‘The Right of Return’ – NGOs Promote Palestinian Pos ition


24 January 2005


SUMMARY: Refugee claims, resulting from the 1947-1948 and 1967 wars, are
among the most divisive and intractable issues in the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. While the Palestinian political leadership consistently claims a
‘right of return’, others see this as equivalent to seeking the destruction
of Israel. In many cases, prominent NGOs that claim to focus on human
rights and humanitarian issues have added their voices and formidable
resources in support of the Palestinian position on this very sensitive

Refugee claims, resulting from the 1947-1948 and 1967 wars, are among the
most divisive and intractable issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
While the Palestinian political leadership consistently claims a 'right of
return', (often couched in terms such as "historic justice") others see
this as equivalent to seeking the destruction of Israel.
(<http://www.jcpa.org/jl/vp485.htm>Legal Aspects of the Palestinian Refugee
Question, Ruth Lapidoth) In many cases, prominent NGOs that claim to focus
on human rights and humanitarian issues have added their voices and
formidable resources in support of the Palestinian position on this very
sensitive subject. Similarly, they often repeat Palestinian claims
regarding the numbers of people involved (the number of refugees from the
1947/8 war was approximately 650,000; estimates regarding the number of
descendants vary considerably.) In Part 1 of its analysis on this issue,
NGO Monitor surveys the position of prominent international NGOs, including
policy regarding Jewish refugees who fled Arab countries after 1947. Part 2
will examine BADIL, and other Palestinian NGO organizations that promote
the "right of return".


International covers issues related to
<http://web.amnesty.org/library/print/ENGMDE010011997>Middle East refugees
in great detail, including Iran and Iraq. Regarding the Palestinians, this
NGO calls on Middle East governments to "Ensure that the right to return or
compensation for Palestinian refugees is respected: these rights should be
given a high priority in the Middle East peace process."

Amnesty's policy is developed further in a 29 April 2004
<http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGMDE150482004>open letter to US
President George W. Bush, which states that "the right to return applies
not just to those who were directly expelled and their immediate families,
but also to those of their descendants who have maintained what the Human
Rights Committee defines as having 'close and enduring connections' with
the area. The organization supports the right of exiles to return to their
own homes or the vicinity of their own homes, where this is feasible.
Exiles who choose not to return are entitled to compensation for lost
property and those returning should also be compensated for lost property.
The rights of innocent third parties, who may be living in the homes or on
the lands of the exiles, should also be taken into account."

<http://www.ngo-monitor.org/archives/infofile.htm#hrw>Human Rights Watch's
policy on <http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/israel/return/>Palestinian refugees
is similar to that of Amnesty (as well as official Palestinian policy), as
outlined in 22 December 2000 letters to Yasser Arafat, Ehud Barak and Bill
Clinton. <http://hrw.org/english/docs/2000/12/22/isrlpa579.htm>In the
letters, HRW Director Kenneth Roth argues "that a peace agreement between
the two sides should allow Palestinians in exile to choose freely among
three options: returning to their country of origin, integrating into the
country of asylum, or resettling in a third country...The options of local
integration and third-country resettlement should not extinguish the right
of return." This position does not exclude or reject Palestinian political
claims or the possibility of using refugee return to destroy Israel, an
issue examined by Leonard A. Cole, who asked Roth why HRW had issued its
statement at that time but never previously. According to Roth, HRW "began
developing a position on the Palestinians in mid-2000...when "it seemed
that the negotiators were looking seriously at the issue" "We hoped" that
the position paper would help." (Leonard A. Cole, "A Palestinian Return to
Nowhere", <http://www.midstreamthf.com/>Midstream magazine, Sept./Oct.

Cole addresses the timing of the HRW statement (three months into the
outbreak of Palestinian violence) wondering "how statements of support for
Palestinian return would encourage them to stop the violence" and
concluding that "The HRW document seems a product of wishful thinking
detached from realistic solutions."
are also another reflection of the primacy of Roth's political and
ideological objectives.

Similarly, the anti-Israel NGO known as
<http://www.ngo-monitor.org/archives/infofile.htm#madre>MADRE repeats the
Palestinian call for Israel's
<http://madre.org//articles/me/palbackground.html>compliance with "UN
Resolution 194, providing the legal foundation for the right of return of
Palestinian refugees." Lapidoth, Cole and many other analysts note that
this text does not speak of a right to return, but permission to return -
and permission only at the "earliest practicable date". However, MADRE,
like many other pro-Palestinian groups, cites Resolution 194 selectively.
<http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/UN/unga194.html>The text
states "that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace
with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest
practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for property of
those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property ...
Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation,
resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of refugees and payment
of compensation..." (emphasis added).

This ambiguity is reflected in statements by
<http://www.ngo-monitor.org/archives/infofile.htm#oxfam>Oxfam, which, while
again departing from its charitable mandate, does not take a clear position
on this issue, simply stating in its
2002 Foundations for Peace document that: "A permanent solution to the
status of over five million Palestinian refugees [a disputed number] must
be addressed in a way that is consistent with international refugee law."
The nature of "international law" on this complex issue is not specified in
this document. The politicization of Oxfam was demonstrated, however, as
the organization's Belgian branch hosted the
<http://www.badil.org/Publications/Press/2004/press366-04.htm>5th Annual
Strategic Meeting of the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition in Ghent,
Belgium, 6-11 October 2004. A number of other NGOs, such as the National
Lawyers Guild, Partners for Peace, Lutherans for Reformation, Truth and
Justice, the World Alliance of YMCAs, and the National Council of Churches
of Christ, have also endorsed radical Palestinian positions on this most
sensitive of political issues in the conflict.


Often forgotten in the discussion of refugees is the fate of 900,000 Jews
who were displaced from Arab states following the creation of Israel and
have still to receive any form of compensation. (See
Population and Property Transfer': The Forgotten Exodus of Jews from Arab
Lands, World Jewish Congress, Sept. 2002). In its report, Amnesty devotes a
single paragraph to Jewish refugees, stating that some "left because of
persecution, including killings of Jews, or increasing restrictions on
their activities. Others left because of Israeli encouragement to
immigrate..." Amnesty
<http://web.amnesty.org/library/print/ENGMDE010011997>acknowledges that
"there are still outstanding Jewish claims for compensation.." In contrast,
and following its core political agenda, HRW totally ignores this dimension
of the refugee issue.

Thus, in dealing with highly volatile and divisive issue of refugee claims
in the Arab-Israeli conflict, these NGOs again demonstrate the centrality
of a pro-Palestinian political agenda.