Newsletter Anno 4, n. 17 - 26 ottobre 2006

Anno 4, n. 17 - 26 ottobre  2006

A cura di Gabriele Sospiro
Con la collaborazione di:
Isabel Davila (ID)
Gulsah Biraderler (GB)
Radost  Peeva (RP)
Paolo Sospiro (PS)



Qualche mese fa vi chiedemmo che cosa pensavate della nostra newsletter e
così, grazie anche ai vostri suggerimenti, abbiamo deciso di introdurre
gradualmente alcune modifiche. La prima che trovate a partire da questo
numero riguarda le lingue che verranno usate nel nostro bollettino. L'idea è
quella di valorizzare il lavoro e i saperi delle nostre volontarie e per
questa ragione la newsletter conterrà alcune news in italiano, senz'altro la
traduzione di tutti gli articoli in inglese, più la versione della lingua
madre utilizzata dalle ragazze che in questo momento sono lo spagnolo, il
turco e il bulgaro. Crediamo che questo nostro esperimento possa essere di
qualche interesse anche per i nostri lettori immigrati, oltre che per le
molte persone che ci leggono in giro per l'Europa. Fateci sapere la vostra

Venerdì 27 ottobre a partire dalle ore 20.30 serata turca al circolo Africa
di Ancona con cucina tradizionale e presentazione speciale di un paese
ancora molto poco conosciuto.
Info e prenotazioni allo 071/2072585
This Friday 27th, 2006 at 8:30 pm Circolo Culturale Africa is organizing a
Turkish night, The event will include a traditional meal combined with a
special presentation of a country still too much unknown.
For contacts: +39/071/2072585

On Monday 16 2006 at the Circolo Cultrale Africa, took place the conference
from Radost Peeva about the economical impact on the new integration of
Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union.
The overview of the unequal standards from where these two countries are
starting this strategic integration brings many questions about the future
development inside this new economical model for Bulgaria and Romania.
During the conference we had the opportunity to focus on the new challenges
for these countries towards the labor market and the sustainable development
according to the opportunities of a free market model.
The conference also brought the opportunity to discuss between the
participants about the conditions under which they are joining the EU, and
compare them with previous EU expansions.


A new form of globalization is growing among young people, artist, activist,
unions, women’s, environmental and non-governmental organizations in Africa.
They called “The globalization from below”, and it stands to resist the
prevalent injustice when talking about free market or globalization for the
The main objective of this campaign is to bring globalization awareness to
the people in Africa, giving them some information about the real
consequences of this alternative for the developing countries that has been
driven by the wealth and power of the elites that control the planet.
Globalization is not an African concept, especially considering the unfair
conditions between developing vs. developed countries.   Can we really call
it free market if the principles of any fair competitiveness should stand
for equal basis for every participant? Or is it really a way to push African
countries into the industrial world as cheap market for products that the
first world countries consume voraciously every day? At the end this will be
a new kind of colonization that will be ruled not by countries but
Here are some interesting facts:
Since globalization took place, Africa ’s global wealth has decline by more
than 40 percent. The 3 richest men in the world own more than the 600
million poorest people - most of whom are African and female.
The USA, Germany, Japan and other countries of the EU are richer than ever
before, while the African continent is poorer than ever, the poorest 20% of
the world's population now receives less than 1% of global wealth.
In Environmental issues, it is important to say that globalization has
contributed to an excessive use of natural resources, bringing climate
changes, pollution and health impact on the habitants.
It’s also evidence that African governments spend $17 per person on health
but up to $30 per person to service debt to the western financial
institutions.  Considering the high rates of HIV positive population, is
just not human to keep on the globalization agenda to accomplish the selfish
goals of the western interests
The main priority of globalization is to "Privatize everything and sell it
to western corporations at a criminally cheap rate" and after that, force
the African population to buy back manufactured products at prices that are
impossible to afford.
Globalization stands for the abuse of resources that are used from the back
of our future generations, bringing more importance into the western profit
above human and labor rights.  This criminal model would probably undermine
every single thought of human reconstruction and will bring more inequality
that sooner or later will cover our history again with war and violence.

África:”La Globalización desde Abajo"

Una nueva forma de Globalización esta creciendo entre los jóvenes,
activistas, mujeres, uniones, organizaciones no gubernamentales y
medioambientales en África.  Ellos la llaman, la "Globalización desde abajo"
y esta pretende resistir la injusticia latente al momento de hablar sobre
libre mercado dentro de un Mundo globalizado.
El objetivo principal de esta campaña es brindar una concientización sobre
la Globalización a los habitantes del Continente Africano, ofreciéndoles una
verdadera información acerca de las consecuencias reales de este proceso,
que afecta primordialmente a los países en desarrollo y el cual es manejado
directamente por las elites que manejan el poder que controla actualmente al
La Globalización no es un concepto para África, especialmente considerando
la desigualdad de condiciones entre los países desarrollados y los que están
en vías de desarrollo.  ¿Podemos realmente usar el término de mercado libre
cuando los principios de una justa competencia se basan en la igualdad de
condiciones como base para cada participante?  ¿O es realmente una forma de
presionar a los países Africanos hacia la industrialización, convirtiéndolo
en un mercado barato para los países desarrollados que cada vez aumentan su
voracidad por el consumo masivo?  Como resultado tendremos una nueva forma
de colonización, que no proviene de Países poderosos sino de sus
Algunos datos interesantes:
Desde los inicios de la Globalización, la riqueza global de África ha
disminuido en más del 40%.  Los tres hombres más ricos del planeta poseen
más riqueza que los 600 millones de habitantes más pobres del mundo, de los
cuales la mayoría son africanos y mujeres.
Los Estados Unidos, Alemania, Japón y otros países de la UE son más ricos
que nunca, mientras que el continente Africano nunca ha sido más pobre, el
20% más pobre de la población mundial recibe menos del 1% de las riquezas
del Mundo.
Dentro de los asuntos Ambientales, la Globalización ha contribuido al uso
excesivo de recursos, trayendo como resultado el aumento de los cambios
climáticos, contaminación y problemas de salud en los habitantes del
Además es una evidencia que los gobiernos africanos gastan $17 por persona
en el cuidado de la salud, pero gastan $30 por habitante para cubrir las
deudas adquiridas con instituciones financieras occidentales.  Considerando
los altos índices de HIV positivo entre la población africana, es inhumano
contener con la agenda de la Globalización para satisfacer las metas
egoístas de los intereses del Occidente.
La prioridad de la Globalización es "Privatizar todo y venderlo a las
corporaciones Occidentales a un precio criminalmente bajo, para luego forzar
a la Población Africana a comprar de vuelta productos manufacturados a
precios que son imposibles de pagar.
La Globalización promueve el abuso de los recursos que utilizamos a costa de
las futuras generaciones, dándole mayor importancia a la rentabilidad del
Occidente por encima de los derechos humanos y laborales.  Este modelo
criminal podría destruir toda intención de reconstruir la humanidad trayendo
mayor desigualdad en nuestros países, lo cual tarde o temprano volverá a
cubrir nuestra historia con otro episodio de violencia y guerra.


The independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in Bas Congo in the democratic
Republic of Congo is trying to sensitize the population in order to promote
peaceful acceptance of the results in the next elections on October 29,
During this meetings, three points have been discussed; first the role of
the media as a guideline for the population in order to accept the
presidential run-off and the provincial elections on October.  The presence
of the national and international observers, and the accreditation of the
journalists and witnesses of the political parties
To promote a civic education toward the electoral process is necessary to
encourage the journalist towards “good information” and they should not lend
themselves so easily to actors who contest results through the media, and
not through the proper legal channels.

In this case the media role is essential in order to increase the power of
civil society, while encouraging the advent of a citizen culture, while
avoiding messages of hate and exclusion, and respecting all opinions and
public affairs.
Its important to avoid the manipulation of the information in an electoral
process, for this reason the MONUC/Bas Congo Public Information office is
working together with the IEC in order to improve the broadcast of the
elections trough the main media stations and giving the responsibility of
this issue to the press and the media but also to the entire population in
order to built strong basis into a civic awareness and commitment.

Campaña de Concientización Electoral en Bas Congo

La Comisión Electoral Independiente (IEC) en Bas Congo, esta tratando de
sensibilizar a la población para promover una aceptación pacífica sobre los
resultados en las próximas elecciones del 29 de octubre de 2006.
Durante estas reuniones se han enfocado en tres puntos: El rol de los medios
de comunicación como una guía para la población con la finalidad de aceptar
el empate de los candidatos presidenciales y las elecciones provinciales de
Octubre. La presencia de observadores nacionales e internacionales y la
acreditación de los periodistas y testigos de los partidos políticos.

Para promover una educación cívica en los procesos electorales, es necesario
incentivar a la prensa hacia una "buena información" y evitar el mal uso de
esta información por parte de los medios de comunicación sin recurrir a los
canales legales apropiados.

En este caso el papel de los medios de comunicación es esencial para
acrecentar el poder de la sociedad civil, mientras se fortalecen los pilares
de una cultura ciudadana y se eliminan los mensajes de odio y exclusión
respetando las opiniones de todos frente a los asuntos públicos.

Es importante evitar la manipulación de la información en los procesos
electorales, por esta razón el MONUC/Bas Congo Oficina de Información
Pública esta trabajando conjuntamente con el IEC para mejorar las
transmisiones sobre los resultados electorales a través de las estaciones de
comunicación.  Además les otorga la responsabilidad de este tema
directamente a la prensa y a la población, para construir una base sólida
hacia el compromiso y conciencia cívica.

The book "Modern Sheikhs and the Making of Religious Extremism" by Dr.
Mouhamed Fattoh, was confiscated by the Egyptian Censorship office claiming
that the publisher needed an specific license from the Islamic Research
Council (IRC) based in Cairo.   Even though there wasn’t an official
decision from the court to confiscate the book, The Egyptian Censorship
proceeded to take 280 copies from the Madbouly bookstore.
The book actually presents a criticism over the censorship of art and
literature from the Islamic Research Council, which constitutes a violation
to freedom of opinion and expression.  The book also focuses on the right of
women to lead prayers and look into the separation from religion and the

The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights expressed its concerns to this
decision, claiming the writer’s right to freedom of opinion stipulated in
the articles 47, 48 and 49 of the Egyptian Constitution considering that
this legislation has been ratified by the Egyptian Government.
In this context, is important to mention the grants that the Egyptian
Legislation gives to the administrative authorities such as banning
publications and the distribution of printed material, the Council of
Ministries has the right to ban any foreign publication, or any book that
may conflict with religion in a way that could disturb public security. All
of this constitutes the restriction to freedom of thought and belief.

The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) has repeatedly demanded
the lifting of restrictions on freedom of opinion and the end to all forms
of censorship of journalism, and of the publication and distribution of
creative and artistic works. Therefore (EOHR) demands to the Egyptian
Government to respect constitutional provisions on freedom of opinion,
expression, thought and belief.
Article 49 of the Constitution provides: "The state shall guarantee freedom
of scientific research and literary, artistic and cultural invention and
provide the necessary means for its realization".


Fin a todo tipo de Censura. EOHR

El libro "Modern Sheikhs and the Making of Religious Extremism" por el autor
Dr. Mouhamed Fattoh, fue confiscado por la oficina Censura Egipcia,
estableciendo que el publicista necesitaba una licencia específica del
Consejo de Investigaciones Islámico (IRS) ubicado en el Cairo.   A pesar de
que no existía una decisión oficial por parte de la Corte para confiscar el
libro, La oficina de Censura Egipcia procedió a tomar 280 copias que se
encontraban en la librería Madbouly.

Este libro presenta una crítica sobre la censura al arte y la literatura
precisamente por parte del Consejo de Investigaciones Islámico, lo cual
constituye una violación a la libertad de expresión y opinión pública.  El
libro se enfoca en los derechos de las mujeres para liderar rezos y además
se adentra en la separación de la religión y el estado.
La organización Egipcia de Derechos Humanos expresó su indignación frente a
esta decisión, reclamando los derechos del escritor en cuanto a la libertad
de opinión, estipulado en los artículos 47, 48 y 49 de la Constitución
Egipcia, considerando que esta legislación ha sido ratificada por el
Gobierno de Egipto.

En este contexto, es importante mencionar las garantías que la Legislación
Egipcia otorga a las autoridades administrativas como para restringir la
publicación y distribución de material impreso, El Consejo de Ministros
tiene el derecho de restringir cualquier publicación extranjera o cualquier
libro que provoque un conflicto en términos religiosos y perturbe la
seguridad pública.  Todo esto constituye una restricción de la libertad de
pensamiento e ideología.

La organización de los Derechos Humanos en Egipto (EOHR) demanda
constantemente el levantamiento de estas restricciones a la libertad de
opinión y al término de todo tipo de censura en contra del periodismo, así
como a la publicación y distribución de material artístico y creativo.  De
esta manera la (EOHR) demanda el respeto de las provisiones constitucionales
sobre la libertad de expresión, pensamiento e ideología, por parte del
Gobierno de Egipto.

El artículo 49 de la Constitución dice: "El estado debe garantizar libertad
para la investigación científica y literaria así como para la creación
artística y cultural y deberá proveer de los medios necesarios para su


Today India is the world's largest democracy and although modern images of
India often show poverty and lack of development that is only one side of a
much larger picture. For instance, the other side of the poverty and
underdevelopment are the vibrant movement of dissent and resistance against
current developmental paradigms and imperialist globalization - movements
that are diverse in terms of ideology, trajectory and demands but united in
their opposition to the neo-liberal agenda currently being imposed on the

India is a demographic marvel, with multiplicities in languages, religions,
social organisations and other identities and idioms of cultural expression.
There are obvious tensions within such a complex unity: tensions that could
be creative or divisive depending on the dynamics of this unity. It is this
complex process of unity that the movements in India want to take forward,
and it is this that the forces of reaction seek to destroy.

The WSF process in India is conceived as a symbol of unity and democratic
space for people to assert their rights for peace and a world free of
violence, bigotry and hatred. The WSF India process not only focuses on
imperialist globalization but also on the issues of religious and sectarian
violence, casteism and patriarchy. The WSF process in India makes space for
all sections of society to come together and articulate their struggles and
visions, individually and collectively, against the threat of neo-liberal,
capitalist globalization on one hand and uphold the secular, plural and
gender sensitive framework on the other.

All those who take part in the World Social Forum in India as elsewhere in
the world - should be in broad agreement with the Charter of Principles of
the WSF. The process in India makes space available for all sections of
society, but most importantly, it makes space for all those in society that
remain less visible, marginalized, unrecognized, and oppressed.  The
WSF-India process aims to be widespread and inclusive by allowing for a
space for workers, peasants, indigenous peoples, dalits, women, hawkers, all
minorities, immigrants, students, academicians, artisans, artists, the media
as well as parliamentarians, sympathetic bureaucrats and other concerned
sections from within and outside the state.

El Foro Social Mundial India 2006
Delhi, del 9 al 13 de Noviembre

Hoy en día India es el país que representa la mas extensa democracia del
mundo, sin embargo la imagen contemporánea de este país, a menudo muestra la
pobreza y la falta de desarrollo de esta región, siendo estos factores un
solo lado de una imagen mucho mas extensa. El otro lado de esta pobreza y
falta de desarrollo es el creciente y vibrante movimiento de resistencia en
contra de los paradigmas de crecimiento actuales y contra la globalización
imperialista.  Estos movimientos diversos en términos de ideología,
trayectoria y demandas, están unidos en su oposición al la agenda neoliberal
que actualmente se impone en mundo.

India es una maravilla demográfica, encierra una multiplicidad de lenguajes,
religiones organizaciones sociales y otras identidades e idiomas de
expresión cultural.  Existen obvias tensiones dentro de esta unidad tan
compleja: tensiones que podrían ser creativas o divisorias dependiendo de
las dinámicas de su unión.  La superación de la complejidad de los procesos
de unidad es la misión de los movimientos en india, y es precisamente esto
lo que las fuerzas de reacción  intentan evitar.

El proceso del FSM se concibe en la India como un símbolo de unidad y un
espacio democrático para las personas puedan hacer valer sus derechos de paz
y de un mundo sin violencia, racismo y odio.  El proceso del Foro Social
Mundial en India, no solamente se enfoca en la globalización imperialista
sino también en los asuntos religiosos y de violencia sectorial así como el
problema de clases y patriarcado.  Este proceso además asegura un espacio
para todas las secciones de la sociedad para juntarse y articular sus
esfuerzos y visiones individual y colectivamente en contra de las amenazas
neoliberales por un lado y por otro lado el desarrollo de un marco de
trabajo sensible a la pluralidad, secularidad y genero.

Todos aquellos que formen parte del Foro Social Mundial en India o en
cualquier parte del mundo deben estar en total acuerdo con la Carta de
Principios del FSM.  Este proceso ofrece un espacio disponible para todos
los sectores de la sociedad y sobretodo a aquellos sectores marginalizados y
oprimidos.  El FSM en India intenta promover una participación extensiva
permitiendo un espacio para los trabajadores, campesinos, indígenas, dalits,
mujeres, minorías, inmigrantes, estudiantes, académicos, artesanos,
artistas, medios de comunicación, parlamentistas, y todas las secciones
involucradas dentro y fuera de sus estados.


Bulgaria and Romania have been given the green light by the EU Commission to
join the EU on 1st January 2007.
This was decided upon the fact that the two countries have made remarkable
transformations for the period of seven years of negotiations. It was voted
that few more months will not exactly make much difference and perhaps the
two countries can work on improving the areas of concern better within the
This accession raises many questions. Are they ready? How will they cope?
Should the rest of the EU impose equal and free movement of goods, labour
and services?
The EU is in doubt that Bulgaria and Romania will have full benefit of their
2007 accession. They perhaps have the right to feel as they are second class
The conditions under which the two countries will join are much different
and much stricter than any other previous expansion of the EU in history.
They will already be the 26th and 27th member of the EU respectively. Thus
the EU has much experience already in how to deal with such situations.
However, Bulgaria and Romania are put to the limit, as they will face
limited access to EU funds, export bans, strict labour migration
restrictions for up to 3 years. They will not enjoy the same membership
rights that the previous 10 countries had when they joined in 2004. The two
countries have not yet became members and they have already become the two
black ships of the EU.
The have undergone many political, administrative, institutional and
economical transformation in order to be ready to become members of the EU;
but is the EU ready to welcome them as equal partner? No one claims that
their standards of governance and levels of corruption will soon be
comparable, to say Germany. However they have worked hard to improve their
situation and it has not been an easy task, considering their trouble hood
in the past. They have completed the transition from being ex soviet states
to hopeful members of the EU in seven years of vast changes and amendments.
This shows their willingness to be part of something good and something that
will offer them security and stability. This would be a historic achievement
that they have so longed for.
They will still have to work on many things to reach at least some level of
standard compared with its Western so called co-members, but that does not
necessarily mean they are second class Europeans. Certainly not. They have a
lot to offer to the EU, in terms of agricultural prosperity, great
investment prospects and people that are full of enthusiasm. They, as
individual countries have had achieved already much more than the rest of
the EU because they have managed to overcome past misfortunes, difficult
historical moments which are the reasons behind many of their political and
economical crisis.


България и Румъния – второкласни европейци?

Европейската комисия даде зелена светлина на присъединяването на България и
Румъния към ЕС на 1-ви януари 2007.
Това беше решено, след като комисията установи че двете страни са направили
забележителни промени за периода от 7 години на преговори. Въпреки че много
неща остават в процес на промени и развитие, двете страни ще имат по-добра
възможност да постигнат по-бърз и ефектен резултат в решаването на тези
проблеми в ЕС, отколкото да бъдат забавени с една година, тъй като това би
могло да забави и тяхното развитие.
Това присъединяване поражда много въпроси. Готови ли са двете страни да
бъдат членки на ЕС? Трябва ли останалите страни от ЕС да им дадат
равноправни възможности за свободно пътуване, работа и износ на стоки?

ЕС се съмнява във възможностите на България и Румъния, които те ще имат,
когато станат членки на 1-ви януари 2007. Може би двете страни имат право да
се чустват, като второкласни европейци.

Правата които България и Румъния ще имат, ще бъдат доста по-различни и
по-стриктни от всички предишни разширявания, които ЕС е правил в цялата си
история. Те ще бъдат 26ия и 27ия член на ЕС. ЕС има вече доста опит в тази
област и би трябвало да постави равни права за присъединяване. В този момент
обаче виждаме, че България и Румъния са поставени в ситуация в която те ще
бъдат ЕС членки, поставени под стриктен контрол на ЕС относно бюджета, ще
има санкции над износа на стоки и стриктен контрол над миграцията на
работници, които евентуално биха искали да работят извън двете страни, за
повече от 3 години. Те няма да имат същите права, каквито имаха предишните
10 страни, когато се присъединиха през 2004. Двете страни още не са станали
част от ЕС, а вече са третирани като черните овци на Европа.

Двете страни са преминали през много политически, административни,
инструкционни и икономически промени за да могат да станат част от Европа,
но дали Европа е готова да ги приеме като равноправни членки? Никой не може
да каже че икономическия и администратичния стандарт скоро ще достигнат този
например на Германия. От друга страна те са работили много за да достигнат
това ниво, което не е било лесна задача имайки в предвид техните проблеми в
миналото. Те са страни които са в процес на преход от екс социалистически
страни до бъдещи членки на ЕС, постигнат за 7 години, периода на промени.
Това показва тяхното голямо желание и ентусиазъм да станат част от нещо
по-добро, нещо което ще им помогне да постигнат стабилизация и сигурност.
Това ще е исторически момент и за двете страни, които те толкова са се
надявали да постигнат.

Те ще трябва да продължат тяхната работа за да могат да постигнат стандарта,
който би могъл да се сравни със стандарта на техните така наречени
съчленове, но това не значи че те са второкласни европейци. Определено не.
Напротив, те имат какво да предложат на Европа, което много други членки не
са в състояние да предоставят: много богати земеделски земи, добри
възможности за инвестиции, хора които са пълни с ентусиазъм за тяхното
бъдеще и пряка връзка с Азия. Те, като индивидуални страни са постигнали
прекалено много за да могат да достигнат този етап в тяхната история, много
повече от колкото някои други страни, които са членки на ЕС. Двете стpани са
успели да преминат през много исторически, трудни за тях моменти и много
икономически и политически кризи за да достигнат до този момент в който ще
бъдат част от обединена Европа.


Last week, we had different feelings in a day.  After news about bill of
France, world news reported on Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk being awarded the
2006 Nobel Prize for literature. . France had presented to her parliament a
bill making denying Armenian genocide claims a crime punishable with jail
sentences.   French bill created big reactions in Turkey. Turkish Foreign
Ministry in a hard statement expressed that the French Parliament’s decision
had dealt a serious blow to Turkish – French relations, protestors began
against France, economic boycott started against French products and the
head of Turkey’s Higher Education Board (YOK ) Professor Tezic has returned
an award “Commandeur de la Legion d'Honneur” from France. World media fooled
with France. British Guardian Journal expressed acceptation of bill at
French parliament as an impact against reality, justice and humanity. In
reality, this initiative will be a gloomy page in history of French which
was the home of French Revolution. It is obvious that Sarkozy is playing for
election of Presidency which will hold in May 2007 and he can risk finishing
relations with Turkey for votes of Armenian population living in France.
This situation should be so sad for French democrats who believe that France
is a strong castle of thought and freedom. Turkey is going on the way of
European Union, making democratic reforms and discussing issues which were
described as undiscussible before. Developments of Turkey make some
environments worried.

After news of French bill, we received news of Orhan Pamuk being awarded the
Nobel Prize for literature. All Turkish nation couldn’t be happy with this
news. Reason should be searched on Pamuk’s unfortunate expression. Turkey
doesn’t recognize ostensible Armenian genocide and claims that  that 300,000
Armenians and at least as many Turks died in civil strife when Armenians
took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia and sided with invading
Russian troops

On an interview for a European journal, Orhan Pamuk expressed that “ Turks
killed 1 million Armenians and 30 thousand Kurds”. That expression is highly
sad, for that reason all nation is not able to be happy with this award.
However, later, Pamuk on another interview had explained: “This interview
was made in English, later it was translated in German and then in Turkish.
On these translations some changes happened according to journalists’ style.
I didn’t aim to judge Turkish Republic. Also these didn’t happen in the
years of Turkish Republic. I am not historian; I just read books about
history of country. I am Turkish and I am proud of it”. According to Nobel
Jury for literature, Prize has been given to Pamuk because of in the quest
for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for
the clash and interlacing of cultures. “Pamuk is a writer for peace and
democracy supports all nations’ living in peace and freedom. We congratulate
him. Shame of France will be forgotten, but pride of Orhan Pamuk will be
remembered for a century.


Gecen hafta bir gun icinde farkli duygular yasadik. Fransa’nin meclise
sundugu yasa tasarisi haberinin ardindan Orhan Pamuk’un Nobel Edebiyat
odulunu aldigi haberi geldi. Fransa, Ermeni soykirimi iddialarini inkar
edenlerin hapse atilmasini ongoren yasa tasarisini Ulusal Meclisi’ne sundu.
Bu yasa tasarisi Turkiye’de buyuk tepkilere sebep oldu. Turk Dis Isleri
Bakanligi, sert bir aciklama ile Turk –Fransiz iliskilerinin Fransa’nin bu
karari ile agir bir darbe aldigini duyurdu. Turkiye’de Fransa aleyhine
protestolar yapildi, Fransiz urunlerine boykot basladi, Yuksek Ogretim
Kurulu Baskani Tezic kendisine Paris tarafindan layik gorulen "Commandeur de
la Legion d'Honneur" nisanini iade etti. Dunya basini  Fransa ile dalga
gecti. Ingiliz Guardian gazetesi yasa tasarisinin Fransiz Ulusal Meclisi’
nden gecmesini “gercege, adalete ve insanliga vurulmus muhtesem bir darbe”
olarak nitelendirdi. Isin ic yuzune baktigimizda bu girisim Fransiz Ihtilali
’nin Fransa’sinda karanlik bir sayfa olarak yer alacak. Su aciktir ki
Sarkozy, Mayis 2007’de yapilacak Cumhurbaskanligi secimine oynuyor ve Ermeni
asilli secmenlerin oyunu alabilmek icin Turkiye ile olan iliskisini
harcamayi goze alabiliyor. Bu durum, Fransa’nin dusunce ve ozgurlugun en
saglam kalelerinden biri olduguna inanan Fransiz demokratlar icin ne aci
olsa gerek. Turkiye, Avrupa Birligi uyeligi yolunda ilerliyor , demokrasi
adina reformlar yapiliyor ve tartisilamaz denilen konular tartisiliyor.
Turkiye’nin gelisimi nedense bazi cevreleri rahatsiz ediyor

Fransa’nin yasa tasarisi  haberinin gelmesinin hemen ardindan Orhan Pamuk’un
nobel edebiyat odulu aldigi haberi geldi. Turkiye halkinin tamami bu habere
sevinemedi. Nedenini Orhan Pamuk’un talihsiz sozlerinde aramak gerekiyor.
Turkiye sozde Ermeni soykirimini tanimiyor ve 1915 yilindaki Ermeni tehciri
sirasinda olen 300 bin Ermeni’nin yaninda en az o kadar Turk’un de oldugunu
belirtiyor. Oysa Orhan Pamuk bir Avrupa gazetesine verdigi demecte “Turkler
1 milyon Ermeni’yi ve 30 bin Kurdu oldurdu” diyor. Bu sozler Turk halki icin
yaralayici ve uzuntu verici, bu yuzden tum halk bu odule sevinemiyor .
Halbuki ayni Orhan Pamuk daha sonra verdigi bir demecte , olayi söyle
degerlendirmisti: "Bu röportaji Ingilizce yaptik, daha sonra Almancaya,
Almancadan Türkçeye çevrildi.Bu çevirilerde gazetecilerin kendi üsluplarina
göre degisiklikler olmustur. Ben bu sözlerimle Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ni tahkir
etme gayesini gütmedim, zaten bu olaylar Türkiye Cumhuriyeti zamaninda
olmamistir. Ben tarihçi degilim ancak ülkenin tarihiyle ilgili kitaplar
okurum, düsünürüm, olay bundan ibarettir.Ben ayrica Türk'üm, Türklügümle de
gurur duyarim."  Nobel Edebiyat Odulu jurisinin karar gerekcesi de “ odul,
Pamuk’a “Yasadigi ve dogdugu kentin melankolik ruhu arayisinda, kulturlerin
birlesmesi ve catismasina dair yeni sembolleri bulmasindan verildi”. Orhan
Pamuk baris ve demokrasiden yana, tum halklarin baris icerisinde ozgurce
yasamasini isteyen bir yazar. Biz de Orhan Pamuk’u basarisindan dolayi
kutluyoruz. Fransa’nin ayibi bir hafta sonra unutulacak, Orhan Pamuk’un
gururu ise bir asir hatirlanacaktir.



Buy Nothing Day is the worldwide celebration of non-consumption.  The bold
and creatively subversive initiative was launched several years ago in North
America, by the Vancouver-based Adbusters Magazine, to raise awareness about
the consumerist system in which we live.  Today Buy Nothing Day is
celebrated in over 40 countries throughout the world.
The idea is both simple and, depending on your lifestyle, possibly radical:
a 24 hour moratorium on all purchases.  Don’t buy a single thing for one
entire day.  Instead of mindlessly feeding the consumer money machine,
people are encouraged to spend their day more productively.
Buy Nothing Day is celebrated on the last Friday of November, for reasons
both strategic and ironic.  In the United States, this is always the day
immediately following the holiday Thanksgiving.  The day following
Thanksgiving has long been regarded in the United States as “the first day
of Christmas shopping” in which throngs of consumers eagerly flock to stores
and shopping malls to buy nonessential items for friends and family.
The intention of Buy Nothing Day is three-fold. First, it demonstrates to
people how deeply embedded in our lives consumerism has grown.  In the
globalized market place of the today, people often buy and consume products
out of habit as opposed to necessity.  Consuming has become one of the many
ways people try to fill a certain emptiness caused by a post-modern culture
which is high on instant gratification but low on many of the more basic and
traditional pursuits of pleasure and well-being.  In addition, the day is
meant to show people that, although it may not be as easy as they expected,
it is possible, and hopefully rewarding.


Il Buy Nothing Day
Il Buy nothing day è la giornata mondiale del non acquisto. Iniziativa
gioiosa e creativa, nata diversi anni or sono in Nord America, che ha lo
scopo di provocare e far pensare rispetto al sistema consumista nel quale

Il Buy nothing day, esportato dagli Stati Uniti in molti Paesi del mondo
grazie ad associazioni di attivisti locali, si celebra non a caso a fine
novembre, alla vigilia del thanks-giving day, la "giornata del
ringraziamento" che negli Usa corrisponde -dal punto di vista consumistico-
al nostro Natale.
Quello che si propone, molto semplicemente, è una moratoria di 24 ore sugli
acquisti. Per un giorno non comprate nulla. Un gesto importante per sfuggire
all'imperativo del consumismo e riappropriarsi di una fetta di tempo passata
a fare shopping.
Una giornata dedicata a tutto tranne che alle compere, per rendere concreto
il dissenso verso il consumismo e la pressione che esercita su tutti gli
aspetti della nostra vita. 24 ore per buttare fuori dal nostro stile di vita
l'immagine della famiglia felice al sapore del "Mulino bianco", le raccolte
punti che soddisfano l'immaginario più che i bisogni delle casalinghe, i
piccoli mostri dei cartoni animati che ipnotizzano le fantasie dei piccoli e
svuotano i portafogli degli adulti. La giornata del non acquisto è un invito
alla sobrietà e a ripensare alla solidarietà e alla gratuità quali
componenti attive di un'economia sostenibile.

Una piccola idea con grandi implicazioni. Vorremmo che ognuno trovasse le
sue ragioni per concedersi una giornata di austerità dal consumismo. Il Buy
nothing day commemora le vittime delle politiche orientate alla
massimizzazione dei consumi: dalle popolazioni del Sud del mondo deboli di
fronte alla globalizzazione dei mercati, all'ambiente deturpato da rifiuti e
inquinamento, alla colonizzazione dell'immaginario a opera di pubblicitari
che propongono modelli di vita irrealizzabili per la maggior parte della
popolazione del mondo. La giornata del non acquisto è un invito a
"demarkettizzare" la nostra vita.


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