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International tribunal on US-NATO war crimes in Yugoslavia


                  Saturday, June 10, 2000 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Martin
Luther King Auditorium (Ninth Avenue and 64th Street, New York City)


                  On Saturday, June 10, a gathering of renowned
international judges will
                  hear expert and eyewitness testimony before hundreds
of participants
                  from 11 am to 7 pm.

                  Testimony on: -Targeting civilians and environmental
                  -Violations of international laws and conventions; a
crime against peace
                  -Similar crimes against Iraq, Cuba, Korea, Puerto Rico
-War propaganda
                  and media lies -U.S. occupation: One year later -U.S.
                  strategy for Eastern Europe and the former USSR
-Results of other
                  hearings: Italy, Germany, Russia, Greece

                  The judges and the tribunal will review testimony and
                  photographs slides, and videos. Special exhibits used
in many hearings
                  will be displayed.

                  A full listing of the 19-point indictment of NATO
crimes, the specific
                  international conventions, treaties and accords that
NATO violated,
                  along with documented research, can be found at the
IAC web site at
                  www.iacenter.org   under Balkans: No to NATO

                  THE WAR IS NOT OVER

                  Don't miss attending this historic gathering on the
one-year anniversary
                  of NATO's occupation of Kosovo. Play a role in ending
the ongoing
                  sanctions against Yugoslavia.

                  The International Action Center initiated a Commission
of Inquiry into
                  U.S./NATO War Crimes in Yugoslavia last July 31.
Former Attorney General
                  Ramsey Clark brought 19 counts of war crimes, crimes
against humanity
                  and crimes against peace against the leaders of the
U.S. and NATO
                  countries. We intended this effort to serve as a tool
to stop wars
                  before they start and prevent future violations of
human rights.

                  Most of all, we want to hold the most powerful
criminals accountable for
                  their acts.

                  Many have joined to build this international movement.
This June 10,
                  former Canadian foreign minister James Bisset, Spanish
member of
                  parliament Angeles Maestro Martin, president of the
African Association
                  of Writers Charles Pascal Tolno, Italian peace leader
Raniero LaValle,
                  Millions for Mumia national coordinator Monica
Moorehead, Native
                  American Movement leader Dennis Banks, former German
Admiral Elmar
                  Schmaehling, former first lady of Greece Margarite
Papandreau, former
                  Haitian Ambassador to the UN Ben Dupuy,
representatives of the movement
                  to end U.S. bombing of Vieques in Puerto Rico and
others who have
                  spoken, written and acted against the U.S.-led NATO
war of aggression
                  will be there.

                  The IAC initiated a movement that has encouraged or
inspired thousands
                  to expose NATO crimes and show solidarity with
Yugoslavia. From Oslo to
                  Berlin to Belgrade to Kiev to Athens to Sydney, in 24
cities in 14
                  countries there have been tribunal hearings. Lawyers
from Canada, Greece
                  and Russia have tried to bring similar charges against
NATO before the
                  Hague Tribunal. Lawyers from Britain, Italy, Greece,
Germany and others
                  have sued their own governments.

                  The June 10 International War Crimes Tribunal will
build upon the
                  evidence presented at the Inquiry hearings on
U.S./NATO war crimes held
                  since throughout the world. It will have slides,
videos and documented
                  testimony of these crimes.

                  Because of the dominant U.S. role in the Balkan
conflict and especially
                  in the air war against Yugoslavia, the tribunal will
focus primarily on
                  U.S. criminal conduct, aided and abetted by other NATO

                  While we are not now holding the named criminals under
lock and key, we
                  see the tribunal process as a challenge to arrogant
and arbitrary power.
                  We are confident that it is the first step in a
process that will
                  continue to resonate throughout the NATO countries and
among all the
                  peoples targeted by the New World Order.

                  Show with your presence, your solidarity and your
contributions that you
                  stand shoulder to shoulder with us in this


                  The Martin Luther King Auditorium is located in a
school at 9th Avenue
                  and 64th Street, near Lincoln Center, Columbus Circle
and Fordham
                  University. It can be reached by the No. 1 and No. 9,
A, D, C, or B
                  subway lines and by many buses.

                  For those traveling from out of New York, the IAC web
site at
                  www.iacenter.org will begin posting choices of
locations where others
                  will be staying, or call the IAC office at
212-633-6646 after May 10.


                  We recommend advance registration to assure seating.
To cover our
                  expenses, we request a $10 to $20 donation (not

                  Name _____________________
                  Address ___________________
                  City, State, Zip _____________
                  Telephone _________________
                  Email _____________________
                  Enclosed is my donation of __$1,000 __ $500 __ $250 __

                  $100 __ $50 other__________
                  ___ I want to be listed in the Tribunal Journal

                  Tax deductable donations can be written to:People's

                  Online contributions: Credit card donations and
reservations for
                  tribunal seats can be made online at
                  (beginning in mid-May).

                  International Action Center
                  39 West 14 St., #206
                  New York, NY 10011
                  (212) 633-6646
                  fax: (212) 633-2889
                  web: http://www.iacenter.org
                  email: iacenter@i...
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