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FW: [ccpnews] Fw: war against Falluja people

Title: FW: [ccpnews] Fw: war against Falluja people
Da: "Angelo Gandolfi" <angelo.gandolfi at fastwebnet.it>
Risposta: ccpnews at liste.reteccp.org
Data: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 06:53:15 +0100

Oggetto: [ccpnews] Fw: war against Falluja people

Ricevo e trasmetto con invito alla massima diffusione.
MI pare sia estremamente importante la parte dedicata all'uso di armi chimiche.
A presto
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:08 AM
Subject: war against Falluja people

From: Dr. Riyadh N. Aladhadh

To: Angelo Gond

      Cc: Miss. Anna & Trudy Rabina & ard-baghdad at les-raisting.de

Subject: war against Falluja people

Dear Sir:

All the people heard about U.S.A army behavior in Falluja after the prisoners in Abu Ghareeb prison but the international law enforce all the partners sharing in a war to respect the civilian and avoid any insult to them.

Also this goes with human right instructions and when an obvious break down of all the laws happens the history must register it.

The first building occupied is the hospital of Falluja the typed all the staff doctors and sub staff and they let them suffer on the ground.

They arrested the patients and their relatives accompanying them.

Then they attack the alternative hospital and kill most of their staff by using rockets and air fighters.

Some of the families didn't leave their houses for many reasons. The U.S.A army regards all the people of Falluja are victims and enemies.

They destroyed the houses with their roofs falling on the people inside. They killed families, women, children, men then they attacked the mosques. Most of the mosques were damaged and all the people in them were arrested.

There is confirmed news speaking about using chemical weapons.

In the fourth day many humanitarian logistic support had been sent to Falluja as there are acute shortages of water, food and medicine.

American forces refused any of them to enter Falluja.

Last day was yesterday the army attacked the tent of refugees killed many people.

The history has to register all these crimes under the flag of democracy, liberation, development.

If you compare between American citizen in U.S.A and their army, people will decide that this is a type of schizophrenia with two obvious different personalities.

The army abuses the honor of American people and their credits.

If any Iraqi accepted the presence of Americans on our soil before he will not accept them later on.

Any one who own a weapon and didn't use it he will use it in the future.

Dr. Riyadh N. Aladhadh

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