[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 22 Mar 2005]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Malcom Lagauche
Shortly after the illegal invasion of Iraq by the U.S. in March 2003, the
Iraqi government broadcast a few pictures of U.S. prisoners of war. The
prisoners stated their names and where they were from. Nothing more.
"Foul!" called the U.S. "How dare the Iraqis parade our soldiers in front
of a camera?" Then, the U.S. propaganda elaborated on the breaking of the
rules of war and the Geneva Convention. Hypocrites all. Tens of thousands
of Iraqi and Afghani prisoners of war (! most civilian non-combatants) only
wish that the only humiliation placed on them would to be put in front of a
camera without being sexually embarrassed or tortured...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10590&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10590

Giuliana nel mirino
Jerry Fresia, ZNet
Un ufficiale superiore dell'esercito Americano in Iraq, il generale George
Casey, ha affermato che gli Stati Uniti non hanno ricevuto alcun segnale,
da parte degli ufficiali italiani, che avvertisse anticipatamente del
tragitto percorso dal veicolo che trasportava Giuliana Sgrena e l'ufficiale
ucciso Nicola Calipari. Personalmente, da ex ufficiale dell'intelligence
dell'Air Force americana, direi che tale affermazione è semplicemente

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10561&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10561

Privatization, Corruption Mar Iraq’s Recovery, New Report Finds
Chris Shumway, The NewStandard
Nearly two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, according to findings
issued last week by an international corruption watchdog, the
reconstruction of Iraq’s dilapidated infrastructure and the revitalization
of its economy are becoming models of cronyism, bribery and irresponsible
privatization. An annual report on "Global Corruption" produced by
Berlin-based Transparency International (TI) sharply criticizes the US f!
or mismanaging Iraq’s oil revenues and for using faulty procedures for
awarding reconstruction contracts...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10592&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10592

Missione impossibile: cambiare la cattiva immagine degli Stati Uniti nel mondo
David Brooks, La Jornada - www.resistenze.org
...Ma non è un segreto che “l’immagine” degli Stati Uniti nel mondo, e
specialmente nei paesi arabi, non solo è compromessa, bensì questo paese è
percepito come nemico, con livelli di ostilità e rifiuto che ricerche e
sondaggi hanno documentato nel corso degli ultimi tre anni. Non sono pochi,
persino all’interno il governo statunitense, quelli che espressamente
ritengono non trattarsi d’un! semplice problema di pubbliche relazioni o di
mercanteggiamento, bensì d’una questione di opposizione massiccia alle
politiche di Washington...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10540&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10540

JUDE WANNISKI, www.comedonchisciotte.org
Se veramente non conoscete che cosa è "la Banca mondiale", pensereste che
il presidente Bush stava scherzando nel designare Paul Wolfowitz come nuovo
presidente della banca, in sostituzione di Jim Wolfensohn. Come uno degli
architetti principali della guerra in Iraq, Wolfowitz è un teorico
politico, un uomo di 61 anni che ha passato la maggior parte della sua vita
d’adulto alle lavagne ed ai leggii insegnando agli allievi le politiche
interna! zionali. Può sapere come far funzionare uno sportello automatico
quando c’è bisogno di pronto contanti, ma non sa assolutamente niente delle
operazioni bancarie...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10552&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10552

Iraq - two years of American imperialism
Mai NK Fatty, Esq
...The Yankee and the Brits in their reckless and lunatic escapade against
the sovereignty of Iraq and against all minimum standards of human-ness,
destroyed over half the infrastructure of Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of
innocent civilians, children and women inclusive were assassinated;
thousands of homes including hospitals, clinics and mosques were ruined.
The total destruction inflicted by America and Britain combined in Iraq is
estimated to be US$100! billion (...) In addition, Iraq was plumetted
nearly 50 years back from where it was at the date of the aggression - two
years ago. According to one Middle East expert, the American-British
incursion in Iraq is worst than the Barbarian invasion of Europe which
plunged Europe into the dark ages...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10598&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10598

UNITED STATES: Is Bush’s empire coming unstuck in Iraq?
Doug Lorimer,Green Left Weekly
...The Iraq war was supposed to be a test run of this new strategy — with
“precision” cruise missile strikes “decapitating” the Iraqi government and
army, followed by a rapid march on Baghdad and with the US occupation force
being reduced to 30,000 troops six months later. However, as the March 11
Los Angeles Times reported, “many defense department officials are
acknowledging that an intractable Iraqi insurgency they didn't fo! resee
has undermined” this new military strategy...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10593&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10593

It’s Israeli occupation, stupid
...In his speech at the National Defense University this month, Bush said,
"progress in the Middle East is threatened by weapons of mass destruction
and their proliferation" referring to Iran which does not even possess
these weapons. Most ironical for someone who destroyed Iraq on the pretext
it possessed WMD. Again, he did not once mention a word about the rogue
state in the Middle East which actually possesses hundreds of weapons of
mass destruction and with which it t! hreatens not only its neighbours but
countries in as far as Asia, Africa and Europe...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10597&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10597

VHeadline.com - Comedonchisciotte.net
...Chavez ha accusato ripetutamente George Bush di complottare per
assassinarlo. Funzionari statunitensi lo hanno definito una minaccia e una
forza di destabilizzazione perché vogliono trovare una giustificazione per
assumere il controllo delle riserve petrolifere del Venezuela. "Vogliono
controllare il nostro petrolio ed usarlo per se stessi. Sono andati in I!
raq pensando che in futuro potranno controllare le sue riserve petrolifere
ma dubito molto che riusciranno mai a controllare quel paese"...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10480&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10480

IRAQ: Parliament meets, nothing changes
Rohan Pearce, Green Left Weekly
On March 16, Iraq's new 275-member National Assembly met for the first time
since US-sponsored elections were held on January 30. The parliament met
inside Baghdad's Green Zone — the US-controlled area that houses most of
the occupation regime's administrative apparatus and foreign embassies.
Despite being the “safest place in Baghdad”, the convention centre hosting
the meeting was attacked with mortars shortly before proceedings began. The
! meeting epitomised the essence of capitalist democracy — the newly
elected parliamentarians made grandiose speeches, while outside US
corporations and coalition troops ran the show...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10594&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10594

Navy SEALs Sue AP Over Detainee Photos
ROBERT JABLON, Associated Press Writer
A federal lawsuit filed by several Navy SEALs and the wife of a special
forces member claims The Associated Press violated copyright and privacy
laws and endangered the servicemen's lives by publishing photographs of
them with Iraqi prisoners. The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in
San Diego, seeks unspecified damages. It also asks the court to bar the AP
from further use of the photos and to require the news agency to protect t!
he SEALs' identities. It replaces a lawsuit filed in state court in
December to add the federal copyright infringement allegations, said
plaintiffs' attorney James W. Huston...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10595&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10595

Responses to the laughable idea that the United States, and in particular,
George Bush, is responsible for bringing democracy to the Middle East
...It's necessary for progressives to have a little perspective before
drinking the kool aid and following the 'wingers into sanctifying Bush and
his mission to bring freedom to all. Neocon plans for the world are no
different than the usual American plans for the past fifty years, which
have always involved world domination hidden under a thin veneer of
bringin! g the form, but not the reality, of democratic choice to the
citizens of various American client states...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10596&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10596

Army Raises Enlistment Age for Reservists to 39
The U.S. Army, stung by recruiting shortfalls caused by the Iraq war, has
raised the maximum age for new recruits for the part-time Army Reserve and
National Guard by five years to 39, officials said on Monday. The Army said
the move, a three-year experiment, will add about 22 million people to the
pool of those eligible to serve, from about 60 million now...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10587&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10587

Dispatches of War: A Dozen Questions for Dahr Jamail
Douglas Herman, STR
...STR: Iraqi girl blogger and Baghdad resident Riverbend writes that the
water and power in Baghdad seems to be cut off for long periods, (photo) as
a sort of collective punishment by the US or their Iraqi leaders, which is
a war crime, according to the Geneva Convention, by the way. Is there any
truth to what she writes? DJ: Definitely true. I have a friend who lives in
a very pro-resistance area of Baghdad, and every tim! e there is fighting
there, his power and water are cut. If you need any photographic proof of
Israeli military-style collective punishments, visit the photo images on my
website. They've been ongoing since nearly the beginning of the occupation.

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10588&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10588

Destroying Iraq Isn't Enough for Bush
An Immoral and Illegal War
Rep. CYNTHIA McKINNEY, CounterPunch
...The American people, and our children over there fighting, still haven't
been told the real reason the US is at war with the Iraqi people. And
against the people the US war machine has turned. Thousands of Iraqis,
especially children, have been killed by our sanctions and our bombs. This
is an immoral and illegal war and we need to bring our troops home now.
Instead, they lay the groundwork to expand! the war and destabilize Iran,
Lebanon, and Syria. Destroying Iraq isn't enough for them...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10586&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10586

Be Proud of What You've Achieved
John Pilger
...What all of you should remember on this second anniversary of the brutal
assault on Iraq is that you are not alone: that you are part of a great
worldwide movement that refuses to accept the dangers and moral indecencies
of Bush and Blair and Howard. Yesterday, all over the world, people like
you expressed their defiance and anger at the unprovoked attack on Iraq, a
defenseless country, and the killing of more than 100,000 people and the
theft of their resources and! the poisoning of their land: all of it
justified by demonstrable lies. Go back to a speech John Howard made early
in February 2003. He spoke for 53 minutes and lied about weapons of mass
destruction at least 20 times: 20 lies in less than an hour. Even Bush and
Blair would have trouble topping that...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10585&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10585

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 21 March 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The
Free Arab Voice.
...In an interview with Mafkarat al-Islam, Dr. ad-Dulaymi called on all
international bodies and news agencies to come to the city, take
photographs, and assess the extent of the destruction left by the US forces
in al-Fallujah. When asked about Iraqi human losses among the civilians,
ad-Dulaymi said, “That is a difficult question to answer because the number
is ! very much open. This is particularly true after last week when the
Iraqi Resistance resumed activity on a significant level in the city”...

<http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=10584&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info/?p=10584

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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