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BBC - Bishop's burial highlights Congo's crisis

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source: BBC

Friday, 13 October, 2000, 09:44 GMT 10:44 UK

Bishop's burial highlights Congo's crisis

The archbishop was a hero among his parishoners
By Chris Simpson in Bukavu

The funeral of Emmanuel Kataliko was never going to be a quiet, low-key affair.
The Archbishop of Bukavu had spent seven months away from his cathedral,
banned by a rebel administration which had branded him a renegade and
He had returned to a hero's reception in September, but died in Italy just
three weeks later.
As anticipated, the mourners came in their thousands, looking both to
honour their archbishop and express their hostility to the rebel Congolese
Rally for Democracy (RCD) and its Rwandan allies.
Some mourners carried banners expressing their grievances Reports of Bishop
Kataliko's death had triggered a spate of protests in Bukavu, where
anti-rebel feelings have always been high.
Rumours rapidly spread that he had been poisoned by his enemies.
A 14-year-old youth was shot dead, allegedly by a Rwandan soldier on the
day the news broke.

As the bishop's body was driven back from the airport on Sunday, stones
were thrown at the Governor of South Kivu, Norbert Basengezi Katintima,
forcing his vehicle out of the cortege.
On the even of the funeral, at least 12 civil society activists were
arrested after soldiers broke up their meeting.
Mr Katintima promised to "parade on television, showing they are
accomplices of the enemy".
All were set free, but their treatment at the hands of the security forces
drew strong criticism from international human rights groups.

Anxious to avoid a further stand-off, the Church persuaded students and
scouts to guarantee security at the funeral.
The church policed the crowd to avoid escalating tension It was they who
policed the crowd, while dozens of Rwandan soldiers stood at the periphery
looking distinctly uncomfortable.
The Church's request for a peaceful dignified ceremony were by and large
But as the service drew to a close, sections of the crowd became
increasingly vociferous, the tributes to Kataliko overshadowed by diatribes
against the RCD, the Rwandan government and the United States.

There were banners denouncing Rwanda's presence in Congo.
Others proclaimed: "peace for our neighbours means Congolese blood being
shed" and "it is better to die than to hide the truth".
The RCD's delegation was headed by a Congolese Tutsi, Bizima Karaha, the
rebel movementøs Head of Security.
There was less violence than had been feared As Mr Karaha made his way down
to view the coffin, stones were thrown and people started singing "Tutsis
go home, youøre only here to kill us".
But there were no serious security incidents.
According to the Vicar-General of Bukavu, Joseph Gwahamuhanya, the funeral
was "not perfect", but much better than he had feared.

Mr Gwahamuhanya described Bishop Kataliko as "a priest who was very close
to his community, who understood its distress, who was willing to act as
its guide and spokesman".
He said Bishop Kataliko had returned to Bukavu in September committed to
peace and reconciliation, but admitted that the archbishop's death "had
revived a lot of the bitterness and tension in Bukavu", which the Church
would now try to defuse.
Enoc Ruberangabo, a spokesman for the Congolese Tutsi population in South
Kivu, the Banyamulenge, said Bishop Kataliko's death had left his community
more vulnerable than ever.
Laid to rest: a turbulent priest "The news of his death came at eleven in
the morning and by midday there was already a campaign of hatred against
us", he said.
"It was impossible for Banyamulenge Catholics to pay their respects.
"Our children were chased from their schools.
Houses and vehicles were burned.
We have spent most of the past week indoors".

RCD optimistic
RCD representative, Bizima Karaha, played down the problems.
"There is a small minority here which has bought into the genocidal
ideology imported from Rwanda", he acknowledged.
"But the vast majority of the population does not feel like that.
"We are not anticipating fresh problems in Bukavu.
"I think the people in the administration, the churches, the civil society,
the student movements, they are all ready to work together so there can be
peace, security and stability in Bukavu".

Servizio informazioni Congosol

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