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5 February 2003
For immediate and general release

for Pilot Project to Sri Lanka:

Advance Team (3 positions)
Asian Projects Coordinator (1)

Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), a new international non-governmental 
organization, is looking for three persons for its Advance Team to Sri 
Lanka. NP is also seeking an Asian Projects Coordinator who will be based 
at the international headquarters, currently in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 
The Advance Team will prepare for implementation of the Nonviolent 
Peaceforce’s pilot project in Sri Lanka -- civilian peacekeeping to provide 
space for local NGOs to do their work for peace and human rights. 
Applicants can expect to begin work in late March or April 2003.

Team duties will include: meeting with all local partners to further 
develop and refine the proposal; visiting and evaluating potential 
placement sites for NP field workers; arranging logistics for the arrival 
and deployment of the NP field workers.

Detailed descriptions of the positions follow, next page below.

Nonviolent Peaceforce hopes the three Advance Team members will be able to 
stay on as the permanent project staff, a commitment of 2-3 years. But 
please note: Funding for the permanent project is not yet secured. We are 
initiating the hiring process expecting that funding will be secured soon. 
We note this in the spirit of full disclosure and transparent hopefulness.

Please apply by 14 February 2003.

Reply with letter of interest (no more than one-page, single-spaced) and 
Curriculum Vita or resume to:
Centro Studi Difesa Civile, member organization of Nonviolent Peaceforce
Karl Giacinti/ pacedifesa-roma@mediazioni.org

The mission of the Nonviolent Peaceforce is to build a trained, 
international civilian peaceforce committed to third-party nonviolent 
intervention. For more information about the organization see 
Sri Lanka Project Position Descriptions

Asian Projects Coordinator:  This position is located in the NP head office 
and is supervised by the Executive Director.  The Asian Projects 
Coordinator works under the guidance of the Sri Lanka Project Coordinator 
and in cooperation with members of other Asian region Working Groups.


·       Maintains productive relationships with NGOs committed to peace and 
human rights in Sri Lanka, international organizations and entities, 
governments, interested parties and potential donors.
·       Participates in all NP Working Groups in Asia (currently Tibet and 
·       Supports all aspects of the NP project in Sri Lanka; ensures 
lead-staff concerns are addressed at NP headquarters.
·       Helps monitor progress in fulfilling the program goals and benchmarks.
·       Facilitates two-way communication between SL lead staff and NP 
·       Visits field sites annually or as necessary.
·       Maintains quality and readiness of ERN usage and all field team 
documentation activities.
·       Ensures visibility of SL project for the world community by using 
NP public relations and media resources and organizational networks.
·       Assists in recruitment for the project as necessary.
·       Assists fund-raising efforts.
·       Report regularly to NP leadership.


·       BA or higher degree in relevant field
·       Minimum 3 years experience in international projects in Asia
·       Commitment to nonviolence, along with knowledge and experience of 
nonviolent action, including Third Party Nonviolent Intervention
·       Strong oral and written communication skills
·       Some fundraising experience
·       Experience and ability in establishing cooperative relationships 
with policy leaders in government and the private and non-profit sectors
·       Extensive cross-cultural experience, South Asian experience preferred
·       Ability to work with teams
·       Commitment to non-partisanship in Sri Lankan context required
·       Competence with internet and basic computer applications
·       English language fluency required, at least one Asian language desired

Sri Lanka Project Director:  This position is located in Sri Lanka and 
supervises all Nonviolent Peaceforce employees in country.  The Executive 
Director supervises the SL Project Director.


·       Manages and supervises staff of the Sri Lanka project office and 
decides authoritatively on all questions about project activities and 
·       Works with NP headquarters staff and all local partners to evaluate 
operations; facilitates and assists periodic assessments of the project
·       Conducts outreach to and maintains good working relationships with 
NGOs, governments, parties to the conflict, international entities working 
in Sri Lanka and other interested parties
·       Solicits perspectives and advice from partner organizations and 
incorporates them into operations in the field and also into analytic 
reports and updates to NP main office
·       Monitors and reports regularly on human rights in Sri Lanka
·       Assesses risk factors and triggers use of ERN as appropriate
·       Supports NP fundraising efforts for SL project
·       Provides direction and support to field teams, visiting sites quarterly
·       Ensures compliance with MoUs between NP and other entities


·       MA degree in relevant field or equivalent experiential learning
·       Minimum 7 years experience in international projects, at least 3 in 
a management position; experience in establishing projects preferred
·       Commitment to, and knowledge and experience of, nonviolent action, 
including Third Party Nonviolent Intervention
·       Strong management and supervisory skills demonstrated by at least 3 
years experience
·       Strong interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills
·       Demonstrated good judgment
·       Competence with internet and new information and communication 
·       Demonstrated ability to cope with the unexpected and work under stress
·       Demonstrated leadership ability along with teamwork approach
·       Experience and ability in establishing cooperative relationships 
with policy leaders in government and the private and non-profit sectors
·       Extensive cross-cultural experience in Asia; Sri Lankan experience 
·       Commitment to non-partisanship in Sri Lankan context required
·       English language fluency required; Sinhala and/or Tamil fluency desired

Team Manager:  This position is located in Sri Lanka and is supervised by 
the Sri Lanka Project Director.


·       Monitors the work of field teams to assess their morale, well being 
and compliance with the code of conduct and project goals, providing 
supervision and guidance as needed and visiting team units as frequently as 
·       Assists in resolution of conflicts within or between team units.
·       Plans and facilitates meetings of team units for team-building, 
in-service development of skills and knowledge and to review and evaluate 
the project from team perspective.
·       Monitors Sri Lankan networks and media reports for developments 
affecting NP field operations.
·       Collects in a timely manner and carefully reviews documents and 
reports submitted by field teams; prepares releases to press and NP 
networks quickly as dictated by developments in Sri Lanka.
·       Assists the SL Project Coordinator in preparing reports and updates 
on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka.
·       Provides a healthy interface between the teams and the communities 
in which they live and work.
·       Advises and assists the Project Coordinator in all matters 
involving the teams, and press and public relations.


·       BA degree or higher in relevant field
·       Minimum five-year experience in peacekeeping or related work, 
including some supervisory experience
·       Experience in working with teams, consensual decision-making and 
with resolving of inter-personal conflicts.
·       Excellent interpersonal skills
·       Demonstrated ability in team leadership
·       Understanding of the effects of stress and trauma on individuals
·       Commitment to and knowledge of nonviolent action, especially 
nonviolent intervention.  Nonviolent intervention experience sought.
·       Excellent written and oral communication skills
·       Demonstrated cross-cultural sensitivity and communication skills
·       Competence in use of computers and the internet.
·       Understanding of and commitment to nonpartisanship in the Sri 
Lankan context
·       Sri Lankan experience preferred.
Project Administrator:  This position is located in Sri Lanka and is 
supervised by the SL Project Director.

·       Maintains good relationships with landlords of NP Sri Lanka office 
and staff residences; ensures compliance with lease terms
·       Maintains in good order all office and residential furnishings, 
supplies and equipment and field team equipment
·       Ensures accurate inventory and storage (when necessary) of all 
equipment and consumable supplies
·       Maintains productive relationships with Sri Lankan government 
offices involved in visa issuance and customs clearance to facilitate same
·       Maintains productive relationships with local vendors of needed 
goods and services such as office supplies and furnishings, Internet 
access, telecommunications, equipment maintenance and repair, etc.
·       Maintains personnel procedures in compliance with local law and 
custom as well as with ILO standards
·       Maintain all in-country NP bank accounts in good order
·       Ensure accurate bookkeeping and regular reporting to NP 
headquarters of all account activity
·       Manages petty cash account, approving expenditures of up to 400 
Euros on own authority
·       Ensures accurate, prompt payment of all receipts including 
equipment purchases and rentals, salaries, rents and occasional expenses
·       Monitors foreign exchange rates and reports significant changes in 
the Rupee-Euro/USD rates to NP headquarters
·       Works with the Project Director and local partners to assure 
adequate facilities and supplies for all project activities and personnel
·       Assists Project Coordinator as needed

·       BA or higher degree in administration or related field, or 
comparable practical experience plus professional license
·       Minimum two years experience in administration of international 
projects, preferably peacekeeping, peacebuilding or human rights
·       Experience in establishing new offices/projects
·       Commitment to and experience of nonviolent action, including third 
party nonviolent intervention
·       Strong cross-cultural management and communication skills
·       Strong interpersonal skills
·       Familiarity with computers and the internet, especially financial 
and property control software
·       Knowledge and experience of standard bookkeeping and financial 
control practices
·       Demonstrated ability to work in a team
·       English language fluency required, Sinhala and Tamil language 
skills preferred.