Brazil, Venezuela & Castrist "miracle missions"...

Uncertainty in Latin America: Two editorials on Brazil, Venezuela & Castrist alleged "miracle mission"... (Responsible: Javier González, Destaque Internacional, Buenos Aires / Madrid)

(1) Andean Countries: Chávez and the Castrist "miracle mission"

* President Chávez, from Venezuela, who has just taken office as head of the Pro-Tempore Secretariat of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) , may now open the doors of those countries to thousands of Cuban agents supposedly to impulse "health" and "education" plans.

* The left-wing Brazilian crisis may modify the Latin America correlation between the "gradualist" and the "volunteerist" currents, turning the balance towards the latter

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(2) The Sao Paulo Forum, Latin America and the crisis in the Brazilian left wing

Marco Aurelio Garcia, high level international advisor of president Lula, from Brazil, gives his support to the "great destabilizations" created by the so called "social movements" in Latin America, which will serve to "break hegemonies" and supposedly "expand" democracy in the continent; and eulogies "armed struggles" which would have contributed for the democratization in different countries

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