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Sui risultati delle elezioni in Serbia (Fwd) [JUGOINFO]
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Date sent: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 02:13:23 +0200
From: CN La Jugoslavia Vivra' <jugocoord@libero.it>
To: jugoinfo@ecircle.it
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Sui risultati delle elezioni in Serbia
Su 6,493,672 di iscritti e 3,657,366 voti validi (57 per cento)
la coalizione DOS (18 partiti) ne ottiene circa 2400000, mentre
l'SPS resta il primo partito in termini assoluti con 515000 voti.
La coalizione comunista KORAK-NKPJ viene estromessa
dalla consultazione per un problema procedurale.
BELGRADE, Dec 27 (Tanjug) The Republican Electoral Commission
made public Thursday evening the final results of the parliamentary
elections held last Saturday in Serbia.
The Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) won a sliding victory
with 2,402,387 votes, or 64.08 percent, and will consequently have 176
seats in the Serbian parliament, Commission President Andrija Simic
The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) won 515,845 votes (13.76
percent and 37 seats), Serbian Radical Party (SRS) 322,333 votes (8.59
percent and 23 seats), and Serbian Unity Party (SSJ) 199,847 votes (5.33
percent and 14 seats).
The Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) won 141,296 votes (3.76
percent), Democratic Socialist Party 31,958 votes (0.85 percent),
Serbian SocialDemocratic party 29,383 votes (0.78 percent) and
Yugoslav Left 14,317 votes (0.41 percent). None of these parties won
enough votes for getting seats in the parliament.
The polls were organized at 8,711 polling stations, including
three districts in KosovoMetohija Kosovo, Pec and Kosovska Mitrovica,
but were not held in two others Kosovsko Pomoravlje and Prizren.
The Commission received returns from 8,636 polling stations, or
99.13 percent.
Of the total of 6,493,672 registered voters, the turnout was
3,748,623, or 57.72 percent. There were 3,657,366 (97.60 percent) valid
ballots and 89,738 (2.39 percent) invalid ballots.
The Commission nullified the vote at 19 polling stations due to
irregularities in the work of electoral boards, but decided not to
repeat the vote as it would not affect the total results.
A total of 56 polling stations did not open for security reasons
in KosovoMetohija and in the Bujanovac and Presevo municipalities in
southern Serbia, but the Commission decided not to repeat the vote there
There were about 20 complaints regarding the work of electoral
boards that the Commission rejected as unfounded or inadmissible. Four
complaints against the Commission's work were dealt with by the Serbian
Supreme Court, which ruled that they did not influence the elections.
Objections to the final results are expected (the SRS has already
objected) but they will hopefully not delay the constitution of the
parliament, Simic said.
The new parliamentary parties should present to the Commission
their nominations for the distribution of seats by Jan 7, 2001, and all
legal proceeding should be completed by then too, Simic concluded.
Abbiamo contattato ieri telefonicamente Stevan Mirkovic
della Lega dei Comunisti di Jugoslavia. Mirkovic ci ha descritto
i risultati elettorali, non ancora definitivi ma sostanzialmente
affidabili, che vedono la DOS guadagnare circa i due terzi
del parlamento serbo (177 seggi), giovandosi cosi'
clamorosamente del sistema elettorale introdotto dalla
precedente coalizione. All'SPS andranno una trentina
di seggi, al partito radicale di Seselj una ventina, al partito
fondato da Arkan una decina.
La sorpresa piu' irritante per noi e' stata che la coalizione
KORAK-NKPJ si e' vista respingere il ricorso sul cambiamento
del nome della lista solamente due giorni prima del voto, e
dunque non si e' potuta presentare. Mirkovic tuttavia non
sembrava sfiduciato, sia perche' erano finalmente riusciti a
trovare un accordo per una lista comune, sia perche' il crollo di
SPS e JUL apre nuove prospettive per la sinistra comunista.
A detta di Mirkovic, le elezioni si sono tenute in un clima di
sfiducia e delusione: la gente non crede piu' a nessuno e
tantomeno alla DOS, che presto potrebbe dividersi nella miriade
di cordate rivali che la compongono. L'astensione e' stata del
40 per cento.
Dunque tutto lascia presagire che nel futuro si apriranno nuove
profonde contraddizioni in Serbia. A meno che queste non vengano
nascoste sotto montagne di dollari e marchi tedeschi (ma devono
essere proprio montagne...)
(Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia, 25 dicembre)
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Giorgio Ellero