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[uruknet.info - daily information from occupied iraq] newsletter 10 Sep 2004.

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

An Appeal for the Release the Italian and Iraqi Aid Workers Abducted in
We are individuals and organizations from around the world who opposed and
continue to oppose the occupation of Iraq and we plead for the release of
two Italian and two Iraqi humanitarian workers who were abducted in Iraq
last September 7, 2004. Simona Pari and Simona Torretta, both Italians, and
Ra'ad Ali Abdul Azziz and Mahnoaz Bassam, both Iraqis, are members of Un
Ponter Per Baghdad (Bridges to Baghdad)! an independent Italian
humanitarian organization that has been working in Iraq since 1992. During
the embargo, other humanitarian organizations refused to operate in Iraq,
Bridges defied that in the belief that the suffering of civilians should
not be used as a political bargaining chip...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5479&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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If Kerry Were President, Saddam Would Still Be in Power!
Jude Wanniski
Dear Bill. Someone sent me your September 8 commentary in The Weekly
Standard about how Saddam Hussein would still be in power if John Kerry
were president.! Holy Smokes!! For the first time in several years, I agree
with you. Of course, it means you are forced to admit that "Bush went to
war to remove Saddam" (...) Would we be safer with Saddam still in power?
Yes. "We" the people of the United States would not have lost 1000+ of our
fellow citizens killed since we removed Saddam from power and more than
25,000 wounded, maimed, etc. (...) between 40,000 and 60,000 Iraqi military
men and boys and another 15,000 to 30,000 Iraqi civilians who happened to
get in the way have been killed, plus another 200,000 wounded and maimed.
They now know we didn't have to kill any of them because Saddam was not
doing anything wrong, had no WMD, and no working relationship with Al

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5502&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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No Accountability on Abu Ghraib
...James Schlesinger, who was picked by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
to head a civilian investigation of Abu Ghraib and seems determined to
repay the favor, gave unhelpful testimony ! that included an incredible
statement that there was no policy "that encourages abuse"...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5503&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Rumsfeld contends Abu Ghraib abuses do not compare with terrorist atrocities
American abuses of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib were terrible, but they
are not crimes on par with beheadings and other acts carr! ied out by
terrorists, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Friday (...) Pentagon
investigations in recent months have said there have been some 300
allegations of prisoners killed, raped, beaten and subjected to other
mistreatment at military prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay
since the start of the war on terror. A few of those cases amounted to
torture, including prisoners being tortured to death...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5504&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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UN PONTE PER: «Primo, liberare gli ostaggi». Fabio Alberti rivendica
l'identità pacifista. «Basta bombe sulle città»
LORIS CAMPETTI, il manifesto
Qualche ora dopo la notizia del rapimento di Simona, Simona, Mahnaz e
Ra'ad, Fabi! o Alberti era stato sincero con i compagni che gli si
stringevano intorno, per sapere, per condividere l'angoscia: «Questa è una
cosa più grossa di noi». L'angoscia e la rabbia restano, in chi presiede
l'organizzazione per cui lavorano le «sorelle» rapite, ma il senso di
responsabilità umana e politica giustamente prevale. Al presidente di «Un
ponte per» abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci come vive questa esperienza
tremenda e cosa si può fare per tentare di favorire un esito positivo, la
liberazione senza condizioni dei militanti pacifisti presi in ostaggio...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5486&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Military families send message to the war makers: Bring the troops home now!
Eric Ruder, Socialist Worker
"I DON'T want my son or anyone else's son or daughter to have to go to
Iraq." Those were the words of Michael McPherson, ! a veteran of the 1991
Gulf War, as he spoke to thousands of people gathered in New York City's
Union Square. For four days, a parade of flag-waving Republicans celebrated
war inside Madison Square Garden--with wall-to-wall media coverage, a
30-foot high video screen and 10,000 police to provide "security." But a
dozen blocks away in Union Square, U.S. soldiers and veterans, along with
family members, took to a makeshift podium on the last day of the
convention to denounce Bush's war on Iraq, expose the callous treatment of
veterans--and voice their anger at the loss of life in Iraq. They grieved
not only for their sons and daughters and brothers and sisters, but also
for the lives of Iraqis destroyed in the U.S. war for oil and empire.
Throughout the day, thousands came to the square to view a display of
nearly 1,000 pairs of combat boots laid out in a careful grid, each
carrying the name of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5500&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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The Warlords of America
John Pilger
Most of the US's recent wars were launched by Democratic presidents. Why
expect better of Kerry? The debate between US liberals and conservatives is
a fake; Bush may be the lesser evil. On Ma! y 6, the US House of
Representatives passed a resolution which, in effect, authorized a
"pre-emptive" attack on Iran. The vote was 376-3. Undeterred by the
accelerating disaster in Iraq, Republicans and Democrats, wrote one
commentator, "once again joined hands to assert the responsibilities of
American power." The joining of hands across America's illusory political
divide has a long history...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5494&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Rebels extend control in Iraq
Peyman Pejman
...New camps have been reported in the Sunni triangle zone that includes
Fallujah and Ramadi. Iraqi and Western sources say the camps have been
established recently and fortified in t! he past couple of months. Reports
are coming in of new armed groups organizing themselves in parts of the
country earlier thought safe, as fighting escalates in other parts of Iraq.
Over the past few days fighting has erupted again in many parts of the
country, including Fallujah and Mosul in the north and Sadr City in

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5496&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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US-led Iraqi forces keep northern troublespot sealed off
The northern Iraqi troublespot of Tall Afar remained sealed off by US-led
Iraqi troops, one day after at least 45 people were killed in huge air and
ground assault, a! n AFP correspondent said. US planes flew over the town
and a police officer said police had fanned out in streets deserted by
insurgent fighters during the morning. Thirteen hours of relentless air
strikes and fierce fighting in two districts of the town left 45 people
dead and more than 80 wounded on Thursday, the local hospital said...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5491&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Fallujah May Be Toughest City to Retake
HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer
Searching for victims or survivors, the young man in a black T-shirt swung
a sledgehammer into a slab of concrete perched atop debris — all that was!
left of a house blasted by U.S. warplanes. Nine people, two of them
children, died in the ruins. About 100 people watched as the young man
labored under a blazing sun Thursday to clear the damage from the U.S.
airstrike, which the Americans said targeted a suspected terrorist

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5490&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Tomgram: Alfred McCoy on the CIA's road to Abu Ghraib
Tom Engelhardt , Tom Dispatch
Around the world -- and in the United States -- Abu Ghraib has become a
byword for our disastrous war in Iraq. The photos of torture, abuses,! and
humiliations of every sort that e-seeped out of that prison shocked Iraqis,
the world, and many Americans. But as is so often the case, images can't be
fully interpreted without context. Below, Alfred McCoy, who in the Vietnam
era wrote The Politics of Heroin, a now-classic exposé of Central
Intelligence Agency tactics in Southeast Asia, and has been on the Agency's
case every since, offers the necessary -- and shocking -- historical

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5488&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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General Cites Hidden Detainees. Senators Told CIA May Have Avoided
Registering Up to 100
Bradley Graham and Josh White, Washington Post Staff Writers
A senior U.S. Army general who investigated the abusive treatment of
prisoner! s in Iraq said yesterday that the CIA may have avoided
registering up to 100 detainees in U.S. military facilities, a number far
higher than the eight cases that Army officials had previously cited...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5489&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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U.S. strikes Falluja again in its fourth day of attacks
The International Herald Tribune
A U.S. jet fired missiles on Friday in the Sunni insurgent stronghold of
Falluja, the fourth day of attacks on the city where U.S. and Ira! qi
troops have no control, officials said. One man was killed in the attack,
Dr. Ahmed Thaer of the Falluja general hospital said. The attack followed
airstrikes on Thursday that reportedly killed nine people in Falluja and
dozens more in the northern town of Tal Afar, another city that has fallen
under insurgent control and become a "no-go" zone for U.S. troops...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5484&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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30mila morti iracheni
il manifesto
Diecimila iracheni morti dall'inizio del conflitto, il 19 marzo del 2003,
solo a Baghdad, contro i mille americani caduti. Il drammatico dato è stato
reso noto proprio nel giorno in cui le per! dite americane hanno superato
il migliaio. Il registro dei decessi, presso la clinica Sheikh Omar, fino a
ieri comprendeva 10.363 nomi. Si tratta di decessi causati da
bombardamenti, da scontri tra truppe americane e iracheni, da cosiddetti
«danni collaterali», ma anche delle vittime degli attentati e di altre
violenze. Sono escluse le morti naturali. Oltre diecimila morti nell'area
della capitale, ma se si prendendo in considerazione le altre diciassette
province - di cui non si hanno dati certi - si arriva sicuramente a decine
di migliaia di vittime...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5483&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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US Missile Strike in Fallujah Kills Women, Children
Women and children were among 12 people killed in an overnight fresh US
missile strike of the western Baghdad city of Fallujah, press reports and
medical sou! rces said Thursday, September9 . Local residents removed
bodies from the rubble of a house in the city demolished in the dead of
night by a US missile while people were sleeping, a correspondent for
Agence France-Presse (AFP) on the scene reported. Doctor Mushtak Taleb from
Fallujah's general hospital said 12 bodies had been brought in, including
five children and two women...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5477&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Military loses key evidence in death of Iraqi man at Marine-run prison
SETH HETTENA, Associated Press Writer
The U.S. military has lost key pieces of medical evidence in its
investigation into the death last year of an Iraqi ma! n beaten by Marine
guards at a prison camp, throwing into doubt the status of a court-martial
of the officer charged in connection with the man's death. The missing
evidence includes bones taken from the throat and chest of Nagem Hatab,
attorneys said Thursday at a hearing for Maj. Clarke Paulus. Hatab, 52,
died at a makeshift camp in southern Iraq that was run by Marines...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5476&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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What Really Happened
...For two years, the FBI has suspected AIPAC of spying for a foreign
country, and for those two years (and for decades before) that group
suspected of spying for Israel has been ! reshaping the US Congress for the
benefit of a foreign government. And THAT is the mother of all scandals.
Think about that as billions of your tax dollars flow to Israel while your
roads and schools crumble and decay and services are cut. Think about that
as the coffins come home with your loved ones inside. Think about that when
you and a million of your fellow citizens march down the streets of America
opposing wars built on lies and deceptions and wonder why the government
just doesn't want to listen to you any more...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5474&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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57 killed in US offensive in Iraq
Daily Times
At least 57 people were killed when US-led forces spearheaded overnight
assaults on Iraq's northern trouble spot of Tall Afar and the notorious
insurgent bastion of Fallujah, offici! als said on Thursday. US warplanes
hammered Tall Afar from night until afternoon as ground clashes dragged on
for 12 hours between coalition forces and insurgents, in an area the US
military charges is infested with fighters infiltrating from Syria. A
health official said at least 45 people were killed and 80 wounded from the
bombing alone — the second US-led raid on the town in five days. However
the US army reported up to 57 killed....

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5485&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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U.S. Hid Dozens of Iraqi Prisoners, Investigators Say
Vicki Allen, Reuters
The United States may have kept up to 100 "ghost detainees" in Iraq off the
books and concealed from Red Cross observers, a far higher number than
previ! ously reported, an Army general told Congress on Thursday. Estimates
were rough because the CIA has withheld documents on concealed detainees,
Army generals who investigated U.S. abuses of Iraqi prisoners told
lawmakers. Republican and Democratic senators blasted the CIA, and called
for it to turn over the material...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5473&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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Ma a chi giovano questi rapimenti?
Viviana Vivarelli, Lega Antimperialista
Come siamo entrati nel vivo della campagna elettorale statunitense e con
l'inizio della convention repubblicana, l'arma dei rapimenti in Irak ha
avuto u! na svolta imprevedibile: non sono stati rapiti più mercenari,
ingegneri o autisti al soldo dell'esercito della coalizione ma persone
innocue, addirittura amici dell'Irak: due giornalisti di un paese che non
fa parte della coalizione e anzi ha tuonato contro questa guerra, un
giornalista pacifista della Croce Rossa che intendeva intervistare Al Sadr,
e ora due innocenti ragazze, volontarie in Irak che hanno dedicato anni ad
aiutare i civili iracheni e avevano appena portata 500.000 litri d'acqua a
Nassirya, insieme a una donna irachena e a due volontari di un'altra ONG,

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=5492&s2=11>Read the full article / Leggi
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information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
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