Nairobi: nella baraccopoli di Korogocho ‘The black Pinocchio festival’

Con preghiera di diffusione

Nairobi: nella baraccopoli di Korogocho i bambini di strada sono
protagonisti di un festival

Il prossimo 13 agosto nella chiesa di St. John a Korogocho, una tra le
baraccopoli più densamente abitate di Nairobi (capitale del Kenya) sarà
realizzato un festival dai bambini di strada per i bambini di strada. La
manifestazione prende il nome dallo spettacolo "The Black Pinocchio
Festival" (diretto da Marco Baliani) che presenta la favola di Pinocchio
in chiave africana e che ha appena concluso una tournée con decine di
repliche in Italia, applaudite da circa 25.000 spettatori. Il festival
inoltre ospiterà  spettacoli, esibizioni acrobatiche, danze, canzoni e
altre forme di intrattenimento ad opera di bambini di strada che seguono
tre progetti di recupero. Il festival è promosso tra gli altri da
Amref-Italia (African medicale and research foundation,

Press release

‘The black Pinocchio festival’

There will be a festival at St. John Catholic Church, Korogocho on 13th
August 2005 at 2.00p.m. The festival dubbed the ‘Black Pinocchio Festival’
will feature former street children from Dagoretti and those undergoing
rehabilitation in Korogocho. The St.john Catholic Church, Korogocho,
AMREF-Italy, and the Italian Institute of Culture have organised the
festival. The festival draws its name from the play ‘Black Pinocchio’
which had been staged by the former street children from Dagoretti in
different parts of Africa and Europe.

The former and current street children will use the festival to advocate
for the rights of the underprivileged children in our society. The
children will display their tremendous latent talents and present a
different face of the streets. The festival will feature the ‘BLACK
PINOCCHIO’ play, drama, songs, acrobats, dances and other plays from The
Dagoretti Child in Need Programme, Boma Rescue Children Centre and
Korogocho Street Children programme.

The Boma Rescue Centre was started 15years ago to rescue children who were
living and scavenging at the notorious Dandora Dumping Site. It
rehabilitates street children and integrates them back to their families,
where this is possible. Depending on their ability and ages, they are
either sent to primary schools or vocational training institutions. The
centre is based at the dumping site and is jointly run by the Kariobangi
(Korogocho) and Dandora Catholic parishes.

The Korogocho Street children programme has a similar objective though it
targets the glue sniffing street children common in the Kisumu Ndogo area
of Korogocho.


‘The black Pinocchio’
The play, based on the Collodi masterpiece and directed by Marco Baliani,
returns to Kenya after a triumphant Italian tour! Don’t miss it.

on Saturday 13th August 2005 @  2.00 P.M
@  St. John’s Catholic Church, Korogocho.

also featuring: Dances, Acrobats, Music and Songs
by the:
Dagoretti Child in Need Programme, Boma Rescue Street Children Centre,
Korogocho Street Children Centre, Cultural and Acrobatic groups


For more information please contact:
Fr. Daniel Moschetti
St.john Catholic Church          					   Box: 47714 00100 Nairobi
Tel: 254-020-780430
Mobile: 0733702972

John Muiruri
Box:30125 00100
Tel: 604651 Mobile: 0720 327340

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