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Help UFPJ Publish an Anti-War Ad During the DNC

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Help us raise $12,000 to send an anti-war message to John Kerry
during the Democratic National Convention!
Donate online at http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2476
or call 646-723-0980 to make a credit-card donation by phone
============================================The Democratic Party is poised
to completely ignore its anti-war constituents as it heads into its July
convention in Boston. Its presidential ticket now features two candidates -
John Kerry and John Edwards - who voted in support of the Iraq war
resolution. And it seems likely that the Democratic Party platform will not
even criticize the Iraq war as having been a mistake or wrong, much less
call for an end to the occupation.

We must raise our voices during the Democratic National Convention to
insist that Kerry and Edwards do the right thing and bring our troops home
from Iraq now!


With your help, United for Peace and Justice plans to place a full-page
advertisement in three editions of the Boston Phoenix, the major Boston
weekly newspaper, including their special "DNC edition." The advertisement
will reach hundreds of thousands of people, including all the delegates to
the DNC.

The text of the advertisement is below. It is the letter to Senator Kerry
from the "Unsilent Majority" that has been circulating on the Internet for
the last month and has already been signed by some 10,000 people.

To publish the ad, we must raise $12,000 by next Tuesday, July 13th.

For a donation of $25 or more, you can help make this ad possible and have
your name listed as a signer in the advertisement. We must have your
donation by July 13 to meet the Phoenix's publishing deadline, so please
donate today!

Visit http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2476 to make an online
credit-card donation, or call 646-723-0980 to make a credit-card donation
by phone.

Please give as generously as you can and help us make this advertisement a
reality! The Democratic Party sorely needs a reminder of the depth of
anti-war sentiment in the country.

Leslie Cagan
National Coordinator
United for Peace and Justice

 ============================================TEXT OF ADVERTISEMENT

Dear Senator Kerry,

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

This is a question you asked the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
April 22, 1971, testifying against the Vietnam War. If you are elected
President of the United States, you will have to answer it. Surely, the war
against Iraq, and the escalating disaster of our military occupation,
qualify as some of the worst "mistakes" in the history of our nation.

In fact, the invasion of Iraq is the most dangerous and immoral action
taken by the U.S. government since the devastation and atrocity in Vietnam.
This is a subject you know more about than most, because you were there.
Having served, you came home to denounce the evil of that war in language
that many still admire for its unsparing honesty.

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" you asked
in your testimony to the Senate in 1971. Representing one thousand
veterans, you spoke plainly about your "determination to undertake one last
mission -- to search out and destroy the last vestige of this barbaric war,
to pacify our own hearts, to conquer the hate and fear that has driven this
country the last ten years or more, so from when 30 years from now our
brothers go down a street without a leg, without an arm, or a face, and
small boys ask why, we will be able to say `Vietnam' and not mean a desert,
not a filthy obscene memory, but mean instead the place where America
finally turned and where soldiers like us helped it in the turning." Now
your opponents use these words to pillory you, as they try to justify
another barbaric war with more "lies and garbage," in the words of General
Anthony Zinni, another Vietnam veteran.

In 1971, you showed courage. But now, in 2004, we wait, and the world
waits, to see if you will denounce the grave damage that the occupation of
Iraq is doing to the United States and the world: the thousands of young
men and women in our Armed Forces killed and wounded, the much larger
number of dead and injured Iraqis, all caught in a vicious cycle of popular
resistance and intensifying repression. Just as in Vietnam, there is no way
out of this swamp of violence other than to renounce it. So far, all we
have heard from you are politically-calibrated platitudes about staying the
course. This is caution, not courage; calculation, not leadership. To our
dismay, you have even suggested sending more troops to Iraq, a policy that
may require the reinstatement of the draft to sustain.

Senator Kerry, we call on you to show the same courage now that you did in
1971. Tell the people of this country the war was wrong, the occupation is
disaster, and that we can have no future as a colonial power. Speak up for
what's right, right now. Otherwise, if you are elected, you will have to
tell some family, years from now, that their daughter or son was the last
one to die defending not simply a "mistake," but a series of lies. You will
be known as the president who dragged the U.S. further into a quagmire of
countless needless deaths.

We urge you to speak as a winter soldier, not a summer patriot. As you
know, a war begun for the wrong reasons cannot be made right. The only way
forward is to end this war now.


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