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arrestati in Sudan, rischio tortura

From: "Pax Christi - Segreteria Nazionale" <Paxchristi@tiscali.it>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 19:45:04 +0100
Subject: [paxchristi-giovani] I: Arresti immotivati in Sudan - rischio tortura


come richiestoci dall'Organizzazione mondiale contro la tortura  invitiamo 
tutti ad attivarsi per la liberazione di Mohamed Al Wasila e di Yasir 
Mohamed Al Hassan Osman  arrestati in Sudan senza una motivazione pluasibile.

Mohamed č sposato con  Salwa Saeid, un noto avvocato impegnato in battaglie 
per la difesa dei dirritti umani. La donna non era in casa al momento 
dell'arresto del marito;Yasir Mohamed Al Hassan Osman aveva partecipato in 
precedenza a manifestazioni studentesche ed era giā stato arrestato e torurato.

Entrambi sono quindi detenuti per motivi politici e rischiano di subire 
gravi forme di  tortura.




Action Requested/ Azione richiesta

Scrivere una lettera (in inglese) alle autoritā sudanesi .

Esempio di testo

Der sir,

we are writing you about Yasir Mohamed Al Hassan Osman and Mohamed Al 
Wasila arrests which took place in your country on 22th and 23th March 2003.

We please ask you to:

1. immediately locate the whereabouts of Mohamed Al Wasila Abbas;

2. take all necessary measures to ensure the physical and

psychological integrity of Mohamed Al Wasila Abbas and Yaser Mohamed

Al Hassan Osman;

3. allow both men to receive family visits and access to legal


4. order their immediate release in the absence of valid legal

charges, or if legitimate charges exist, bring them before an

impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural

rights at all times;

5. launch a prompt and impartial investigation into the


of their arrests and subsequent treatmen, identify those responsible

bring them before a civil

competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and/or

administrative sanctions provided by law;

6. guarantee adequate reparation to Mohamed Al Wasila Abbas and

Yaser Mohamed Al Hassan Osman

7. guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms

throughout Sudan in accordance with national laws and international

human rights standards.

Thank you

Addresses/ indirizzi a cui scrivere

· His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir,


of the Republic of Sudan, President's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum,

Sudan. Fax: + 24911


· Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin, Minister of Justice and Attorney

General, Ministry of Justice, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 788941

· Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry


Foreign Affairs, PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: +24911 779383

· Mr. Yasir Sid Ahmed, Advisory Council for Human Rights, PO Box


Khartoum, Sudan. Fax: + 24911 779173

· His Excellency Ambassador Mr Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim, Permanent

Mission of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 335, 1211

Geneva, Switzerland, Fax : +4122 7312656. E-mail:


In addition, please write to the Sudanese embassies in your

respective country.

Geneva, March 27th, 2003

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this

appeal in your reply

Pax Christi onlus - Segreteria Nazionale
Via Quintole per Le Rose 131
50029 Tavarnuzze   FI
<mailto:info@paxchristi.it>info@paxchristi.it   www.paxchristi.it