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news from Butembo

diffusion: etendue/wide

During the party following the ordination of
some new priests in Butembo, 4-5 men (one
armed) escorted by soldiers tried to arrest
Wahamiti, chairman of the Farmers’ Union
(Pidyp). The warrant, showed but not given to
anybody, had been issued by the RCD-ML
intelligence service (ACR). While the group
was at the porter’s lodge the soldiers
watching the airport were called. They came
and captured the group who was later freed
(nobody knows who ordered its release). In
the evening a group, may be the same one,
went to Wahamiti’s house still intentioned to
arrest him but he wasn’t there.
The situation looks very much like the one
which precedeed the arrest and the killing of
Lumbu Lumbu.

Servizio informazioni Congosol