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Weekly ANB0821_DX.txt #6

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Contents of the Weekly News Files ANB0821.TXT
Contenu des fichiers  Weekly News ANB0821.TXT

Vous pouvez retrouver nos Weekly News sur notre site:
	www.anb-bia.org - à la voix "Weekly News"
You can find all our Weekly News at our web address :
	www.anb-bia.org on the "Weekly News" link

===>  FILE/FICHIER ANB0821_1.TXT  14 KB
* Afr. austr.	Réunion des évêques
* Algeria	Algerian firefighters sent to France
* Algérie	Interpol recherche Khalifa
* Algeria	Crew thwarts hijack bid on Algerian airliner
* Algérie	Six journaux sanctionnés
* Benin 	Nigeria to re-open Benin border
* Burundi	Violences
* Burundi	Rebel leader pressed over peace
* Burundi	Pourparlers de paix
* Comoros	Volcano may erupt after 12-year slumber
* Congo (RDC)	Bunia: vers l'après-Artemis
* Congo (RDC)	Ituri: paix en vue?

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* Congo (RDC)	Former warlords disarm and become diplomats
* Congo (RDC)	La nouvelle armée nationale
* Côte d'Iv	Abidjan: grève des transporteurs
* Côte d'Iv 	Ivorian leader laments deadlock
* Côte d'Iv 	Démanteler les milices
* Egypt 	Liberal Eyptian editor missing
* Ghana 	Competition take over gold mine
* Kenya 	Police fire tear gas at minister's backers
* Kenya 	Destruction des mines

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* Liberia	Peace Agreement
* Liberia	Accord de paix global

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* Libya 	US investors eye up Libya
* Libya 	Libya agrees Lockerbie deal
* Libye 	Lockerbie
* Madagascar	Projet de loi foncière contesté
* Mali/Algér	Les otages du Sahara
* Maroc 	Terroristes: lourdes condamnations
* Morocco	Death sentences for Morocco bombings
* Maroc 	Le Polisario libère 243 prisonniers

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* Mozambique	Police trial farce
* Mozambique	Aiming for titanium wealth
* Nigeria	Affrontements à Warri
* Nigeria	Clashes in Niger Delta
* Nigeria	Stoning verdict quashed
* Nigeria	Une lapidation annulée
* Nigeria	Closing in on missing cash
* Rwanda	Towards the presidential elections
* Rwanda	Campagne électorale
* Rwanda	Kagame thrusts aside fears over poll
* Somalia	Mogadishu insecurity worsens
* Somalia	Refugees call for a new administration
* Somalia	Somaliland floods

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* Sudan 	Govt. forces inflict heavy losses on SLA/M
* Soudan	Négociations dans l'impasse?
* Swaziland	Protesters and police clash
* Uganda	Fighting against poverty
* Uganda	Idi Amin dies
* Ouganda	Mort d'Idi Amin Dada
* Ouganda	Nouvelles violence
* Zambia	President survives sack bid
* Zambie	Echec de la tentative de destitution
* Zambie	"Big Brother Africa"
* Zimbabwe	Timely aid
* Zimbabwe	Nouvelle mine de diamants
* Zimbabwe	Mugabe to run food aid distribution

Bonne lecture  Enjoy the reading