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Fw: Urgent Appeal- killing the innocents

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:info at gaza-health.org>Gaza Health
To: <mailto:info at gaza-health.org>Gaza Health
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 11:46 AM
Subject: Fw: Urgent Appeal- killing the innocents

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:ymousa54 at hotmail.com>abu saleh
To: <mailto:info at gaza-health.org>Gaza Health
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:52 AM
Subject: Urgent Appeal- killing the innocents






Since September 2000, the cycle of violence and destruction affecting
JABALIA Refugee camps, BEIT HANOUN and BEIT LAHIA Cities remains unbroken.
Despite sporadic moments of flaring hope, the last few weeks have not given
rise to much optimism: the Palestinian have seen mostly more destruction of
houses, shelters and arable land, loss of livelihoods, as well as high
levels of civilian casualties in their midst.

The suffering goes beyond the cold statistics one hears and the learned
explanations of analysts. It concerns individual human beings, women,
children and even the elderly. This dimension appears starkly clear when
visiting these areas in the aftermath of the Israeli incursions, in seeing
the shocked incomprehension on the faces of so many. Then one is struck by
the unbearable misery that has engulfed an entire population: frustration,
humiliation and despair.

During the last few days, these areas were invaded by what so called the
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the incursion is an alleged to prevent
shelling of rockets to Israeli cities "CEDEROT", an excuse that has been
used repeatedly. The results of the incursion were:

1. Complete demolition of 65 house (rendering 1000 people homeless),

2. Partial demolition of 34 houses,

3. Killing of 54 persons, 20 of them children under 15 years old,

4. More than 215 persons were injured, 25 of them still in critical
condition, and

5. Destruction of infrastructure. (Electricity, water, and telephone lines).

All these barbaric violence acts perpetrated by the Zionist occupant the
last few days encouraging me to propose to change the name of the Israeli
Defense Forces to Israeli Demolishes Forces. What happened is a real earth
quick, the size of destruction is out of imagination. I also, as one of my
friends, asked,: what else

this criminal Sharon is hiding for our people. it seems that he is planning
to express his aggression against other cities in Gaza Strip, especially
after his criminal acts against our people in many Refugee camps and Cities
in West-Bank.

In response to this dramatic situation, Union of Health Work Committee
declares a contingency plan to serve our people and save their lives
through provision of health services in our health installations (AL-AWDA
Hospital, AL-ASRYIA and Al- QUDUS Medical Centers) in the Northern area of
Gaza Strip.

No One could anticipate an end to these barbaric actions of the Israeli
Government, and how many people could be saved by our joints efforts.

Positive response to this appeal will help our Organization to reduce
mortality and morbidity among our people.

It is the time for the UN Organizations, free and democratic communities,
and EU. Countries and all the free people allover the world to put an end
to the Palestinian sufferings.

Union of Health Work Committees

Board of Directors