NEWSLETTER Anno 5, n. 12 - 5 settembre 2007


Anno 5, n. 12 -  5 settembre 2007

A cura di Gabriele Sospiro
Con la collaborazione di: 
Gabriele Sospiro (GS)
Paolo Sospiro (PS)
Jiske van Loon (JvL)
Bengu Bayram (BB)


Eccoci di nuovo alla nostra riapertura fissata questa volta per sabato 8 settembre e che quest'anno coincide con la festa del capodanno etiopico (di cui vi diremo più avanti). Dopo la pausa estiva, volata via rapidamente come sempre, torniamo con l'attività del circolo. Abbiamo due nuove volontarie (si presenteranno loro più avanti) e alcune novità che potrete vedere di persona (se siete dalle parti di Ancona o se ci verrete a trovare da un po' più distante) oppure cliccando sul nostro sito: . 
Vi aspettiamo!!!

Con l’inizio dell’autunno il Circolo Africa in collaborazione con
l’Università di Macerata organizzerà due corsi online su immigrazione e
cooperazione internazionale. Struttura del corso, modalità di valutazione e
certificati post corso sono ancora in fase di organizzazione. 
Per eventuali
informazione inviare una mail a 

Il Centro di Documentazione e Ricerca per la Cittadinanza Attiva è aperto il Martedì e Giovedì dalle 10 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00. Se avete libri da proporre così che noi possiamo acquistarli fatecelo sapere! Se state facendo una tesi di laurea o ricerche sull'immigrazione, sull'economia politica, o su temi riguardanti il terzo settore, etc. presso il nostro Centro potete ottenere informazioni ad hoc previa prenotazione telefonica.
Per contatti ed eventuali prenotazioni 071/2072585

Ciao! My name is Jiske van Loon and I am 20 years old. I am born in the Netherlands and I have lived there my whole life: first with my parents and sister in the south and the last three years in a student house in Leiden. This year will be the first time I will stay abroad for so long, because I am going to work as a volunteer for Circolo Culturale Africa. I will be staying here from September 2007 until August 2008. At the University of Leiden I studied Religious Studies, with a specialization of Christianity in Africa. For my bachelor thesis I did some research on the role and position of African migrant churches in Breda, a city in the south of the Netherlands. I am glad I have my bachelor now, but before starting with a master, I want to have some working experience to learn in another way. When I will be back in the Netherlands, I would like to do a master in Migration and Integration Studies, so I think working within Circolo Culturale Africa is a great opportunity for me to discover this field. I hope I will meet a lot of nice people, learn about migration and integration and a lot of other things, work against intolerance and discrimination and in the meanwhile learn Italian and develop myself. I have never been in Italy before, so I wonder what it would be like to live here, but I think and hope everything will turn out well and I am looking forward to all the new experiences I will have!   

Ciao! Provo a scrivere in Italiano… Mi chiamo Jiske ed ho 20 anni. Sono Olandese e lavorerò come nuova Volontaria europea al Circolo Culturale Africa da settembre 2007 ad agosto 2008. Ho studiato le religione del mondo al’Università di Leiden. Il mio campo di studio è il cristianesimo in Africa ed ho fatto una ricerca sul ruolo e la posizione delle chiese Africane a Breda, una città al sud dei Paesi Bassi. Adesso ho il mio bachelor e prima di fare un master, vorrei avere qualche esperienza lavorativa allo scopo di imparare in un modo diverso. Quando sarò ritornata nei Paesi Bassi, vorrei seguire un master in migrazione ed integrazione. Quindi penso che lavorare al Circolo Culturale Africa è una grande possibilità per scoprire questo campo di lavoro. Spero che incontrerò molta gente gentile, imparerò a conoscere meglio il mondo dell’immigrazione, integrazione e molto altre cose. Lavorerò contro l’intolleranza e la discriminazione e simultaneamente imparerò l’italiano e crescere. Per me è la prima volta in Italia, dunque mi chiedo come sia la vita qui, ma penso e spero che tutto andrà bene. Ho voglia di nuove esperienza qui!


Mi chiamo Bengü e sono la nuova volontaria della Turchia. Ho 26 anni. La mia famiglia vive ad Ankara, la capitale della Turchia. Purtroppo non ho fratelli o sorelle. Ho studiato relazioni internazionali per 4 anni prima che sono venuta qua. Ho voluto di fare il servizio volontario europeo(SVE) per sapere di più d’immigrazione. Voglio lavorare in questo campo di lavoro quando ho finito il mio SVE. Il mio progetto durerà 6 mesi da agosto  e finirà il 15 febbraio. Posso parlare già un po’ l’italiano ma mi sa che sarà perfetto fino a febbraio.
Mi piace di ballare e il teatro. Ho ballato la danza moderna. E ho cominciato con dramma quando avevo 13 anni. Sopratutto mi piace l’arte. Mi piace vedere cinema italiano di Bernardo Bertolucci, Nanni Moretti, Federico Fellini e i film di un direttore  turco che viva in Italia che si chiama Ferzan Özpetek. Anche la musica italiana è bella. Sono abituata a sentire Angelo Branduardi, Ligabue, Modena City Ramblers, Adriano Celentano. Spero che saranno di più quando torno nel mio paese!

These days migration is a hot issue in the whole world, especially in European countries, who sometimes don’t even know how to handle it any more. The migration of people has a lot of consequences and countries which have to deal with a lot of immigrants, have to find ways how to handle this. In this article I want to give a short impression of the immigration to Holland in the last decennia and the way the Dutch government deals with this nowadays. 

In Holland, like in other European countries, immigration is a hot issue. But what many people don’t know, is that the emigration is at this moment higher then the immigration, so more people are leaving Holland than the people that are coming. In the 60’s it was for the first time that the amount of coming people was higher then the amount of people who were leaving the country. The immigrants came especially from Italy and Spain and later form Turkey and Marocco. This was the beginning of the multicultural society of Holland. In the 70’s many women came to Holland with their children to live with there husbands who worked there. Another large group of immigrants in this decennium were the Surinamers, who came to Holland after the independence of Suriname in 1975. Despite these groups of immigrants, the emigration was again higher then the immigration. In the 90’s the immigration increased again because of the coming of refugees from different countries over the world, like Iran, Iraq, Somalië, and Yugoslavia. This made the group of immigrants in Holland more divers. In the beginning of the twentieth century the number of immigrants in Holland was with 133.000 in 2001 the highest ever. It was going well with the Dutch economy and that attracts people. However, this enormous immigration didn’t last for long, because in 2002 it already started to diminish again, while the emigration increased. Nowadays there are two large groups of immigrants which became significant. The first group are Dutch people that come back to Holland after they have been living abroad and the second group are Polish workers who form the largest group of the increasing number of Europeans that emigrate to Holland these days. In 2006 the number of migrants was 101.000 (in a total population of about 16 million people).  

How does Holland deal with these immigrants? Holland has always been famous for its tolerance. In the 16th and 17th century many people came to this little trading country because of the freedom of religion. People like Spinoza, Descartes and Voltaire came to Holland to publish their books, because their books were forbidden almost everywhere else. Nowadays some people are complaining that Holland lost this attitude of tolerance and freedom. This is something which can be discussed, but it is true that the policy against immigrants is very strict nowadays, so you can say they are not as welcome any more as they have once been. In 2002 the politician Pim Fortuyn was shot because of his statements against foreigners (his most famous statement: “full is full”) and in 2004 filmmaker and writer Theo van Gogh was killed as well because of his jokes and provoking exclamations about the Islam. People were killed in Holland because of what they said. Where did the freedom of speech go? In the meanwhile the government was making a more and more strict policy against foreigners. Rita Verdonk was inexorable and the newspapers were full of these poor kids who had to go back to there homeland, even while it wasn’t really there homeland, because they were grown up in Holland. The opportunities for immigrants to get a permission to stay were getting less and less and people were expanded in large numbers. This made the number of immigrants in Holland diminish again, what pleased some people in Holland, but which was called inhumane by others. The policy of Verdonk was sometimes even not in accordance with international laws of humanity. These days the policy is not that strict any more, but it is still a hot issue and it will always be, as long as people keep migrating. 

Largest groups of migrants in Holland:
Indonesian	: 450.000	
Maroccan	: 320.000	
Turkish	: 360.000	
African	: 180.000 (most Somalian, Kapoverdian and Ghanese)
Surinam	: 350.000	
Antillean	: 130.000


Immigranten in Nederland: waar is de tolerantie gebleven?

Tegenwoordig is migratie een belangrijk thema in de hele wereld, vooral in Europese landen, waar men vaak niet goed weet hoe men er mee om moet gaan. Migratie heeft vele gevolgen en landen die met een groot aantal immigranten te maken hebben, zullen een manier moeten vinden om hiermee om te gaan. In dit artikel wil ik een korte omschrijving geven van de immigratie naar Nederland in de laatste decennia en de manier waarop de Nederlandse overheid hiermee omgaat. 

In Nederland is immigratie, net als in andere Europese landen, een actueel onderwerp. Maar wat veel mensen niet weten, is dat de emigratie op dit moment groter is dan de immigratie, dus meer mensen verlaten Nederland, dan dat er mensen binnenkomen. In de jaren ’60 was dit andersom, toen was er voor het eerst een immigratieoverschot. De meeste immigranten kwamen in eerste instantie uit Italië en Spanje en later ook uit Turkije en Marokko. Dit was het begin van de multi-culturele samenleving in Nederland. In de jaren ’70 waren gezinshereniging en gezinsvorming de belangrijkste motieven voor immigrantie naar Nederland. Een andere grote groep immigranten in dit decennia waren de Surinamers, die na de onafhankelijkheid van Suriname naar Nederland kwamen. Ondanks deze groepen immigranten, had de emigratie de immigratie weer overtroffen. In de jaren ’90 nam de immigratie weer toe, omdat er veel vluchtelingen uit landen als Iran, Irak, Joegoslavië en Somalië naar Nederland kwamen. Dit zorgde voor meer diversiteit onder de immigranten in Nederland. Aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw was het aantal migranten in Nederland met 133.000 in 2001 het hoogst ooit. Het ging goed met de Nederlandse economie en dat trekt mensen aan. Toch duurde deze immigratiegolf niet lang, want in 2002 was het aantal immigranten alweer afgenomen, terwijl de emigratie weer toenam. Tegenwoordig zijn er twee nieuwe significante groepen immigranten: de Nederlandse emigranten die terugkeren naar Nederland en de Poolse werknemers. In 2006 was het aantal immigranten in Nederland 101.000. 

Hoe gaat Nederland om met deze immigranten? Nederland is altijd beroemd geweest om haar tolerantie. In de 16de en 17de eeuw kwamen veel mensen naar dit kleine handelsland, vanwege de godsdienstvrijheid. Mensen als Spinoza, Descartes en Voltaire kwamen naar Nederland om hun boeken te publiceren, omdat hun boeken in andere landen verboden waren. Tegenwoordig zijn er mensen die vinden dat Nederland haar houding van tolerantie en vrijheid heeft verloren. Dit is iets waarover gediscussieerd kan worden, maar het is een feit dat het beleid ten opzichte van immigranten tegenwoordig erg streng is, waardoor je kan zeggen dat immigranten niet meer zo welkom zijn in Nederland als dat ze ooit geweest zijn. In 2002 werd de politicus Pim Fortuyn vermoord vanwege zijn ideeën over buitenlanders (een bekende uitspraak van hem is “vol is vol“). In 2004 is de regisseur en schrijver Theo van Gogh vermoord vanwege zijn provocerende uitlatingen over de islam. Mensen werden in Nederland vermoord vanwege wat ze zeiden. Waar is de vrijheid van meningsuiting gebleven? Tegelijkertijd ontwierp de overheid een almaar strenger immigratiebeid. Rita Verdonk was onverbiddelijk en de kranten stonden vol met artikelen over die arme kinderen die teruggestuurd werden naar hun geboorteland, terwijl ze opgegroeid waren in Nederland. De mogelijkheden voor immigranten om in Nederland te komen wonen werden steeds kleiner en asielzoekers werden in grote getalen uitgezet. Dit zorgde ervoor dat het aantal immigranten in Nederland weer afnam, wat door sommige mensen toegejuichd werd, maar door andere onmenselijk genoemd werd. Het beleid van Verdonk ging soms zelfs in tegen de internationale verdragen voor mensenrechten. Tegenwoordig is het beleid niet zo streng meer, maar het is nog steeds een belangrijk thema en zolang mensen blijven migreren, zal het dat blijven.

De grootste groepen migranten in Nederland:
Indonesiërs	: 450.000	
Morakkanen	: 320.000
Turken	: 360.000   	
Afrikanen	: 180.000 (vooral Somaliëers, Kaapverdianen en Ghanesen)
Surinamers	: 350.000	
Antillianen	: 130.000 


Abdullah Gül was elected the 11th president of Turkey yesterday in the end to a marathon that began last April. “I will be loyal to the Constitution and the principles set in the Constitution. I will be the president of all of Turkey and will be totally impartial”, said President Gül, during his address to Parliament following his election.
Çankaya Palace will for the first time be witness to a first lady that wears a headscarf. This will also usher in a new era for Turkish politics where the president, prime minister and parliament speaker, three crucial posts in the state, will all be held by members of the Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP). 
 Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in his first assessment yesterday, said the difficulties facing the country were removed by the election of Gül. I wish it will be good for our country, our republic. The uncertainty is now over and we will all work to further improve our country, Erdoğan said. The prime minister added that he plans to submit his cabinet list to President Gül today if he can get an appointment.  
Three AKP votes against Gül Abdullah Gül garnered 339 votes out of 448, while the other contenders, Sabahattin Çakmakoğlu from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and Tayfun İçli from the Democratic Left Party (DSP) got 70 and 13 votes respectively. There were 24 blank votes cast and two invalid votes. Gül needed only 276 votes to be elected president. The AKP group has 340 votes, but as two independent deputies also voted for Gül there were three in the AKP who did not cast their votes for the AKP's candidate. 
Generals protest against Gül's presidency 
Turkey's powerful military yesterday boycotted the swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Abdullah Gül in Parliament. 
The absence of the military is seen as a sign of protest against Gül's presidency, a member of the Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) whose wife wears a headscarf.  
 The boycott shows that the military is suspicious of Gül as president and has started a debate on his legitimacy. Gül's term will probably mark a period of increased tensions among the various state institutions, more specifically between the military and prime ministry-presidency axis. 
  Chief of General Staff Gen. Büyükanıt signaled the possibility of increasing tensions through a statement he made late Monday, a day before Gül's election, for the occasion of Victory Day.   Our nation has been watching the behavior of those separatists who can't embrace Turkey's unitary nature and centers of evil that systematically try to corrode the secular nature of the Turkish Republic, said Büyükanıt in his statement. . 
Domestic press in Turkey 
HÜRRİYET - “First speech : secularism” 
One of the biggest newspapers of Turkey’s, Hürriyet wrote “In his first speech , he stressed on the secularism and democracy”
MİLLİYET – “Gül Period at Çankaya Palace”
Gül made a definition of secularism : “ Secularism frees the different life styles , involves the freedom of religion and conscience as well”
SABAH – “ The new host of Çankaya, Abdullah Gül”
The left-wing  newspapers :
BİRGÜN- “The spined “Rose” period at the palace”
Birgün mentioning  the president’s surname as a rose with spines ,“Gül” which means  “Rose” in english also wrote  that it’s meaningful for Gen. Yasar Büyükanıt  to publish a message for “30 August Victory Day”  with a strict sentences before the election. These sentences were commended as a warning to the new government
CUMHURİYET - “Gül, The President”
AK Party who led Turkey to a nervous process by persistence and imposition, took his candidate to Çankaya( Palace) after the swearing-in ceremony which CHP deputies and generals didnt’t go. 

From my side:
Allora.. Non posso dire che sono felice! Ma Turchia , le gente in Turchia hanno deciso il nuovo governo il 22 luglio 2007. AKP ha preso 47% di voti . Ė inevitabile di avere un presidente che viene da islamic base. D’ora in poi dobbiamo sperare bene. Spero che i partiti d’opposizioni fanno quello che devono fare. Spero che  Abdullah Gül quando prende decisione , lui non ignore il laicismo. Voglio vedere un paese libero e uguale per i tutti popoli. Vediamo...


Gül Türkiye’nin Cumhurbaşkanı 

Abdullah Gül, nisanda başlayan uzun bir maraton sürecinden sonra , dün Türkiye’nin 11. cumhurbaşkanı seçildi. Seçimden sonraki konuşmasında  anayasaya ve ilkelerine bağlı kalacağını, tamamen bağımsız  ve tüm Türkiye’nin cumhurbaşkanı olacağını belirtti.
Çankaya Köşkü tarihinde ilk defa eşi başörtü kullanan bir cumhurbaşkanına tanıklık edecek.Bu aynı zamanda çok önemli üç pozisyonun; cumhurbaşkanının, başbakanının ve meclis başkanının İslami kökenli Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AKP) üyeleri tarafından yönetilecek Türkiye politikası için yeni bir dönem başlatacak. 

Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, dünkü ilk açıklamasında Gül’ün seçimiyle ülkenin karşı karşıya olduğu zorlukların kalktığını söyledi.”Halkımız ve ülkemiz için hayırlı olamasını dilerim. Belirsizlik şimdi kalkmıştır ve ülkemizi geliştirmek için çalışacağız” Başbakan bugün eğer bir randevu alabilirse kabinesini Gül’e sunmayı planladığını da ekledi.

Gül karşısında AKP’den 3 oy

Abdullah Gül 448 oydan 339 oy , Milli Hareket Partisi’nden Sabahhatin Çakmakoğlu ve Demokratik Sol Parti’den Tayfun İçli sırasıyla 70 ve 13 oy aldılar.24 boş ve 2 geçersiz oy vardı. Gül’ün seçilmek için sadece 276 oya ihtiyacı vardı. 2 bağımsız milletvekili Gül için oy kullandığı halde AKP grubunun 340 oyu vardı. AKP adayı için oy kullanmayan 3 AKP’li vardı.

Generaller Gül’ün başkanlığını protesto etti

Türkiye’nin güçlü ordusu, Abdullah Gül’ün meclisteki yemin törenini dün protesto etti.
Ordunun, İslami kökenli ve eşi türban giyen AKP üyesi Gül’ün, meclisteki yemin töreninde olmayışı Gül’ün başkanlığını protesto olarak algılandı.
Boykot, ordunun Gül’ün başkanlığı için endişeli olduğunu gösterirken, başkanlığının meşruiyeti hakkında bir tartışma başlattı.
Genelkurmay Başkanı orgeneral Büyükanıt, Gül’ün seçilmesinden bir önceki gün Zafer Bayramı nedeniyle yaptığı açıklamada,olası tansiyonun sinyallerini verdi. “Türkiye cumhuriyeti'nin üniter yapısını içine sindiremeyen bölücüler ile laik yapısını sistematik bir yaklaşımla aşındırmaya çalışan şer odaklarının yaklaşımlarını, tüm ulusumuz çok açık olarak izlemektedir.” açıklamasını yaptı.

Türkiye’deki yerli basın

HÜRRİYET- “İlk açıklama : laiklik”
“Ilk konuşmasında laiklik ve demokrasi üzerinde durdu”

MİLLİYET- “Çankaya Köşkü’nde Gül Devri”
“Gül, laikliğin tanımını yaptı : “Laiklik, farklı yaşam tarzlarını özgürleştirdiği gibi ve din ve vicdan özgürlüğünü de içerir.

SABAH – “Çankaya’nın yeni sahibi Abdullah Gül”

BİRGÜN- “Köşk’te dikenli Gül devri”
Birgün gazetesi Gül’ün ismi üzerinde durarak dikenli gül benzetmesi yaparken Orgeneral Yaşar Büyükanıt’ın zafer bayramı dolayısıyla yaptığı konuşmadaki keskin tanımların yeni hükümet için bir uyarı niteliğinde algılandığına dikkat çekti. 
CUMHURİYET – Gül , Cumhurbaşkanı
Türkiye’yi ısrar ve etkilemeyle gergin bir sürece sokan AKP, CHP vekilleri ve generallerin katılmadığı yemin töreninden sonra  adayını köşke taşıdı.
Benim gözümle:
Sonuçlardan çok memnun olduğumu söyleyemeyeceğim, fakat Türk halkı 22 temmuz seçimlerinde AKP için %47 lik bir oy kullanarak yeni hükümete karar verdi. Bu da İslam kökenli bir parti üyesinin cumhurbaşkanı olmasını kaçınılmaz kıldı. Şu vakitten sonra umud etmek zorundayız ; Umarım Abdullah Gül, ülkemiz için kararlar alırken laiklik ilkesini göz önünde bulundurur, umarım muhalefet üstüne düşeni yapar. Tüm halkının eşit ve özgür olduğu bir ülke görmek istiyorum.



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il 18 settembre 2007. 
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The next newsletter comes out on:
September 18th 2007

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60100 Ancona
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