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DR Congo: USA and Russia bring guns and take diamonds

source: Africa Infodoc

USA and Russia bring guns and take diamonds

Bukavu (Fides)
The West's position regarding the fighting in Congo is "hypocritical
because while it demands democracy from the Kinshasa regime it ignores the
total lack of democracy displayed by military regimes in neighbouring
countries who have invaded Congo's territory."
This was said by the Kivu Vigilance Group KVG made up of over 60 basic
organizations operating among the people in East Congo occupied by troops
from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi.

The KVG supplies a map of the 10 armies operating in this region, occupying
foreign armies, rebels pro-occupying forces, armed military pro-Kinshasa
and mercenary soldiers:
"Most of these troops - the KVG report says - are led by commanders who
attend to their own interests, taking advantage of their position in
official armies to do private business, particularly in the mineral mining
area now practically under military control".

The report says Ugandan and Rwandan military "have taken complete control
of cobalt, gold and diamond mines and they also exploit local business men
who work under their protection."
"We are witnessing an apparently planned implosion of Congo for the benefit
of foreign countries and business groups."

The KVG accuses the United States:
"Strategic interests of major powers are kindling local conflicts.
The United States are in front line directly or using neighbouring
countries (Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa) in the name of the unleashed
liberalism they want to impose on a world scale".
"Who else would be interested in cobalt if not America?
Several mining companies which exploit the Kivu mines have contact address
in Kinshasa at the American Embassy Trade Section."

There are also "private interests, Mafia controlled, which influence the
troops and manipulate attitudes opening the region to all sorts of
trafficking, ignoring completely the real needs of the people"

The report also denounces illegal arms trade: "Arms arrive from Rumania,
Ukraine, Bulgaria countries all about to enter the NATO.
Weaponry also comes from Russia, in the throes of modernizing its equipment.
The arms are delivered directly to Kivu by the same companies which trade
in diamonds and precious minerals".

Servizio informazioni Congosol

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