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Fw: [A.N.S.W.E.R.] Bring Down the Israeli Apartheid Wall!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: A.N.S.W.E.R.-SF 
To: activist at actionsf.org 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:20 PM
Subject: [A.N.S.W.E.R.] Bring Down the Israeli Apartheid Wall!

Bring Down the Israeli Apartheid Wall!
Join the Solidarity Fast for Justice and Peace! 

In solidarity with the ongoing Palestinian hunger strike against the Israeli 
Apartheid Wall, and in honor of all who are struggling against war, racism and 
poverty across the globe, from Iraq, to Haiti, to Afghanistan and beyond, the 
Free Palestine Alliance calls for a "Solidarity Fast" in Tents of Justice and 
Peace throughout the country on the following 6 days. 

·  July 24 and 25, 2004 - days leading up to the Democratic National Convention

·  August 28 and 29, 2004 - days leading up to the Republican National 

·  January 19 and 20, 2005 - the day before and day of the presidential 

Throughout these six days, we will raise our voices high so that policy makers 
of the twin parties and the elected president may hear our demand for justice 
and dignity. Our call for a Solidarity Fast comes in full solidarity with and 
as part of the various events and activities planned for all these days. We 
call on all to join us in our fast as we pitch together Tents of Justice and 
Peace throughout the country, to culminate with joining the national 
counter-inaugural mobilization called for by the ANSWER Coalition in 
Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2005. 

On these six days, 

·  We will fast to bring down the Apartheid Wall that is placing the 
Palestinian people in a segregation prison of racism and bigotry.

·  We will fast to call for the right to return of the Palestinian people to 
their homes and homeland after 56 years of exile and dispossession.

·  We will fast to demand an end to the colonial occupation of Iraq that is 
masquerading in various forms.

·  We will fast in solidarity with all who are struggling against poverty, 
racism, and war - in the United States and across the world.

·  We will fast in honor of people's solidarity with each other, as we 
collectively reject segregation and Apartheid. 

We envision Tents of Justice and Peace to be pitched in parks and other public 
areas during these days as homes for all those participating and supporting the 
Solidarity Fast. From Boston, to New York to Washington DC, from coast to coast 
and through the heartland of the United States, we extend our hand to all those 
struggling for justice, and ask that we join together in 6 days of teach-ins, 
solidarity, and mutual understanding in every neighborhood and town. 

Just as we collectively transformed the Shanties of South Africa to symbols of 
struggle against Apartheid, our Tents will be erected to symbolize the fight 
against the new Apartheid - this time manifested most recently in concrete 
walls 25 feet high. The colonial occupation of Palestine must come to an end! 

Let these Tents be our homes together, as we reject being pitted against each 
other - peoples and communities. 

As did wooden planks and rusted metal sheets of the Shanties before, let every 
pole and rope of every Tent be the hope that defies the wretchedness of refugee 
camps, the misery of squalors across the world, the violence of colonial 
conquest, and the segregation of racism and hate. 

For many years, Apartheid imprisoned Mandela and others in the notorious Robben 
Island prison. Today, the Israeli Apartheid Wall is transforming all 
Palestinian towns into Robben Islands. 

On January 20, 2005, a president for the United States will be inaugurated in a 
global fanfare of the powerful. Removed from the choreographed inaugural facade 
will be the people of the world -- the very recipients of colonial violence and 
subjects of imperial domination. On that day and the listed days before, we 
call on our brothers and sisters in all communities and throughout the peace 
and justice movement to join us in the Solidarity Fast. 

We envision us all, from across all communities, to stand together despite 
imposed divides to send a message in unison that ours is indeed the future! 

Together, we will bring down the Apartheid Wall!
Together, we will overcome racism, poverty and war!
Yes, We Will Return! 

The Free Palestine Alliance - USA
July 7, 2004 

For more information, or to join/organize a "Solidarity Fast", please write to: 
info at freepalestinealliance.org


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