risposte (magari già in inglese, per facilitare il lavoro redazionale). Sarà poi nostra cura provvedere a trasmettere il tutto a OneWorld. Grati per la collaborazione e disponibili per richieste di ulteriori chiarimenti, a nome del team di UniMondo invio i più cordiali saluti. Ambrogio Monetti ---------------------------------------------------- dr. Ambrogio Monetti Progetto UniMondo - Fondazione Fontana ONLUS 4 Via Sommarive, 38850 Povo, Trento tel. ++39 0461 816 036 fax ++39 0461 811 652 http://www.unimondo.org/ Fondazione Fontana ONLUS; 3 Via F.S.Orologio, 35129 Padova C.F. 92113870288 C/C bancario 273698/K; Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo S.p.A. ABI 06225, CAB 12108 ===================================================== Questionario: 1. La vostra organizzazione è impegnata nell'area nella realizzazione o nell'elaborazione di un programma simile a questo proposto da OneWorld? 2. Sapete se vi sono programmi simili già in corso o in fase di preparazione in quest'area? 3. Siete interessati a partecipare in qualche forma a questo programma? 4. Conoscete altre persone od organizzazioni che ritenete sia opportuno contattare per richiedere la loro partecipazione? 5. Potete aiutarci a trovare le informazioni necessarie riguardo la connettività nell'area? 6. Potreste o vorreste aiutare OneWorld in altri modi a sviluppare e implementare questo programma? ===================================================== Balkan-link programme summary date: 04/01/00 Introduction Within the context of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, OneWorld (www.oneworld.net) is proposing to develop and implement a regional programme to support local civil society groups and independent media in their use of the Internet as a tool to broadcast their information. The programme components, discussed below, are the development and implementation of a: (1) Radio News Service (2) Conflict Channel (3) Civil Society Database. The components are linked together; the interaction between them will be an important element in the success of the programme. It is envisaged that the programme will extend over a period of three years. It will cover the following countries or regions: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia/FYROM, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. It is possible that the programme will focus on fewer countries initially. Feasibility study For this programme to be successful, it is essential that OneWorld ensures the support from the NGOs working in the region. >From December 1999 to February 2000, OneWorld conducts a series of field >visits and focus group discussions. This includes extensive consultations with organisations and institutions working in the fields of human rights and conflict. Media organisations, especially radio stations, are being contacted as well. The objectives of this phase are to: (1) avoid starting a project that is already being done elsewhere (2) identify the key partners (3) outline the programme components (4) develop specific goals and objectives for each of the program components (5) plan activities for the first year of the programme Programme components (1) Radio News Service A pilot audio service was begun by OneWorld in 1997 to gauge the potential for the use of the Internet in the delivery of international human rights and sustainable development audio material to radio stations. The OneWorld Radio News Service now has over 70 radio station and radio producer partners, nearly all of whom have the capacity to download and broadcast material carried by the service. The success of this project has made it a model for other groups all over the world. (see www.oneworld.net/radio_news/) OneWorld suggests using a similar approach for this Balkan initiative. This would involve translating the interface into the appropriate regional/local languages and then publicising to the relevant radio stations in order for them to use this as a fast and inexpensive way to exchange program material - full audio segments up to 30 minutes long in broadcast quality. Once it is running it requires only a small amount of central organisation and publicity, since the stations themselves can upload and download the program material directly. (2) Conflict Channel Participation This year, OneWorld will start with the implementation of its Information Sharing for Development Programme. At the core of this programme are 10 new thematic channels/portals, which will be linked to the OneWorld Supersite. One of the 10 channels will specifically deal with the issue of Conflict: a type of relationship among persons, cultures and peoples, that too often becomes violent and a-political. This specialist site will raise the profile of the factors leading to armed conflict, and the measures that can be taken during conflict situations to alleviate its impact on civilian populations. It will also look at efforts in conflict resolution and peaceful reconstruction. Specific attention will go to the field of early warning systems and the potential of on-line databases. It is proposed that, under this programme, a subsection of the Conflict Channel will focus on the situation in Southeast Europe. (3) Civil Society Database A specialised fully searchable database will bring together information provided by civil society organisations based in and/or working in the Balkan region. The model for this is the Indev database, which OneWorld developed for the British Council in India (http://www.indev.nic.in/indevdb/default.htm). It will be possible to make information in the database available in hardcopy form for groups without regular access to the Internet. OneWorld will try to identify one lead partner in each of the Balkan countries covered by this programme. These lead partners will be responsible for data collection and data input. Contact information On behalf of OneWorld, the feasibility study is being conducted by Jaap van Royen Bourgognestraat 64 6221 BZ Maastricht The Netherlands Fax: +31 (0)20 8740601 Phone: +31 (0)43 3510929 E-mail: jvr at antenna.nl
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