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Weekly anb02287.txt #7
- Subject: Weekly anb02287.txt #7
- From: anb-bia <anb-bia at village.uunet.be>
- Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:36:52 +0100
_____________________________________________________________ WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 28-02-2002 PART #7/7* Ouganda. Numéro de "Vivant Univers" - La revue Vivant Univers (e-mail: vivant.univers at skynet.be) vient de faire paraître un numéro (n. 456) sur l'Ouganda, sous le titre: "un modèle qui se lézarde". Après un état de grâce qui a duré environ huit ans, et durant lequel les dirigeants de la planète ne tarirent pas d'éloges à l'égard de Museveni, quelques fêlures ont quelque peu flétri le modèle: insécurité, augmentation de la corruption, maintien des troupes au Congo-Kinshasa. (Prix au numéro: 6 euros + frais de port). (ANB-BIA, Bruxelles, 22 février 2002)
* Ouganda/Congo-RDC. Coltan disparu - Le mystère demeure autour de l'affaire d'un camion chargé de coltan, braqué la semaine dernière et retrouvé vide dans la zone de Mpigi, à moins de 30 km au sud-ouest de Kampala. La police est toujours à la recherche d'indices. Le véhicule immatriculé en RDC venait de Goma et se dirigeait probablement vers le port de Mombasa pour embarquer sa marchandise à bord de navires allant à l'étranger. D'après une première reconstitution, le camion avait deux hommes à bord quand il a été stoppé par des braqueurs. On ne connaît toujours pas ni les uns ni les autres. L'aspect le plus paradoxal est que personne n'a encore dénoncé ni le vol du camion ni celui de son chargement, dont la valeur devrait équivaloir à près de 1,15 million d'euros. (Misna, Italie, 21 février 2002)
* Uganda. Bishops press Museveni to withdraw from OIC - On 21 February, Ugandan bishops continued to criticise President Yoweri Museveni's close ties with Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Kadhafi, and Kampala's membership in the Organisation of Islamic Conferences (OIC), demanding that the state should withdraw from the body. In a second statement in a month signed by Church of Uganda Provincial Secretary, the Reverend Canon George Tibesigwa, the prelates argue that by joining the OIC, it implies that Uganda is an Islamic nation. "Uganda is not an Islamic or Christian nation, even with its over 80 percent Christian population out of an estimated 23 million people," the statement reads. Muslims account for 14 percent of Uganda whose numbers were boosted during the eight-year rule of Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada, exiled in Saudi Arabia since 1979. The six percent caters for both traditionalists and pagans. The bishops cited the country's constitution that rules out Uganda from adopting any form of a state religion. "Uganda shall not adopt a state religion," the document reads in part. "This automatically implies that Uganda is a secular state," the statement says. The OIC, in which Museveni enroled Uganda as member, has attracted outrage from Christian prelates in the country and a host of other civic and political groups. The organisation's charter aims at strengthening Islam among member states struggling to safeguard the dignity, independence and national rights of Muslims. It also seeks to safeguard the Holy Islamic sites and supports the Palestinian struggle. Museveni has reacted angrily to the bishops' criticism, saying that he will soon explain to the bishops why he took such a stand. "I will get time and lecture all Bishops about the story of the Good Samaritan which they know very well. Kadhafi is a Good Samaritan to Uganda which he has aided much in the present peaceful governance brought in by the National Resistance Movement," Museveni said. (PANA, Senegal, 21 February 2002)
* Uganda. The race for Mayor of Kampala - The many-months-long ritual of national and local government elections ended in most of the country last week with elections for municipality and city mayors and district leaders and councillors. It was a typical Ugandan election, with a few candidates killed, many ballot boxes stuffed, the State House and the secretariat of the ruling Movement putting money and political backing behind a few chosen candidates, and security agencies arresting an MP here, abducting another there, and beating a couple of supporters of the "wrong" candidate. It is the kind of mix that passes for a "free and fair" election in Uganda. On election day itself, (14 February), things were uncharacteristically dull. Hardly any violence. Most eyes were on one seat -- the race for mayor of Kampala. On one side was the incumbent mayor, John Ssebaana Kizito, a rich businessman and politician linked to the largely banned pro-multiparty opposition. On the other was Wasswa Ziritwawula, the candidate of the Movement. President Museveni had brokered a deal in which two Movement aspirants for the seat, the colourful Resident District Commissioner Naava Nabagesera -- once a favourite of city gossip circles -- and Wasswa Biriggwa, a failed aspirant for the job in two previous elections, made way for Ziritwawula to stand as the sole Movement man. Support for Museveni and the Movement tends to be low in urban areas, and the elite who once adored the president are less enthusiastic about him after 16 years. As a result, in recent years, Kampala has fallen into the arms of the opposition. That was partly Ziritwawula's undoing. However, matters were not helped by the fact that he is the least charismatic politician ever to stand for mayor in Kampala. Add to that his reputation as a political turncoat, and nothing could have saved him. The clearest sign that he was headed for the woods came two days before the polls, when Museveni cut his losses and distanced himself from Ziritwawula, saying he hadn't really campaigned for him. Ssebaana defeated Ziritwawula by a whopping 106,000 votes, the biggest rout of this round of elections. The brazen attempt by the Movement to win Kampala for Ziritwawula turned what would have been an ordinary defeat into a political massacre. (The East African, Kenya, 18-24 February 2002)
* Ouganda. HRW: alerte pour les libertés - Le 21 février, Human Rights Watch a averti que les droits de l'homme étaient menacés par trois projets de lois qui doivent passer devant le Parlement ougandais. L'organisme est particulièrement préoccupé par l'amendement relatif à l'enregistrement des organisations non gouvernementales. Selon HRW, le projet de loi permet de suspendre des ONG qui ne se conforment pas aux politiques ou aux plans du gouvernement, et les dirigeants d'ONG peuvent se retrouver avec des peines de prison allant jusqu'à un an s'ils violent cette loi. Un projet de loi concernant la suppression du terrorisme fait craindre que des personnes innocentes ou de petits malfaiteurs ne soient considérés comme "terroristes", dit Alison Des Forges, conseillère de HRW. Quant au projet de loi sur les organisations politiques, "il cherche à renforcer le système de parti unique qui existe de facto en Ouganda; il limite les activités des partis politiques et viole la liberté d'association et d'expression". (D'après PANA, Sénégal, 22 février 2002)
* Zimbabwe. "A Time for Deciding" - In a Press Statement issued on 8 February, the Jesuit Fathers and Brothers of Zimbabwe said: "Even if agents of the state go outside their legally defined duties of preventing crime, protecting citizens, apprehending criminals, and defending the state, we Christians are bound to defend and protect the victims of such violence. The Jesuits in Zimbabwe have decided that, in the present crisis of violence and anarchy, we shall do what we can to prevent such violence and, when we can, to protect victims of such violence. And when this comes to late, to assist the victims. To refrain from such a stance in the present situation would be a failure to respond to the immediate needs of the people of Zimbabwe. It would be a failure to assist in taking up the Cross which evil people have laid on the back of the people of God". (Jesuit Fathers and Brothers of Zimbabwe, 8 Feb. 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Meetings et observateurs - 22 février. Après l'Union européenne, les Etats-Unis vont à leur tour sanctionner le Zimbabwe en interdisant l'entrée de leur territoire au président Mugeba, à sa famille et ses ministres. Le président Bush a signé un texte en ce sens. - D'autre part, deux observateurs sud-africains à l'élection présidentielle des 9 et 10 mars ont été blessés, ainsi que cinq militants de l'opposition lors d'une attaque des locaux du Mouvement pour le changement démocratique (MDC, opposition) dans la ville de Kwekwe (centre). Ce même jour, une délégation sud-africaine parlementaire de 20 observateurs représentant plusieurs partis, s'est également rendue au Zimbabwe dans la perspective de la présidentielle. - Le dimanche 24 février, lors d'un meeting du MDC dans la ville de Chinhoyi (nord), où parlait notamment Morgan Tsvangirai, plusieurs personnes ont été blessées à l'issue de violences provoquées par des sympathisants du parti au pouvoir. Les violences se sont déroulées sous le regard d'observateurs internationaux, qui se sont cependant abstenus de commenter les faits. Par ailleurs, le président Mugabe s'est élevé contre le Syndicat national des travailleurs et contre l'archevêque de Bulawayo, Mgr Piu Ncube, les accusant tous les deux d'avoir épousé la cause du MDC. (ANB-BIA, de sources diverses, 25 février 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Tsvangirai inculpé de trahison - Le leader de l'opposition, Morgan Tsvangirai, a annoncé avoir été officiellement inculpé, le lundi 25 février, de trahison pour un présumé complot d'assassinat contre le président Mugabe, à deux semaines de l'élection présidentielle. M. Tsvangirai a indiqué avoir signé la notification d'inculpation, un document l'informant qu'il fait l'objet d'une enquête pour "avoir sciemment et intentionnellement planifié l'assassinat du président Mugabe". "Le chronométrage est évident, nous allons avoir une élection présidentielle et c'était la stratégie de la ZANU-PF que de me tenir écarté de la compétition" électorale, a-t-il ajouté. Le 13 février, la chaîne australienne Special Broadcasting Service avait diffusé une émission dans laquelle un ancien agent secret israélien, Ari Ben-Menashe, soutenait que M. Tsvangirai fomentait un attentat contre le président Mugabe. - Le 26 février, deux autres figures de premier plan du MDC ont également été inculpées de trahison: le secrétaire général, Welshman Ncube, et le parlementaire Renson Gasela. Quant à M. Tsvangirai, il a l'intention de poursuivre sa campagne électorale, a indiqué son avocat. (ANB-BIA, de sources diverses, 26 février 2002)
* Zimbabwe. La Cour suprême intervient - Coup dur pour le régime de Robert Mugabe à deux semaines de l'élection présidentielle. Le 27 février, la Cour suprême du Zimbabwe et la Haute Cour ont rejeté plusieurs dispositions de la réforme électorale sur mesure que Mugabe venait de faire voter, rétablissant notamment le droit de vote pour des milliers d'électeurs de la minorité blanche. Un juge de la Haute Cour a reporté la mise en oeuvre de nouveaux textes sur la citoyenneté, qui auraient écarté des urnes des dizaines de milliers de migrants pauvres venus des pays voisins, et surtout les membres de la minorité blanche. La Cour suprême, elle, a annulé les amendements qui auraient notamment donné aux officiers électoraux des pouvoirs considérables et qui restreignaient toute supervision des élections. (AP, 27 février 2002)
* Zimbabwe. Pre-election fever - 19 February: Amnesty International is concerned that the withdrawal of the EU's observers will escalate human rights violations in Zimbabwe. 20 February: A day after European Union observers pulled out of Zimbabwe, the South African election observer mission has expressed concern over violence in the capital, Harare. The mission is also alarmed by a recent decision to prevent some South African media organisations from covering the upcoming elections. The head of the South African election observer delegation, Sam Motsuenyane, says he plans to raise the press ban with the Zimbabwean Government. The Zimbabwean Government has refused accreditation to several foreign news organizations whose coverage has been unfavourable, including many from South Africa. The government accuses the banned journalists of fabrication, exaggeration and bias. "We will be taking up matters with the authorities on an on-going basis," Mr Motsuenyane said. "Critical at this stage is the accreditation of South Africa media in particular. We believe that the media should be given access to the electoral process in a free way. We are optimistic that the problem of accreditation will be resolved amicably and speedily with the Zimbabwean authorities." 21 February: President Robert Mugabe says he can resist the EU sanctions imposed on him and his close associates. He told a rally in the remote district of Nkayi, 600 kilometres west of the capital Harare, that he does not need Europe. "What will I be wanting in Europe? We can visit other countries in Asia and Africa," the president declared. He enjoys the backing of many African leaders who regard EU sanctions as an attempt by Europe to undermine Africa's democracy. 22 February: The offices of the opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), in the central town of Kwekwe are attacked by suspected pro-government militants while two members of South Africa's elections observation team were inside. About 200 youths throw stones, smashing office windows and damaging the observers' car, Samuel Motsuenyane, the head of the South African delegation says. Mr Motsuenyane says that the attack was clearly politically motivated, but that his team of observers would not be deterred. South Africa and the 14-member Southern African Development Community have the largest number of foreign observers in Zimbabwe since the EU pulled out earlier this week. --There are reports of violence elsewhere. The opposition say police fired twice on a convoy of vehicles carrying its presidential candidate, Morgan Tsvangirai, and party officials. No one is injured. -- Opposition spokesmen also say police used tear-gas to break up a rally south of the capital Harare after claiming there had been no authorization for the gathering. --The United States has imposed targeted sanctions on Zimbabwe in protest at political violence and intimidation in the run-up to presidential elections next month. The travel sanctions ban President Robert Mugabe, his cabinet ministers and their family members from entering the United States. The ban will also include people who, through their business dealings, benefit from the policies of the government in Harare. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the action was being taken because "conditions for a transparent election process in Zimbabwe have eroded". 24 February: Commonwealth officials say they will make a fair assessment of next month's presidential election in Zimbabwe, where campaigning has been marred by political violence. The head of the Commonwealth team -- former Nigerian head of state Abdulsalami Abubakar -- says he has about 40 observers on the ground monitoring the run-up to the poll. 25 February: Morgan Tsvangirai has been ordered to report to Harare's central police station. The summons is in connection with an alleged plot assassinate President Mugabe, which was shown by Australian television. He is charged with high treason. The police cautioned the MDC's leader before releasing him without restrictions. Tsvangirai says the charge, which he denies, is part of government moves to wreck his campaign to remove Mugabe. 26 February: Welshman Ncube, the MDC's secretary-general, and the shadow agricultural minister Renson Gasela, have been charged with being part of the plot. -- The London Times has carried a report that President Mugabe is ready to flee abroad if the Opposition win the elections. The presidential helicopter is reported to be ready on a 24 hour basis for take-off from the garden of the President's residence in Harare. 27 February: The Supreme and High Courts give judgements against the Govt. The General Laws Amendmnt Act is struck down by the Supreme Court in a four to one judgement. The High Court ruling extends the period during which residents with dual citizenship may renounce foreign citizenship. -- Morgan Tsvangirai is temporarily detained by the police on charges of holding an illegal gathering. (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 28 February 2002)
Weekly anb0228.txt - #7/7 - THE END *******************************************************************Un homme meurt chaque fois que l'un d'entre nous se tait devant la tyrannie (W. Soyinka, Prix Nobel litterature)
--------Everytime somebody keep silent when faced with tyranny, someone else dies (Wole Syinka, Nobel Prize for Literature) *
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