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La rabbia americana puo' calmarsi?

Due giorni fa avevo mandato in lista due reazioni "a caldo" di cittadini
statunitensi, si segno diametralmente opposto. Adesso ho avuto una piccola
sorpresa; guardate cosa dice quello dei due che voleva far "annientare"
ogni paese che ospita i terroristi:

Commments from our CEO:

In my last e-mail I was angry. Now I am angry and saddened.
My thoughts were emotional, not political or commercial.
I will stand by my conviction that those responsible should
not walk with us on this planet. I will though take back the
word 'annihilate', this was anger speaking from someone that
has now cried for the victims of this attack.
This may surprise some people...... I am only human.
Just as President Bush almost cried on CNN today, that
does not make him less of a President. I as a CEO have the right
to be angry, and to vent my emotion. This does not make me
any less of a CEO or human. It makes me more of one.


My diary comments can be found here:


Il commento stava in coda ad un messaggio nel quale "Nick" (ovvero
l'amministratore delegato della CoffeeCup Software, che produce programmi
per la realizzazione di siti web) offre un programma gratuito a chiunque
metta sul suo sito web un link ad una loro pagina che raccoglie donazioni
per la Croce Rossa. Ecco il testo completo:

In tribute to the victims of the World Trade Center
and Pentagon attacks we are giving everyone that receives this
letter one software program of their choice at no cost.

We would like you to put this banner code on your Web Site to
support the Red Cross as the ONLY payment:

<div align=center>
<a href="http://www.coffeecup.com/attack/donate/">
<img src="http://www.coffeecup.com/wtc_support1.gif"
width="468" height="60" border="1" alt="Donate"></a><br>

The code for the banner will appear on the download page also.
(in case you received this as HTML mail and can not see the code)

*After the banner is on your site please send your Web Site
 address where you placed it to: info@coffeecup.com
 We would like to link to you in solidarity.

Download your free software here:


This link will only be available for one day.
We can not accept requests for software after this link
has expired. This page is set to automatically expire.

E' un piccolo anneddotto nel mezzo di questo grande caos, probabilmente non
conta nulla, ma lo trovavo interessante.
