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weekly anb04063.txt
- Subject: weekly anb04063.txt
- From: anb-bia <anb-bia at village.uunet.be>
- Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 17:08:27 +0200
_____________________________________________________________ WEEKLY NEWS ISSUE of: 06-04-2000 PART #3/9 * Burundi. Peace Process - 29 March: The rebel Forces for the Defence of Democracy (FDD) say the group has not waived its condition for taking part in the Arusha Peace Process. It still insists on the dismantling of the regroupment camps and the release of political prisoners. Some delegates at the Arusha Talks say they are not happy with the 200-page draft accord delivered to them by the mediators this week, saying "it contains nothing new". 30 March: Nelson Mandela says the Government of Burundi will promptly begin closing down the regroupment camps. According to observers, this is clearly a gesture of good intention to consolidate the platform of national reconciliation. Mr Mandela has expressed his trust that the final outcome of the negotiations between the government and rebels, will be positive. However, the UN special Rapporteur on human rights in Burundi, Marie-Therese Keita-Bocoum, has said that as the conflict intensifies, human rights violations are also on the increase. 31 March: Parties to the peace process have begun discussions on the formation of Committee Five that will be charged with ensuring implementation of the anticipated peace accord. President Buyoya urges his armed forces to remain "calm" when performing their duties. He says their duty is to continue to protect all the population and Burundi's frontiers. The second committee (charged with negotiating the nature of a transition programme) and the fifth committee (to address measures to guarantee the implementation of the peace agreement) to the peace process will resume their negotiations in Arusha on 10 and 17 April, respectively. It is also hoped that the third committee (dealing with peace and security issues) will resume its work this month, with the participation for the first time of armed rebels of the Forces for the Defence of Democracy (FDD) and the National Forces for Liberation (FNL). 4 April: Five organisations, representing radical Tutsis, have rejected the Arusha peace talks and threaten to take up arms to protect the interests of Burundi's genocide survivors. (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 5 April 2000) * Cameroun. Strategie contre la pauvrete - Le Cameroun a engage, depuis le 28 mars dernier, les consultations en vue de la redaction du "Document de strategie de lutte contre la pauvrete (DSRP )". Inspire par le Fonds monetaire international (FMI) et la Banque mondiale afin de pallier les carences du Programme d'ajustement structurel (PAS ), ce document de reference sera une espece de vade-mecum qui reflete la juste mesure de la pauvrete au Cameroun, et les moyens pour y remedier. "L'elaboration du DSRP va se faire suivant une approche participative, associant notamment secteur prive, societe civile et bailleurs de fonds", souligne le gouvernement camerounais. Yaounde doit remettre ses conclusions a Bretton Woods avant juin prochain, afin d'etre eligible a l'initiative en faveur des Pays pauvres tres endettes (PPTE ). Ceci permettra au Cameroun de beneficier de la Facilite pour la reduction de la pauvrete et la croissance (FRPC ), synonyme d'une reduction de la dette a hauteur de 8,5 milliards de FF (sur une ardoise globale de 45 milliards de FF). (Reporters associes-ANB- BIA, Cameroun, 4 avril 2000) * Cameroon. Fighting poverty - 4 April: In a seminar organised by the government, the IMF and the World Bank, a plan is put forward to fight poverty in Cameroon. Teams of specialists will visit the country's 10 provinces until the end of April, to meet with local administrators and members of civil society. The information will then be gathered in a report which will lead to appropriate policies for fighting poverty being drawn up. (ANB-BIA, Brussels, 4 April 2000) * Cameroun. Liberalisation de l'audiovisuel - Signature, le 3 avril 2000 par le Premier ministre camerounais, des textes consacrant la liberalisation de l'audiovisuel: desormais, radios et televisions privees pourront donc emettre officiellement. Ces textes d'application surviennent dix ans apres l'adoption par les deputes de la loi sur la liberte de communication sociale. Impatients, certains Camerounais avaient deja mis sur pied des radios pirates pour contourner la difficulte. Des radios etrangeres (Radio France Internationale, AFRICA N§ 1, etc.) avaient meme installe a Malabo (Guinee equatoriale) des emetteurs a destination de Douala et du littoral camerounais en general. (Reporters associes-ANB-BIA, Cameroun, 4 avril 2000) * Congo-Brazza. Inquietudes pour les femmes violees - L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'enfance (Unicef) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour la population (FNUAP ) ont mene a Brazzaville, aupres de 4.890 personnes, une enquete sur les violences sexuelles en situation de post-conflit. Les resultats publies en mars 2000 revelent que 1.745 femmes ont ete violees au Congo-Brazzaville pendant et apres la guerre du 18 decembre 1998 par des bandits armes. Selon les responsables de l'Unicef et du FNUAP, ces cas de viols ont ete commis sur la route contre des femmes qui fuyaient les combats de Brazzaville vers la region du Pool, et sur la route du retour, en grande partie par des hommes en uniforme appartenant aux factions rebelles et aux Forces armees congolaises (Fac). Le pourcentage des reponses a la question: "Connaissez-vous, dans votre entourage, des femmes victimes des violences sexuelles, pendant et apres la guerre?", est tres significatif: 72,03% des femmes ont refuse de repondre. 40,4% des femmes questionnees estime que le viol met en jeu l'honneur de la femme, et 27% ont fait savoir que la femme violee est souvent indexee comme porteuse de maladies sexuellement transmissibles (MST) et du sida. Quant aux retombees subies dans l'environnement familial, 31,86% des femmes sont victimes de railleries permanentes dans la rue et 18,8% sont rejetees par leurs partenaires sexuels habituels. Sur le plan psychologique, 11,0% des femmes violees actuellement font une depression nerveuse, 10,1% sont devenues agressives, 15,7% sont devenues extremement nerveuses, et 6,6% tentent deja de se suicider. (M. Libani, ANB-BIA, Congo-Brazza, 5 avril 2000) * Congo-Brazza. Refinery resumes activities - The Congolese National Oil Refinery at Pointe Noire has resumed its activities after nearly four years of inactivity, a source close to the Congolese oil ministry said on 29 March. The company resumed its activities after the government released in December 750 million CFA francs for restoration works at the refinery. Some 250 million francs worth of spare parts were bought from Europe to reactivate the refinery. Initially, it will refine 21,000 tonnes of crude oil. The crude oil was bought by its partner, the London-based Swiss company, Trafigura, at a cost of 2.5 billion francs. A few days after resuming production, it delivered to the Congolese Oil Marketing and Distribution Company (Hydro-Congo) two 20-tonne tankers of butane gas, 3,000 tonnes of high grade petrol, gasoil and aviation fuel at the rate of 1,000 tonnes per day for each product. The company, which was facing serious technical and financial difficulties, stopped its activities 15 August 1997, forcing the country to import oil products. It failed to recover 37 billion francs owed to it by Hydro-Congo because the latter was not regularly passing on to it the proceeds from the oil sales often supplied on credit. As a result, with an annual capacity of one million tonnes, it never refined more that 600,000 tonnes of crude oil in a year. The company, which is being privatised, was inaugurated in December 1983 with a capital of 10 million francs, fully held by government. It produces butane gas, high grade petrol, gasoil, kerosene and aviation fuel. (PANA, Dakar, 30 March 2000) * Congo (RDC). Attaques contre les Banyamulenge - Selon des informations, les milices Mai-Mai auraient encercle la region du Moyen Plateau au Sud-Kivu et lance des attaques contre la population tutsi banyamulenge qui y reside. Les Mai-Mai seraient sous commandement zimbabween et des sources banyamulenge parlent de lourdes pertes en vies humaines. Le 19 fevrier dernier, la communaute banyamulenge avait annonce qu'une campagne pour les eliminer etait en preparation. Des tracts ont ete distribues a Bukavu et Radio patriote, la radio de propagande haineuse anti- tutsi, a repris ses emissions. Depuis le debut de l'annee, 700 Banyamulenge ont fui vers le Burundi. 200 autres familles seraient regroupees a Uvira par l'armee rwandaise, qui les a empechees d'aller au Burundi et veut qu'elles aillent au Rwanda. Les observateurs notent que les relations entre Banyamulenge et l'armee rwandaise se sont graduellement deteriorees depuis l'an dernier. (IRIN, Nairobi, 30 mars 2000) * Congo (RDC). Insecurity in Bukavu - The anticipation for the return of Archbishop Emmanuel Kataliko to his Archdiocese of Bukavu (administrative centre of South Kivu, Congo RDC grows, as also insecurity in his territory. Another two raids have been carried out in the last two weeks, against religious institutions, both situated on the outskirts of Bukavu and near to Rwandan-commanded military bases of the Goma faction of the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD-Goma) backed by Kigali. These raids have been condemned in a document, published on 29 March by the Consultative Board nominated by the Catholic Church in Bukavu during the absence of the Archbishop, entitled: "Why has Archbishop Kataliko still not returned to Bukavu?" The first raid was directed against the Convent of the Sisters of the Sacred Family of Bagira-Nyakavogo. The attack, carried out by 14 armed men including 12 in uniform, began on 19 March at around 21:00 at night and ended at 2:00 in the morning (local time). Some of the bandits spoke in Swahili (one of the 5 official languages of Congo RCD) and others, Kinyarwanda (the Rwandan language). On 26 March, at 1:00 in the morning, a group of 12 armed men dressed in uniform, broke into the presbytery of the Catholic Parish of Kasha-Ciriri, immediately after having robbed a nearby home. The Board did not give details of any injuries to the victims of the attacks. It did comment on the lack of interest in investigating the attacks and the insecure situation in the administrative centre. (MISNA, Rome, 31 March 2000) weekly anb0406 - end of part 3/9
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